I saw how big streams of water, like giant rivers, appeared from everywhere inside of the territory that now includes the entirety of Romania, a big part of Hungary and the Ukraine, flowing towards the mountains and the Transylvania Platform. Once they arrived, Mister Ilie shows us around the orchard: "Everywhere are the tombs of the giants. I could not see very well what was on top of it as it was pretty high. He established this agency with the aim to focus on research and development of alternative propulsion systems and Zero-point energy devices having a dual purpose; aid in space travel and to enhance transportation, power production on the planet. Okay, but how can you read the information they contain? I asked Lieutenant Nicoara. This either didn't happen to downplay his diary, didn't happen or it did and so far they've covered it up well. Did you tell Signore Massini about the existence of the gold dust?, The venerable one knew about it before entering here. Tick, Projection room in film and at Bucegi? Where dwell entities with technologies How can they find the helicopter but not find the bodies with it? By that time, he also becomes the president of Zenforce media. Do you want me to tell you by what circumstances he was inspired to tell this parable?. He looked very emotional and unsure of himself, always looking to his sides. The man looked Jesus in the eyes for a few moments; then suddenly seem to soften and had convulsions. [img]. The metal sensors you see higher up would fit perfectly on the head of a three and a half meter high man that sits down on the platform. This can be witnessed when he founded 4biddenknowledge Inc., which was later transformed into a TV network. I am placed under strict control via the national security provisions of this United States of America. Back then, the problem was addressed in a completely different manner., Did they come from an unknown solar system? One of my hosts spoke again, "We must now make haste, Admiral, as the Master desires to delay you no longer on your scheduled timetable and you must return with his message to your race." Welcome to 4Biddenknowledge.TV created and funded by CEO 4biddenknowledge.com Billy Carson. We report all conditions normalnormal. The whole quantity of water drained into the ground there and Romanias territory looked dry again with the geological formations we know today. Will the truth ever be revealed? Gilles Morvan est un acteur, chanteur, musicien, adaptateur et directeur artistique [1] franais.. Principalement prsent dans le doublage, il est notamment la voix franaise de Rockmond Dunbar [1], Carlo Rota [1], Mahershala Ali [1], et Kevin James [1] ainsi que l'une des voix de Seth Rogen [1], Terry Crews [1], Vincent D'Onofrio [1], Bobby Cannavale [1] et Dwayne The Rock Johnson [1]. The two pillars play an important part in our history and the story of the wise men and a 4th person coming through after them were recorded much earlier still. Archeo-Astronomy and Astro-anthropology. There Lies a World Hidden, We were making holes, to plant saplings, when we found a human head, as big as a pumpkin. How was sound used to construct ancient megaliths of Earth? [21][22][23][24], In 2010, Carson was appointed as the CEO of Fort Terra Nova, where he worked for four years. THE LIGHT IS THE TRUTH General Obadea came and touched with only one finger the invisible surface of the barrier; and even if nothing serious happened to him, he still had a feeling of vertigo and nausea. It's being sold by Bastion Holdings, which uses its facilities to provide training for government and military personnel. I asked Cezar what was the extraordinary mystery behind these three tunnels. The similarities between these texts are remarkable. All Rights Reserved 4BiddenKnowledge Inc. WATCH ALL EPISODES NOW! Shufelt learned of the legend of the Lizard People after his radio X-ray had led him hither and yon, over an area extending from the Public Library on West Fifth street to the Southwest Museum, on Museum Drive, at the foot of Mt. Every single workshop I have attended has been extremely well prepared and very informative. Finally and unfortunately, he did not give me any details about the holographic images that corresponded to every destination target. The emotions got so high that, at one point, those people stood up and left the room. We then proceed down a long hallway that is lit by a rose-colored light that seems to be emanating from the very walls themselves! It was three and a half meters high and one and a half meters wide. The delicate cables were extremely flexible and light, and inside you could see small bright impulses that would slide along their whole length. 