Nice to have free tree and yummy figs but if it is to cause problems, best take care before deciding. How Far Do Fig Tree Roots Travel The roots of a fig tree can travel up to 20 feet from the trunk of the tree. Planting them correctly allows them to establish much faster, with less transplant shock, and a higher survival rate. Still, its better to be safe than sorry. During hot weather or dry weather, it may be difficult or impossible for a project to go forward. According to the American Diabetes Association, Figs help functional control of diabetes. In addition to full sunlight, fig trees appreciate lots of room. If you must plant a weeping fig, keep it at least 8-10m (25-30) from the house as well as a fair distance from footpaths and . If you're next to a crawl space, etc., then go for it. There are some steps you can take to contain the roots of your fig trees. A leaf will usually be 4-10 inches long and is deeply lobed with either 3 or 5 lobes. If it begins to spread out too far, gently pull it back. It is not a good idea to fertilize your fig tree before planting it. The worst offenders are some mature Norway maples that are about 35 feet away from the edge of the garden. It's big trees with 6-12+ inch diameter roots that cause damage. The first rule of (green) thumb: The watering needs of Fig Trees depend largely on the soil and the weather. You can pot and prune the plant to keep it more manageable and small, or you can plant it in your yard and watch it expand. While the trees shallow roots are effective at growing through the topsoil and gathering fresher nutrients, the deeper roots specialize in accessing deeper water tables (along with stored nutrients). Because the pickax has such a thin blade, it's not too hard - unless you find roots. Buckling in tiling or concrete surfaces. How long does a bare root plant take to grow? According to The Grumpy Gardener, "Its roots are infamous for clogging water lines and breaking sidewalks. Dig a hole that is a few inches deeper and wider than the spread of the roots. 2. The ability to withstand certain diseases and pests varies from tree to tree. This loss of sap can weaken the plant and in extreme cases may cause death. Bare-root trees are a great value for the garden. It is not uncommon for bare-rooted plants to last up to two weeks in transit, but you should plant them right away. However, being a member of the Ficus genus means their roots will follow any source of water and fertility. The reason why fig trees grow such long roots is that the topsoil is where much of the nutrients and water is located. Any existing roots won't grow up into a raised garden. In reality, roots are rarely the cause of the problem. I cut finger-sized roots with pruning shears, and use a pruning saw for the really big ones. There are several steps that you will need to follow if you are planning to prune fig tree roots. Set out your dormant, bare-rooted fig trees in late fall to early spring. That means that whether youre planting your tree indoors or outdoors, you should place it in an area that receives six hours of sunlight or more per day. Before planting your fruit tree, be sure to thoroughly research its needs. Trim the tree back by half. On the other hand, planting the fig tree in a pot will naturally bind its roots. Therefore now you can think about how much damage it can do to your house. STEP 2: ENSURE EXCELLENT DRAINAGE. After placing the figs in the nursery row or pot, plant them 2-4 deeper than they were in the pot or row. Water soaked for more than 24 hours can starve your roots of oxygen, rendering them permanently damaged. There is no better spot for a planter re: sun exposure for my tomatoes so I'm in a constant battle here (N. CA). Fig trees often grow in nutritionally-depleted soil, or begin their life by germinating in rocky crevices. So now there are pots next to the house, and in ground trees about 5 feet away. Dip cuttings into a rooting hormone. When the tree is dormant, the early spring or late fall is a good time to plant fig trees. Where should I plant a fig tree in my yard? I'm concerned about ingesting the copper via the vegetables, so I opted not to use it. Pruning incorrectly can harm a trees fruit quality. I've seen many other types of trees split concrete. Fig tree is a very peculiar tree. Brown turkey fig trees can be grown in almost all conditions. However, your trouble is going to be finding out where the roots are. If left unchecked, fig tree roots can spread up to fifty feet wide. Lets discuss some of the fig tree roots and see if they are invasive or not. Another thing to consider is that fig roots can invade any permeable underground pipe. Edible fig trees are most suitable as a fruit for diabetic patients. Early fruiting reduces the amount of energy available to the tree in order for it to grow. Thankfully, once everything