According to follow-up work carried out by the Lawyers' Collective it was discovered that one of the minors involved in the videos committed suicide some time after the publication of them. The fact is 80 percent of human trafficking is for laboronly 20 [102], On June 2, 2000, an investigation was launched in the DynCorp hangar at Comanche Base Camp, one of two U.S. bases in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and all DynCorp personnel were detained for questioning. [19], In 1952 the company, renamed California Eastern Aviation, Inc., merged with Air Carrier Service Corporation (AIRCAR), which sold commercial aircraft and spare parts to foreign airlines and governments. He understood that within DynCorp there were many "wonderful" people working hard, and he was keen to see proper action taken to protect them; but, these contractor companies do not have many friends. Putting aside the fact that the primary concern of the U.S. official was that publicity about possible criminal behavior might lead to an "overreaction by the Afghan government" there are other points to consider. [32], On April 12, 2010, DynCorp International announced a conditional deal to be acquired by private equity investment firm Cerberus Capital Management for $17.55 per share ($1 billion). 4. CID: According to what you witnessed on the videotape played for you in which you were having sexual intercourse with the second woman, did you have sexual intercourse with the second woman after she said "no" to you? Of course this incident happened before the ICOC was signed, so it is irrelevant in this case. CorpWatch works to promote environmental, social and human rights at the local, national and global levels by holding multinational corporations accountable for their actions. How we can be sure her ideals wont be corrupted by big money? Werner apparently intended to use the video as leverage in the event that Hirtz decided to fire him. She ultimately alleges that peacekeepers, U.N. workers and international police are visiting brothels and facilitating sex trafficking by forging documents and aiding the illegal transport of woman into Bosnia. CID: Did you know you were being videotaped? Many were either simply jailed or deported, at which point law enforcement on the other side forced them back into prostitution. [98], In the late 1990s two employees, Ben Johnston, a former DynCorp aircraft mechanic, and Kathryn Bolkovac, a U.N. International Police Force monitor, independently alleged that DynCorp employees in Bosnia engaged in sex with minors and sold them to each other as slaves. But no, it turns out that it just means "We must ensure that all public statements, including flings with Government agencies, are accurate, complete and clear, and communicated only by authorized Company spokespersons." The Mills e-mail continued: "The firstthing he told me is that 'they are tired of having smoke blown up their ass. Atmar said that President Karzai had told him that his (Atmar's) "prestige" was in play in management of the Kunduz DynCorp matter and another recent event in which Blackwater contractors mistakenly killed several Afghan citizens. DynCorp provided services for the U.S. military in several theaters, including Bolivia, Bosnia, Somalia, Angola, Haiti, Colombia, Kosovo and Kuwait. WebIn 2002, the year Epsteins aircraft fleet stands accused of flying underage teen girls, some between the ages of 12 and 15, coincides with Dyncorps trafficking in underage [36], On November 23, 2020, Amentum, a contractor supporting U.S. federal and allied governments, announced that it has closed the acquisition of DynCorp International (due to multiple human trafficking cases), a provider of sophisticated aviation, logistics, training, intelligence and operational solutions in over 30 countries worldwide. Johnston's attorney looks to the outcome. In order tomake our claim, we have to show that DynCorp was retaliating against Ben,and that fits under racketeering. "This is more than one twisted mind. But everything changed when a young girl who had escaped a local brothel was brought into Bolkovacs office. [66] The company supports existing bases in Southern Afghanistan, builds new ones as needed, and provides base support services.[67]. [84] In April 2012 DynCorp International was awarded a contract with the U.S. Navy to provide facility support services for personnel from the Naval Mobile Construction Battalion unit Timor-Leste, including living quarters, internet and telephone services, bathroom facilities, laundry services, kitchen facilities, vehicle/driver/language support, procurement services, warehousing and other services. [76] It also provides linguist operations, including language training, translation specialists recruiting, and field translation support for the U.S. armed forces. TheU.S. says it wants to eradicate trafficking of people, has established an officein the State Department for this purpose, and yet neither State nor thegovernment-contracting authorities have stepped in and done an investigationof this matter." What he wanted to talk about most was how I am going to fix the maintenance problems here and how the investigation is going to impact our ability to fix his airplanes." Kevin Glasheen, Johnston's attorney, says flatly of this: "It's DynCorp's effortto undermine Ben's credibility. According to the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) lawsuitfiled in Texas on behalf of the former DynCorp aircraft mechanic, "in the latter part of 1999 Johnston learned that employees and supervisors from DynCorpwere engaging in perverse, illegal and inhumane behavior [and] werepurchasing illegal weapons, women, forged passports and [participating inother immoral acts. The outraged attorney pauses for breath. [53] DynCorp flies and maintains Grumman S-2 Tracker fire retardant air tankers and OV-10A aircraft, and maintains and services civilian UH-1H Super Huey helicopters flown by CAL FIRE pilots. Later I learned that he had videotaped himself having sex with two girls and CID has that video as evidence. This was one of two cases involving