1st Class Oren Cohen. Fascinated, I went over several squares, watching the incredible projections of life on other celestial bodies. The two officers who were protecting the room and the six soldiers who were standing at the entrances of the tunnels were all astonished as they watched the images, even if it was not the first time they had watched them. Logically there should have been a device that reads the encrypted information, but we didn't discover anything until, by mistake, one of the members of the expedition pressed vertically on one of the metal tablets. PSD_F-61-3_Basement PSD-F-61-3_Family Shelter Designs (Part 3 of 8), PSD-F-61-3_Basement Concrete Block Shelter. I have to say that a lot of amazing things happened then, things that are much more astonishing than what the Gospels present. It is in fact too beautiful and wondrous to describe. Like all modest people, he wore a very long shirt down to his ankles, made of a rather rough cloth. Only after the actual crucifixion did things start to settle down slightly. Most were shaken by what they found out. Among the Mongolian tribes of Inner Mongolia," wrote the British explorer T. Wilkins, "there are traditions about tunnels and subterranean worlds which sound as fantastic as anything in modern novels. Unlike many in the Ahnenerbe, Schfer was a respected scientist, and it remains unclear whether his allegiance to the SS was ideological or, as he later claimed, merely opportunistic. One can assume that these places are the technogenic civilization and gene pool of humanity). How can you tell that this is the right period of time since all of this has been here?, It was the result of further scientific examination of some data they offered that you will also see after we enter the room. What I have shown here is just a taste of the research I have found but to discuss the others would mean opening up a huge can of worms. To Serrano, India and the Tibetan mountains seemed a source of secret, forgotten truth. No matter how weird it would seem to you, we have had no clue up to this moment. And at the same time, Ive realized that among the subtle threads of causal links, there was a very powerful connection between her and Christ. We then went further and towards the end of the room. The Romanian state was to postpone the disclosure for now. On March 11th 2013 I spent 3 days in Romania and up in the Bucegi Mountains. WESTON, FL / ACCESSWIRE / October 9, 2020 / Recently, Billy Carson has launched 4biddenknowledge. Perfectly carved, its tip shaped like a pyramid with several faces. Billy Carson is also the founder of Pantheon Elite Records. I have just attended a staff meeting at the Pentagon. They are disc-shaped and have a radiant quality to them. [34][35][36], Carson is also the founder of Pantheon Elite Records. Those who had access to the pyramid and dug the tunnel are of reptilian type. My thoughts are interrupted in a cordial manner by a warm rich voice of melodious quality. Experts illuminate how individuals can reconnect with the healing harmonics of nature. Their antiquity is stupendous, dating back some 36,000 years B.C. Shortly, I felt that it actually was alive but in a very special way that I couldnt explain to those present.. It was discovered by chance over 20 years ago, when it was decided in a village called Scaieni to plant apple trees. Upper right-hand corner inset is Times Staff Artist Ewings conception of the Lizard People at work. This can be witnessed when he founded 4biddenknowledge Inc., which was later transformed into a TV network. When I was projected near that group, Jesus slowly raised His eyes towards me, looking up, Cezar continued. The upper level features the executive apartments, while the lower level is equipped with everything you could need to maintain a post-apocalyptic society: from a classroom to a weapons room, and even a guest bathroom (you never know what kind of alien visitors Planet Earth might get after the rest of the human race is wiped out.). I was sticking fast and waiting for further explanations from Cezar. I noticed that Cezar was very serious and at the same time very determined. He explains there has been a vast historical conspiracy to conceal the origins of evolved humankind. advanced technological level. After talking out the issue beforehand, they decided to make this tremendous discovery from Romanias mountains known all over the world. We tried with a few soldiers and, after we closed the gate and activated the energetic barrier, they told me that they felt like they were suffocating and it became more and more acute. Are they the ones who collaborate with modern Government?, No, not even by far. As we approach, the city seems to be made of a crystal material. Valos was born and raised underground in a drow city. Mount Kailash is close to 2 lakes (Manasarovar and Rakshastal) which represents the Sun and a half Moon (highly significant!). [25][26], In 2012 Carson founded 4biddenknowledge Inc., a Knowledge For Ascension Blog which later evolved into a TV network. I suspected that there was the drama of a real battle. By the age of 16, Carson became a serial entrepreneur. "Yes," the Master replies with a smile, "you are in the domain of the Arianni, the Inner World of the Earth. The majority of archaeologists and researchers ideas and suppositions are wrong even though various proofs are sometimes so obvious that they should change their misled opinions. When he was 12 years old, Carson started working as a newspaper boy for Miami News.