is scouted out, its pretty figgin easy during the remainder of the process. If youre planning on picking figs this fall, keep an eye out for ripening and bear fruit, which can take up to five years. See this page at Iowa State University Extension for more details. This will avoid any potential damage from the trees roots or branches. To plant, soak the roots for at least two hours and up to eight hours, but no more than 24 hours at a time. and anywhere from 20-40 feet tall. Several years after we started, the garden became a disaster - we just couldn't get anything to grow well in most of the garden. Turkish figs produce fruit all year, which is a good choice for those looking for a tree that will bear fruit all year. There is no need to be concerned. The easiest way to propagate fig trees is through cuttings. But the deepness of the fig tree roots depends on the amount of oxygen, water, and nutrients they are getting. Although you do not need a pollinator to produce fig fruit, if you want to increase your chances of success, adding one may be a good idea. STEP 4: CHECK FOR GOOD SOIL AERATION. Fig trees need a sunny spot in your yard that classifies as receiving full sun to partial shade. When starting fruiting on low-vigour rootstocks such as M27, G65, M9, Bud. Fig trees may also be planted in pots to keep the growth of roots structured and non-invasive. However, fig tree roots are not as strong as other, larger trees, such as oaks. The roots of the oak tree would also be distant from the foundation of the main building. To help your Fig Trees roots get established in the ground, dig your hole two to three times the size of the root ball and loosen the roots as you place it in your hole. The fig tree is famous for having very invasive roots. I may get commissions for purchases made through links in this post (at no extra cost to you). Trees with fig roots are usually shallow in form and spread. Make a hole twice the size of the trees root ball with water and then fill it with soil. You live in an area where fig trees don't die back very much in the winter and thus could get rather large. The fig tree roots generally stay on the top three feet part of the soil and do not reach deeper than that. I am in the process of removing some mature trees that are over 15' away from our house and to have a pro remove them would cost me $1k. Also, the further out you go, the lesser you'll have to worry about damage to the tree from digging. Apricot roots can reach a depth of 7 feet and a length of about 40 feet. Standard plants - or lollipop-style plants - are sometimes grafted but, generally, Ficus are not. It is better to plant the fig trees in open spaces. I fig tree wont do any damage to a poured concrete wall Guildwood Village - Toronto, Canada - Zone 6. Because of this, its best to keep fig trees at least 25 feet from structures such as fences, walls, and foundations to avoid damage. Fig trees and other plants prone to bleeding, like acers and laburnum, should be pruned in winter to stop sap bleeding from the wounds. How long will plants that are bare root live? 30 Best Drought-Tolerant Fruit and Nut Trees (Ranked). Roots To support the massive trunks and branches, fig trees require. To reduce the risk of fungal infection and rodent damage, keep mulch-free zones around the base of the trunk or stem. This is due to the shallow root systems that spread horizontally just under the surface. But it can certainly damage the sewage system of your house. Create your dream homestead with my course, The 30-Day Permaculture Plan. This makes them a great practice cutting for novice gardeners - take a clean cutting from a fig flush with the stem, and place into a shady spot. The roots can sometimes reach up to 50 feet in height in good conditions. The stems are hardy to 10 F, and the roots to -20. Water thoroughly after planting to settle the soil around the roots without letting your plant sit in a puddle. Youll also need to fertilize any of your Fig Trees that are surrounded by other plants that compete for nutrients. It does not need a lot of care and maintenance. Plant a fig tree at least 20 feet away from trees and buildings. Fruits turn from green to purplish-brown when ripe and are shaped like mini-pears of 1 to 2 inches in diameter. The tree can grow to be over 30 feet tall and can live for over 100 years. A bare-root tree is ideal for people who have limited planting time or for people who want to plant a large tree as soon as possible. I'm afraid you'll have to find that out only the hard way. You will find roots between 1 and 5 feet (0.5-1.5m) deep. When fully grown, the growth rate of roots in Ficus trees will typically drop to about 1 meter per year (3 feet). The taproot is one of the first roots to grow and can assess the nutrient and water potency of the soil. It will be better at cutting away at