DynCorp and sexual scandal in Bosnia. He said he would use the civil code and that, in this case, the institution of the ANP will be protected, but he worried about the image of foreign mentors. [37], DynCorp International provides aviation support to reduce the flow of illicit drugs, strengthen law enforcement, and eliminate terrorism. From the Huffington Post about the Bosnia incident: its employees accused of rape and the buying and selling of girls as young as 12.. He was aware that many questions about them go to SRAP Holbrooke and, in Afghanistan, there is increasing public skepticism about contractors. [104], In 2002 Bolkovac filed a lawsuit in Great Britain against DynCorp for unfair dismissal due to a protected disclosure (whistleblowing), and won. L-3 Out, Dyncorp-McNeil in for $4.65B Iraq Translation Contract? , has been a worldwideforce providing maintenance support to the, military through contract field teams (CFTs). For example, according to DynCorp employee Kevin Werner's sworn statement to CID, "during my last six months I have come to know a man we call 'Debeli,' which is Bosnian for fat boy. She found evidence that some UN officers were taking part in the trafficking of young women from Eastern Europe as sex slaves. On the other hand, the conduct of the Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan (CSTC-A) is disciplined. [24] By the early 1980s Texaco, Ruhrkohle and Itochu were all marketing Dynalectron's H-Oil process. Among the issues discussed was what diplomats delicately called the "Kunduz DynCorp Problem." WebChild Trafficking: Myth vs. For instance, an internal e-mail from DynCorpemployee Darrin Mills, who apparently was sent to Bosnia to look into reported problems, said, "I met with Col. Braun [a base supervisor] yesterday. DynCorp leadership was 100 percent in bed with the mafia over there. Rees thus introduced Bolkovac to Karen Bailey, a lawyer in Birmingham, England, with whom she sued DynCorp for wrongful termination in June 2001. [citation needed], In March 2003 DynCorp and its subsidiaries were acquired by Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) for approximately $914 million. Werner admitted to having purchased a woman to get her out of prostitutionand named other DynCorp employees who also had paid to own women. She wins the suit but says she's still blacklisted. A number of employees were transferred out of the country, but with no legal consequences for them. The strategy appeared to work when an article was published in July by the Washington Post about the incident, which made little of the affair, saying it was an incident of questionable management oversight in which foreign DynCorp workers hired a teenage boy to perform a tribal dance at a company farewell party. [97], According to Human Rights Watch, there is substantial evidence that points to the involvement of DynCorp contractors in trafficking of women and girls in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as violence against them. [95], An extensive accusation concerning DynCorp's activities and alleged abuses in Colombia was presented against DynCorp at the Hearing on Biodiversity of the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal, session on Colombia at the Cacarica Humanitarian Zone from February 24 to 27, 2007. Child trafficking was a global crisis and one of the fastest growing criminal activities, with about 1.2 million being trafficked worldwide each year, he said. In particular, DynCorp supports a military base camp in Kosovo, providing power plant maintenance, fueling services, and grounds maintenance. I always told these guys what I thought of what they were doing, and I guess they just thought I was a self-righteous fool or something, but I didn't care what they thought. [68] DI Development provides humanitarian aid, reconstruction to conflict and post-conflict areas, and governance reforms. DynCorp has worked as a partner for supporting the Air Force's fleet of 39 F/A-18 Hornet aircraft program since 1997. That'sabsurd. [127], DynCorp lobbied the Trump administration intensely to get the Trump administration to rescind a $10 billion contract that the Obama administration made with a rival company to service State Department aircraft.[128]. [118][121][122][123] In response to the incident, DynCorp fired four senior managers and established a chief compliance officer position, which focused on ethics, business conduct, related investigations, and regulatory compliance. "[108] The report states that the findings of DynCorp's misconduct on a $188 million job to buy weapons and build quarters for the Iraqi police were serious enough to warrant a fraud inquiry. 'They don't want anymore empty promises." In a leaked cable from the US embassy in Afghanistan, the Afghani interior minister apparently went to US officials to warn them that reporters were sniffing around this story and was horrified that a rumored videotape of the party might surface. [16] California Eastern Airways was founded by a small group of returning World War II pilots who wanted to break into the air cargo business. These cases got progressively worse, Bolkovac continued, until I actually had a U.S. contractor who was an American police officer working with me actually tell me that he had purchased a woman outright from one of the bar owners right outside Sarajevo, and taken her home to keep and to marry and to take back to the States with him.. Widney Brown, an advocate for Human Rights Watch, tells INSIGHT "ourgovernment has an obligation to tell these companies that this behavior iswrong and they will be held accountable. "[29], With the reductions in military spending in the 1990s, DynCorp expanded their focus to the growing tech market. The worst thing I've seen is a DynCorp e-mail after this first came upwhere they're saying how they have turned this thing into a marketing success,that they have convinced the government that they could handle somethinglike this." They knew of no [U.S.] federal laws that would apply to these individuals at this time." None of them ever faced criminal prosecution. Though