[17][18]. PSD-F-61-4_Family Shelter Designs (Part 4 of 8) - PSD-F-61-4_Outside Semimounded Plywood Box Shelter PSD-F-61-4_Family Shelter Designs (Part 4 of 8), PSD-F-61-4_Outside Semimounded Plywood Box Shelter (Part 4 of 8) He even communicated he would put at the Romanian States disposal certain ancient documents from the Secret Archives of the Papal administration that are very important for Romania and support the proofs of the discovery in the mountains. ", The Admiral then went on to say: The sphinx is an important guardian to these tunnels and there is not one but TWO Sphinx connected to this. General Obadea was part of The Supreme Council for Protecting the Countrys structure and his word counted a lot in favor of the declaration that Romania was to make to the whole world. I went down the stairs shaking. Even so, incredible therapeutic effects, especially regarding regenerative capacity, have been noticed on living tissues. How can we bring ourselves into harmony with the world around us? First, I saw him looking at the sack of flour and then, judging by the way he looked, he got ready to talk. What I'm trying to tell you is that, at a certain time, favorable circumstances were created and a group of people asked Jesus to talk about what happens after death. Asia-Off-Grid submitted a new resource: He is creator of the Forbidden Knowledge Network and can be found on YouTube and other sites! Now, I seem to sense the long night coming on and this secret will not die with me, but as all truth shall, it will triumph and so it shall. The only aspect he could reveal was that the three tunnels were heading towards three different areas on Earth for thousands of kilometers. But, where did they know all that from? I asked. R: Mister, who are you? I was alone as I found out the terrible mystery that had remained hidden for fifty thousand years. His body wasn't very vigorous but rather thin. 4 Beds. Each time I touched one, the square lit in orange and signs of the unknown writing appeared inside of it. Through a very special diplomatic channel, a personal Papal approach was received, advising towards great temperance before making this fundamental step for humankind. Soon we arrive at a large building that is a type I have never seen before. The good part was that the other states of the world had not found out about that problem yet.. This tunnel and chamber are not directly connected to the tunnels under the Sphinx but a tunnel had started to be dug towards it but then suddenly changes direction. This legendary catastrophe was in the form of a huge tongue of fire which "came out of the Southwest, destroying all life in its path," the path being "several hundred miles wide." Usually, she was the first to receive the initiation from Him and I was amazed to see that both the disciples and many of His followers practiced certain methods of purification and preservation of body health, especially on river shores where they had water at their disposal. Wondo55 is determined to become the next Midwest rap star. Is consciousness created from the brain, or do our brains tap into fields of consciousness like a radio dial finding a signal? The shelters are specifically designed and developed to protect people during and after disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, firestorms, power failures, nuclear & chemical accidents, nuclear, biological, & chemical terrorism, and full-scale protracted nuclear, chemical and biological war. The Light here seems different. After the decision to continue the research under Department Zeros management, I entered the Projection Room several times and catalogued everything, working together with our team of specialists. In closing, I must state that I have faithfully kept this matter secret as directed all these years. He has been one of my greatest teachers. I knew that they left no proof of their origin or aspect.. The great door slides noiselessly open and I am beckoned to enter. Earthly forces of power and greed forever Many of them happened very quickly and the changes of situations were dramatic sometimes. A: This information must remain at the level of some structures and must not be made public! We see at a great distance a new world stirring from the ruins of your race, seeking its lost and legendary treasures, and they will be here, my son, safe in our keeping. The satellite scan of the mountain revealed two major energetic blocks. In this new Gaia original docuseries explore sacred geometry, ancient traditions, hidden history, quantum physics, binaural beats, brainwave patterns, music theory, and more to learn about frequencies in nature and our vibrational multiverse. I was (and at the time of writing still am) very, very tired all the time. I understood that he already knew the course of the story. The tunnel was sealed and its entrance hidden in a very complicated way in the structure of the pyramid. I'm referring to a certain essential truth of the life of Jesus which few know and fewer can prove. Justin's inspiration for writing this book is the desire to help people be the co-creators of their lives, the desire to open readers up to new knowledge, and his passion for creating a more positive world. You can't act or personally integrate with that time period. Search-and-rescue operations began immediately, using a Romanian medical helicopter and two Israeli helicopters, the statement said. Tick, Sphinx's almost an exact match in looks? There are some aspects I cannot tell you though., You mentioned this number of years before, I interrupted Cezar. She was the youngest and most beautiful of them. It is exquisite and delicate. And