the strong roots of fig trees. Black & Honey Locust Tree Thorns: Are They Poisonous? Today, we are going to discuss whether fig tree roots are invasive and how far they grow. How should I transfer swamp oak seedlings from pot to ground? There are several species of the Sycamore Tree. Keep in mind that fig trees grow an average of36 inches per year, so they can quickly outgrow their pot. Fig tree roots are seen to be very invasive. Fig plants need to be planted twenty feet apart if they are to become big trees. Does anyone else here have experience with planting close to the house? Sign up for our mailing list for special offers, new products, expert advice and more. Dip the lower end of the . A fig tree can grow to be more than a foot tall in a year if it receives the proper sunlight, water, and nutrients. The tops and bottoms of the cuts (buds will point upward) must be identified. You should make sure the pot is well-lit and that the fig cutting is well-maintained. The roots of fig trees may cause damage to your walls, foundations, fences, pipes, sidewalks, and driveways. Eventually, I got the idea to try to keep them out altogether. We had to eventually kill the tree even though it produced beautiful fruit. Raised beds are often the most expensive item in the garden, but a little secret is there are somenice, affordable oneson Amazon. +1 For the trench suggestion as a "root" control method. Fig trees usually possess very invasive roots. It is usually a plant that has been growing for at least a year. Some trees produce two crops per year in the spring and fall. Here's how to propagate fig trees: Take cuttings during the dormant season after the late chance of frost has passed. . My parents have a fig tree in their backyard and they were wondering if it would be a good idea to plant another fig tree closer to the house. But frost is coming any day, and many of those figs are still hanging there . Fig trees root readily, and where cuttings or stems come into contact with the ground, they will begin to put out roots. For best results, plant the fig tree at least 25-50 feet from structures or grow the tree in a pot or root barrier. It's got to depend on how big the tree is, as mentioned above. Set the tree on top of a small mound of soil in the middle of the hole. I've got several figs in pots that I'm hoping to move into the ground. When transplanting a Sycamore Tree, you must do it quickly, as the roots dry out very rapidly. The simplest and easiest method of propagating figs is by stem cuttings from an older bush. Massage the soil around the roots to help embed them in the soil. Historically I have placed other figs 25 feet from the house. If youd like to get an idea of a good root barrier you can use for your fig tree, thisroot barrieron Amazon is a popular choice. If root-knot nematodes are present, do not plant figs. @bstpierre - Oh I took care of the shade already :). Find our when your new plants will be delivered directly to your door. Simply put, its not likely that pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, will visit both the companion plants and the fig tree. Speaking of companion plants, if youre interested in seeing the 10 best companion plants for fig trees, check out my recent post: The Top 10 Companion Plants for Figs. And for larger, sweeter fruit during the next year, cut back the main branches by one-third to one-quarter. Root pruning container fig trees should be done annually or semiannually. Ficus Nitida tree roots help the tree absorb water and nutrients from the soil, serving as storage reservoirs for water and minerals. Take a nematode sample in this site. The process also allows the plant to rehydrate without suffocating its roots. Severely infected leaves turn yellow-brown and drop. My in ground trees are actually nowhere near my walls. Figs are very foundation-friendly these are planted in 10x12" openings in the sidewalk. If you are planning to grow your fig plant into a big tree, then the spacing would be different from planning to grow it into a hedge. The Ficus religiosa, commonly called the bo tree, grows equally tall with a 100-foot spread in USDA zones 10 through 12. At this distance, your house will be free of excessive leaf drops as a result of extended branches in your building, and you will enjoy the breeze from an ideal distance. I personally wouldn't go closer than 6 feet but that's a gut feeling. Fig tree roots are responsible for gathering primary resources from the surrounding environment such as: Ideally, the best soil for fig trees is one thats loose, rich, moist, and slightly acidic (pH of 5.5-6.5). Im worried to even plant a fig tree closer than 10 ft from the house. Fig plants can be planted maintaining ten feet between them if you are planning to grow a fig hedge. Most tree roots spread 2-3 times the radius of the canopy, and often reach out 5 times the radius of the tree canopy or more in dry conditions. But its a sound method. 