shed made many enemies, Bolkovac made at least this one strong ally: Madeleine Rees, the leading U.N. official for gender issues. [citation needed] By the time of his retirement in 2003, Shapiro notes that Bannister "oversaw the acquisition of more than 40 companies [and] was credited with helping to mold an aviation services company into a sprawling conglomerate that employed 24,000 people and earned $2.4billion in annual revenue. Here are the relevant parts of the cable: 1. [63] The U.S. Army Contracting Command gave DynCorp International a contract to provide a maintenance augmentation team for the Kuwait Air Force's AH-64D Apache helicopter maintenance program. Though her investigation would lead to her firing, she garnered a Nobel Prize nomination for her work and a feature film titled The Whistleblower. ISOA's code also says, "Signatories will be guided by all pertinent rules of international humanitarian and human rights laws including as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). 1. ", is not the only DynCorp employee to blow the whistle and sue the, at the time she reported such officers were paying forprostitutes and participating in sex-trafficking. Many times they are then raped or killed. Mussomeli counseled that an overreaction by the Afghan goverment (GIRoA) would only increase chances for the greater publicity the MoI is trying to forestall. Then, learn about how the United Nations spread a cholera epidemic in Haiti. [28] Bannister, as T. Rees Shapiro wrote in his 2011 obituary, "was paid $1.65an hour when he joined DynCorp as an electronics technician in 1953," rising to serve as its president and CEO (1985 to 1997). Although DynCorp long has been respected for such work, according to Johnston and internal DynCorp communications it appears that extracurricular sexcapades on the part of its employees were tolerated by some as part of its business in Bosnia. The Phaser. CID spent several weeks working the investigation and the results appear to support, 's allegations. [23] The work began to attract national attention with the Arab Oil Embargos of the 1970s. [83] DynCorp is also active in vehicular maintenance, in particular providing the United Arab Emirates with depot-level maintenance, facilities management, and commercialization for its 17,000 ground vehicles. Even U.N. Secretary-General Jacques Paul Klein, who was in charge of the mission, was informed. He disclosed that he has arrested two Afghan police and nine other Afghans as part of an MoI investigation into Afghans who facilitated this crime of "purchasing a service from a child." Here is the Guardian with the story: US diplomats cautioned against an overreaction and said that approaching the journalist involved would only make the story worse. [44][62] It also received the task order to provide theater aviation support management for US Army helicopters in Europe (TASM-E). He is the operator of a nightclub by the name of Harley's that offers prostitution. There was a real corporate culture with a deep commitment to a cover-up. 1958 University Avenue | Berkeley, CA 94704, witnessed coworkers and supervisors literally, . [94] The plaintiffs are preparing to appeal the dismissal. Many of these were forced toresign under suspicion of illegal activity, but none have been prosecuted, asthey also enjoy immunity from prosecution in Bosnia. What he wanted to talk about most was how I am going to fix the maintenance problems here and how the investigation is going to impact our ability to fix his airplanes." A DynCorp van would pick us up every morning and you could smell the alcohol on them. CID: Did you have sexual intercourse with the second woman on the tape? This same man, according to Johnston, "owned a girl who couldn't have been more than 14 years old. Middle-aged men having sex with 12- to 15-year-olds was too much for BenJohnston, a hulking 6-foot-5-inch Texan, and more than a year ago he blewthe whistle on his employer, DynCorp, a U.S. contracting company doingbusiness in Bosnia. [90], Culpeper National Security Solutions is a unit of DynCorp. Adding a bit more fuel to the fire, an Evergreen shipping container is shown to contain an abused boy who has been trafficked in the show Dexter. [126], According to Mozambican media reports, the Mozambican government seized and impounded the 16-vehicle shipment pending the outcome of investigations into alleged tax evasion and deception by OTT Technologies Mozambique. Just be forewarned, this is not an easy road ahead of you.. The CID agents did not ask any of the men involved what the ages of the"women" were who had been purchased or used for prostitution. Hirtz is the guy who would take new employees to the brothels and set them up so he got his women free. [25][26], Between 1976 and 1981 the company had two public stock offerings and acquired another 14 companies. CID: Did you know it is wrong to force yourself upon someone without theirconsent? Anyone with half a brain should be able to realize that buying drugs and hired dancing boys for the entertainment of Afghan police you are helping to train is not something you want to do. He isvery concerned about the CID investigation; however, he views it mostly as a DynCorp problem. The factis, DynCorp is the worst diplomat you could possibly have over there.". Tree hugger | Independent | Husky lover | Profile picture made by Fiona Hsieh. No one was prosecuted or punished for the atrocities This also makes you wonder how serious DynCorp is about its ethics. The tribunal unanimously ruled in her favor on Aug. 2, 2002. We can't stress strongly enough that, asan employee-owned corporation, we take ethics very seriously. The incident occurred at the International Police Training Centre in Zarqa. [57] DynCorp provides aircraft maintenance in countries including the Republic of the Philippines,[58] the United States, throughout Europe, Southwest Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. [103] Many of the employees accused of sex trafficking were forced to resign under suspicion of illegal activity. 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