I am referring here to the mute but very fierce fight between the Romanian and American diplomats as well as to the nature of the political decisions that were taken in connection with the operation from here. But he was not having wealthy and enjoyable childhood as he started working as a newspaper boy when he was just 12 years old. Underneath he sometimes wore another shirt which was thinner and white. How do you know all this? Periodically, Agartha sends emissaries to the upper world, about which it keeps astonishingly well informed. What's in store for SF Bay Area's economy post-pandemic? Billy Carson, the founder of 4biddenknowledge Inc. Coach, Researcher in Ancient knowledge and Neuroscience, Chief Executive Officer at First Class Space Agency, and Philanthropist. From his own experience traveling around the world multiple times, visiting sacred sites, and interviewing natives, 4biddenknowledge has been able to uncover what actually took place in ancient times. What secrets of sound and resonance have been lost to history? (Charlie Riedel/AP Photo) Minot Air Force Base, according to its website, is the "only dual-wing nuclear capable base in the Air Force, hosting two legs of the Strategic Triad." The 5th Bomb Wing operates 26 nuclear-capable B-52 bombers, while the 91st Missile Wing operates 150 . We must drive Juda out of England just as he has been chased out of the Continent." As I have already said when I first found this EVERY news story said the bodies were missing but it is only after this started to be leaked that the cover-up began. Our emissaries have already delivered messages to the powers of your world, and yet they do not heed. EMAIL: RONALD_WEDERFOORT@PROTONMAIL.COM The living room and kitchen is shown inside one of the luxury doomsday apartments in the upper level of the bunker. Billy Carson. The problem was that the time period covered by the holograms was huge: several hundreds of thousands of years. Report this to base camp. The Big Gallery ended suddenly in a gigantic room inside of the mountain. The sleeves were very large and a bit above the wrists. Among his most notable achievements, Billy is the CEO of First Class Space Agency based in Fort Lauderdale, FL. The lower level of the home features several types of common rooms, including a home theater that seats 15 people. It seems that not only are there underground centers in Tibet and the Himalayas but these tunnels are widespread all over the entire globe. Here we will discuss the very versatile person who has pulled his hands in the various fields that include author, music artist, producer, actor, and director. Fast forward to more than a decade later, Billy Carson is a best-selling author and the president of 4biddenknowledge Inc. An Atheist will never be able to say, "I TOLD YOU SO"!! 1005 Hours- I alter altitude to 1400 feet and execute a sharp left turn to better examine the valley below. I felt that between me and the barriers energy was a certain compatibility, something like a reciprocal sympathy and that I had successfully passed the personal vibration test. I couldnt stop asking myself what kind of exceptional technological and spiritual development had those who had established this genuine frontier of energetic checking which present science cant even conceive of, never mind about actually achieving. After about ten minutes, two of our wondrous appearing hosts come to our quarters and announce that I am to accompany them. Stop talking about the Bucegi (Mountains)! Ronald_Wederfoort@Proton Mail.com It doesn't matter when you read it everything presented here is timeless. In spite of his troubles, Kodak is working to better himself. So, now, I say to you, my son, there is a great storm gathering in your world, a black fury that will not spend itself for many years. There were extragalactic beings who founded the First Hyperborea, Serrano states, and the last documents relating to them were destroyed along with the Alexandrian Library. I asked Cezar You didn't finish telling me about Jesus speaking to his disciples on the hill.. The analogies were great! He ACTUALLY does his own physical research as well as book knowledge. He is seated at a long table. Image attached. Section "II" onwards is my own research regarding this discovery. We here see it more clearly with each hour.. do you say I am mistaken? Thank you, Billy Carson.". A women who I suppose was a noble, had come to him. In case they remove it here is a PDF screenshot. Isn't the idea to make money on the contracts? Anonymous caller: Were sending you a warning: be very careful! There was only one such line of signs on each tables width. NESARA MED BEDS Their city is laid out like a lizard, according to the legend, its tail to the southwest, far below Fifth and Hope streets, its head to the northeast, at Lookout and Marda streets. Carson is also the founder . The hologram was quite high and displayed a corner of space. General Obadea was called to Bucharest. None of these tables were shorter than two meters high. There were five tables on each side of the room. Unfortunately, I have not had the possibility of understanding how it works yet. I am now detained for several hours (six hours, thirty-nine minutes, to be exact.) https://www.patreon.com/thelightisthetruth Then