7) How do you stop fig leaves from browning? You dont have to worry about your climate.If it gets cold where you live, you can plant these Fig Trees in a pot and bring indoors during freezing temperatures. After a decade of health issues, I found the only thing I needed was to eat fresh food. If you live north of Zone Seven, plant your fig tree indoors in a container that is convenient for you. The deciduous leaves are palmate, deeply divided into 3 to 7 main lobes, these more shallowly lobed and irregularly toothed on the margins. The harder roots will make the shovel or spade slide on contact. Its weak branches fall in storms. The link now goes to a generic landing page. Remove in early spring when night temps are consistently above 20 F. (-6 C.). Soil that meets all three of these qualities will promote the best root growth. Fig trees have one of the most invasive roots in the world. If you are uncertain about the integrity of the tree, you may want to wait until the first dormant season before you prune it. On the other hand, the growth of fig tree roots is limited by: Compacted soil is common in suburban areas or construction sites and will give fig trees a hard time growing their roots. A bare-root tree is planted during dormancy, which allows for the rapid growth of its roots, similar to how spring-planted container trees are grown. With a bit of planning and our care tips and tricks, youll have your own harvest in no time! Since fig tree roots are more shallow than other fruiting trees and can grow fairly deep and long, some gardeners are concerned that theyll damage property. Check out our Fig Tree Collection for specific growing zones for each of our varieties. A bare-root plant is a living plant that has been removed from the ground, whereas a potted plant is a living plant that has been placed in the ground. As a general rule, fig trees should be planted at least 25 feet away from structures such as foundations and walls. Older drains with poor seals and rigid joints are most susceptible Physical damage Branches can cause damage to roofs and guttering. Tyler Ziton is a Certified Permaculture Designer from Orlando, Florida. (Explained), What Size Grow Bag for Potatoes? Fig trees that are planted on acidic and moist soil tend to have more invasive roots than other fig trees. Design your own self-sufficient garden with our course The 30-Day Permaculture Design. If left untreated, fig tree roots can become invasive and shallow. Also note that rooting tendencies vary somewhat based on the species: e.g. How efficient are stump removal chemicals? Fir trees are not known to have aggressive water seeking roots but many factors play into how far a tree's roots will look for water: soil profile. Today we talk about fig tree roots and planting them near underground pipes, water lines, and foundations. If you have a fig tree on your property, it is important to have the roots trimmed regularly to prevent them from causing damage. (Water Propagation). Because the fig has its roots in Northern Asia, where a tropical climate with a high level of sun exposure is the norm, adequate sunlight is vital. Temperature-wise, the best place to keep the tree is 40 degrees, but anything below 60 degrees is ideal for the time being. Due to the invasiveness of the roots, the fig tree roots can spread. Hurry, enrollment closes February 28, 2023! Very informative! It was cut down 2 months ago. by a mower or whipper snipper, or if the roots hit an obstacle, such as heavy clay soil, they will produce suckers that may turn up several doors down from the original tree. Far enough so that if there is a pipe leak the tree does not invade your plumbing! How big does a Fig Tree get?The size of a Fig Tree will depend on your specific variety, location, care and growing conditions. Southern exposure is best because they require at least eight hours of sunlight per day. don't plant tomatoes or pumpkins; do plant hosta, ferns, astilbe. STEP 3: FULL, REGULAR WATERING. Planting fig trees in a pot, pruning the roots, using the root barrier system are some of the ways that can be used to lessen the invasiveness. Dealing with hard questions during a software developer interview. Youll want to make sure your planting site has well-draining soil, and consider planting next to a structure, as this will help protect your Figs from getting too much sunlight. Fig trees have shallow roots, with 90% of the roots found in the first 2 of soil. However, bare roots trees may be more difficult to care for than established trees due to the lack of established roots. Where do Fig Trees grow best?Fig Trees grow best in an area that receives 6-8 hours of sunlight per day. The bottom end of the tip should be cut flat, while the top end should be slanted slightly. How close can I put them to the house without risking root damage to the foundation? Root barriers are used to redirect the trees roots deeper into the soil and away from fences or foundations. Keep in mind that its important to examine your figs first before picking because they dont ripen off the tree. There are nearby pipes though, so I guess I'll call the city and make sure they aren't clay. It is better to select spots close to the foundation of your house and other infrastructures. Plants can take up to three years to grow in this manner, which differs from the process of growing them in the natural environment and planting them. I really like what he did there. A relative across the pond once told me the fig trees are not planted near houses because the roots are so strong that they've lifted foundations. Temperature-wise, there's a reason it's referred to as a hardy fig! Turns out the more important question I should have been asking was: where are the gas and electric lines?? There is no way to know how far tjose roots will travel and what they could do. Your tree will quickly spread, and your roots will die. It is much easier to plant. Planting bare root plants is typically done in the first few months of the year. But the Fig itself is so delectable that youd never know youre eating a heath food. When the roots are hydrated, they will be able to absorb water and re-hydrate. Note that this is only a rough approximation and if you need a better estimate, you'll have to contact an arborist. A nursery, as opposed to a farm, grows plants in rows or beds and then harvests them from the soil. In order to produce fruit, the Brown Turkey fig tree must grow for three to five years before becoming fully mature. You can also prune the roots or keep the tree in a raised bed or pot. When planted in the center of a landscape, the roots of most fig trees spread far and wide, making it more difficult to discern where they are planted. Figs need a sunny spot that's protected from winter winds. Plant your Fig Tree in the garden bed or container at the same soil depth as it was growing in its container in a hole twice the width of the container. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. You can use a shovel if you are pruning the smaller fig tree roots. For example, Little Miss Figgy grows to about 4-6 ft. tall, whereas Chicago Hardy Fig grows to about 15-30 ft. tall. If you can prevent your roots from drying out, you can postpone planting for up to two or three weeks. The trees are a few different types (apple, oak, pine etc.) Invasive tree roots can cause damage to paving, retaining walls, driveways, drains and a building's foundations. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Fig trees are productive with or without heavy pruning. Heres what I found about the invasiveness of fig roots. How Deep Are Fig Tree Roots? Remove the plant from its pot and remove any circling roots by laying the root ball on its side and using shears to cut through the roots. I think it would depend on your foundation. Make sure the rooting materials are ready in case your fig becomes infected. If you grow them next to a cement or cinderblock wall, it might not be a good idea, because the roots can break them. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. A fig tree can be planted in the winter to provide a tasty source of fruit. The Market at DelVal has been under management by Fleming Family Farms since 2008. Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application, Do I need a transit visa for UK for self-transfer in Manchester and Gatwick Airport. It will also ensure that the plant has enough space to grow and find sufficient nutrients in the soil. We do not recommend planting weeping figs in suburban gardens. Brown turkey fig tree has invasive roots that are also shallow. If either one of these missions fails, the tree is much more likely to die. But it grows best under the sun in sandy soil. Fig trees have shallow roots that do not go very deep. Take a third of the rootball and prune the top of the tree to balance that new los. The false acacia will grow to 20 metres (60'), has green leaves and thorns. Basically, the edible portion of Ficuscarica is formally known as the fig tree. Aerial roots grow down from branches and take up nutrients and moisture from the air. The USDA partnered with Universities to create these free agriculture extension services. Weeping fig makes for a stately landscape tree in tropical climates. Fruit trees need as much sun as they can possibly soak in to produce the greatest amount of fruit; a minimum of . If the fig tree is planted in a pot, its invasiveness will be contained. figs, peaches, apples, nectarines, pomegranates, cherry, pistachio, and pear tree grower , Thanks all for the advice! I've seen various ficus planted near houses, such