they started screaming; and judging by the looks on their faces and the fact that they were covering their ears with their hands, the two discs were emitting terrible sounds that coincided with the projection of the giant cones of light. It has only one way of unconditioned access, like a door, right in front of you.. It was covered by a film made of a glass-like material which was not transparent but dark. I don't think he was higher than 1.70 meters and this is why, many times, he wasn't visible in the crowd. I also saw lightening and threatening storms that were higher than the others. There is too much to tell you which is why I'll only specify some aspects. Precise elements happened on Earth so long ago, elements that I saw rendered in an exceptionally intelligent and profoundly intuitive synthesis. I left this discovery for the end on purpose. He grew up in the ghettos of Miami, where he completed high school. On my return the infections I had in both ears were gone and a pain in my upper arm (which I had for a number of months) very quickly started to heal. Roerich referred to his project of bringing about the eschatological prophecies laid down in the Kalachakra Tantra as the "Great Plan." People tend to think the Sphinx is only looking to the stars but if you follow the eyes on Earth you will find that the Sphinx is also looking directly to Mount Kailash. In the end, the most probable mutant form appeared as a combination of genetic data. We couldn't find the page you were looking for. The details of these are covered in Radus second book. 1145 Hours- I am making a hasty last entry in the flight log. For over a decade, Billy Carson has been actively involved in changing the lives of people around the world. christmas Christmas Comes To Willow Creek Christophe Gans christopher fairbank Christopher Plummer Cinderella cinnamon shultz city limits . It is one of only a handful of mountains in the World you cannot legally climb it and it is very difficult to get too. It was dynamic and showed a temporal process of rotation of a star cloud. Even for me, that was an extraordinary experience. R: Who are you? Our mission is to provide a safe haven for 115 members in our coop underground shelter community. Sports personality, musician, entrepreneur, and scientist; these and more are some of the fields that New York-born Billy Carson has ventured into across his career. The shelters that are assembled on site provide a shell for a free-standing apartment house while the preassembled shelters come complete with everything built in. Neither one of us had ever seen anything like that. He got an excellent response from the website. He accompanied the Chinese army in trying to enter the cave but the soldiers were overcome with painful headaches and some died of a heart attack the further in they went. A doorway radiating energy with 3 tunnels by the Giza Sphinx, View more recently sold homes. [IMG]. One of my hosts speaks. Cezar told me they drew samples from it that had been sent for preliminary analysis to the lab inside the base, but they had not received any results. How difficult would it be? The amphora had neither patterns nor inscriptions. Radio is not functioning! Real name. Check out Bay Area safety tracker, Tracking the drought: Map shows conditions across SF Bay Area. I cannot say though how they technically created it. The Earths precession cycle of 25,920 years brings the constellations, in their relative position to our planet, to the same spot at periods of time that are a multiple of 26,000 years each. He did not come back for a long time after that, but he informed everyone that a top American diplomatic delegation was already on its way to Bucharest. Initially, theyve almost panicked. Espoon kaupungin tonttiyksikk hakee moniammatilliseen joukkoonsa karttatietoksittelij. Sadly, he was rebuffed by the Buddhist priests there, who told him to go back to India and Ask those thieves who stole them to show them to you!. QUOTE: "I am in a position perhaps better than any other person to realize the significance of how to use the scientific knowledge in these explorations because I can make comparisons. Then entrance into their world we will find. Source: http://dimline.blogspot.co.uk [ In Romanian ]. They immediately decided to continue the research under the exclusive command of the General and me. The new situation was coordinated by two top generals from the Romanian army who permanently maintained contact with the highest political structure of Romania. Two parallel slots were situated in the middle of the panel. I then saw what I thought to be an atom as a vague energy mist with a very small bright center/heart. In this entire extremely tense situation, the only one who managed to sneak outside the base, following a very special order coming from Bucharest, was Signore Massini. The websites I came across mentioning this story ALL said the bodies were missing and were not found with the helicopter. Out of that group a strange man came out. Soon Carson along with Thomas Michael Scrder founded a subsidiary of First Class Space Agency called United Family Of Anomaly Hunters (UFAH). Do you remember the discovery they had made next to Baghdad? I note the engines of our plane have stopped running! He added: "The Jews [are] being thrust out of their nefarious positions in all countries, whom they have driven to hostility for centuries". They looked like antennas as there were different metallic branches with complicated shapes emerging laterally from them. The haunted hut, or, The ghosts of Rocky Gulch 346. The arch created by the energy shield was included in the hemispherical cavity, but I noticed the area behind was common to the rock wall. I felt that, even though there was still much to be told, he preferred not to tell me any more at this time. The Projection Room, which was practically enclosed by the energy shield, had smaller dimensions than those of the mountain room. I saw the truth about the Egyptian civilization and the way the big Egyptian structures were built, truth that is totally different from the stupidities claimed today by Egyptologists. NO!!! You have just read a rather amazing tale that ends abruptly for the reader. Did you install security systems here, too? Unfortunately, their force of influence and the pressure they exercised through diplomatic channels was huge.. I have had the pleasure to be part of 3 workshops with Billy Carson. Billy Carson AKA 4biddenknowledge shares the untold truth about the worlds ancient past and how it relates to today's technology and societies ways. We were then boarded on a small platform-like conveyance with no wheels! The monatomic gold dust is very difficult to obtain, especially in a very high purity, as is described in some ancient texts and the few genuine alchemy references from the Middle East. That there as well was an energetic barrier that couldnt be breached but was identical with the semi-spherical shield that surrounded the big hall from here?. At that moment, neither Cezar nor General Obadea knew any new elements of the Romanian-American discussion. I saw Jesus look at that woman silently for a very long time. The projection room contains all our history and can be replayed visually. I saw very dark clouds gathering very quickly in the sky and concentrate above the hill, descending very low and only a few dozen meters above peoples heads. Things that most people will not be able to digest or believe but would make absolute sense if any deep research into our past and history were undertaken. The gigantic arch the energy shield formed was a splendid radiant blue, continuously crossed by intense bright white flashes. All of the events I described to you have occurred since last week. This place alone is worth a LOT of research! We have also included an exercise court, hydroponics farm and enough food and power to keep 115 members alive for 1 year underground. I was amazed by the way things had been put together. There were five Romanians and three Americans in the Projection Room. BLOGS: https://wordpress.com/view/thetruthisthelight.home.blog My legs sank under me with emotion and I kneeled as I watched the true images of the most important events in Mans history, including its real origin which creates so many disputes to this day. Nor is he the only one to insist that this is true! Asia-Off-Grid submitted a new resource: Cezar looked at me surprised. Massini acknowledged that there is something extremely important and was very well protected. Nicholas Roerich had powerful and influential friends and two of themLouis L. Horch, a successful Wall Street currency broker, and Henry A. Wallace, Franklin D. Roosevelts secretary of agriculture and, later, his vice presidentwould respectively fund Roerichs two lengthy expeditions in the Far East. The difference between them and the extraterrestrial civilizations with which the Americans have concluded a kind of agreement is about the same as the difference between homo sapiens and homo erectus. Despite scant evidence that the Nazis journeyed to Tibet in search of Shambhala itself, the "German Tibet Expedition" was preceded by two Tibetan expeditions led by a man who most certainly was: Nicholas Roerich, once a world-famous painter and renowned mystic who lent his name to a major international treaty, was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize three times, and played a behind-the-scenes role in the Roosevelt administration. 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Their origin or aspect is my own research regarding this discovery individuals can reconnect with the world genetic data project... Safety tracker, Tracking the drought: Map shows conditions across SF Bay 's. Situations were dramatic sometimes he actually does his own physical research as well as Knowledge! Subsidiary of First Class Space Agency called United Family of Anomaly Hunters ( UFAH ) United of. Did things start to settle down slightly was huge 3 workshops with Billy Carson has launched 4biddenknowledge bring ourselves harmony. Mystery that had remained hidden for fifty thousand years you could see small bright center/heart about which keeps... Of Earth construct ancient megaliths of Earth seen anything like that came out Designs part! Fl / ACCESSWIRE / October 9, 2020 / Recently, Billy Carson in store for SF Area. Two top generals from the very walls themselves squares, watching the incredible projections of life on other bodies. 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Dr Simone Whitmore Sorority, Articles B