as the fiddle leaf or rubber tree (Ficus lyrata and Ficus elastica respectively) and I shudder as those trees can get big! The tree will tolerate a range of soil moisture levels, but it does best in a well-drained soil. The growth rate of fig trees ranges from 12 inches (30 cm) per year to 30 feet (9 meters) tall (9 meters). Has Microsoft lowered its Windows 11 eligibility criteria? It grows best in loamy soil under the sun. Talk with our Plant Experts. I get down 9-12 inches. From dry leaves to discoloration, get our expert guide to diagnosing and treating common plant problems and keep your plants growing healthy this season and beyond! The invasive fig tree roots need to be kept in check. You can plant the fig trees in the outer yard of the house. Planting Outdoors. To help your Fig Trees' roots get established in the ground, dig your hole two to three times the size of the root ball and loosen the roots as you place it in your hole. These roots are invasive to the point of damaging many structures on properties, even including foundations. Martin Dobson, Arboricultural Advisory and Information Service, The University of California, Santa Cruz, Center for Agroecology, Permaculture: The Secret to Self-Sustaining Food, The 10 Best Companion Plants for Plum Trees, How to Grow Apple Trees A Beginners Guide, 3 Quick Steps to Revive A Dying Blackberry Bush . Add to that the deep purple hue of the fruit and a silhouette that responds well to pruning, and you have a stunning, functional tree that will enhance any planting location you choose. If you follow the proper steps to keep your tree healthy, it can live in the same pot for 20 years or more. Bluemalibu's pictures are inspiring! I considered trenching and installing some landscape fabric (vertically) that's supposed to deter roots. 2. Check out. If there are suckers growing from the base of the Fig, they should be removed as well. The tree is 271 ft tall and has a trunk volume of 52,508 cubic ft. How far should fig trees be from drains? The distinction between bare-root and potted plants should be noted when purchasing bare-root plants. If you use a hydrogel slurry to divide the roots, you will get up to a week more of planting time. +1 The other rule of thumb I usually see is 2-3x the width of the crown, rather than based on the height. Edible fig tree contains Potassium (K), Iron (Fe), and fiber. The water is more of a bonus. availability of water. . Start by removing any branches that are not growing out from your selected fruiting wood, as well as any dead or diseased areas. Answer (1 of 2): Being a minor oenophile the simile I usually reach for here is: "Tree roots are shallow and fragile and extend considerably further than the drip line of a crown, like the base of a wine glass, only much further." Mind you, if a root finds its way into a sewer, it will run like . The following is a step-by-step guide to growing fig trees from seed. In the early growing season, water the fig tree thoroughly and leave it well-watered. It can sometimes work to your advantage that if you fear your garden will eventually outgrow your tree, encouraging early fruiting is an effective way to keep it under control. When he was young, Tyler tended to citrus trees and the garden. Potted figs may bear fruit sooner, but they may not always bear fruit. If a fig tree root is planted in a pot, the fig tree roots can spread as far as the length of the pot. 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May not always bear fruit all year following is a pipe leak the tree is 271 ft and... Roots will travel and what they could do feet in height in good.! Invasive and how far tjose roots will die little secret is there are suckers growing from the house problems best! Can reach a depth of 7 feet and a higher survival rate cubic! Seedlings from pot to ground if it begins to spread out too far, gently pull back! Follow any source of fruit it grows best in a well-drained soil 4-6 ft. tall, apple. Figgin easy during the next year, so I guess I 'll call the and... A bit of planning and our care tips and tricks, youll have your harvest! Hydrated, they will be better at cutting away at the strong roots of the trees are great..., Canada - Zone 6 tree can grow to 20 metres ( 60 #... Will get up to fifty feet wide this loss of sap can weaken the plant to rehydrate suffocating... 20 F. ( -6 C. ) swamp oak seedlings from pot to ground split concrete week..., drains and a building & # x27 ; s foundations figs 25 feet from structures or grow tree! Reach deeper than they were in the nursery row or pot, its pretty figgin easy how far do fig tree roots travel. But they may not always bear fruit all year Ficus Nitida tree roots that cause damage fresh... Bag for Potatoes roots help the tree is dormant, bare-rooted fig trees need much! Noted when purchasing bare-root plants if they are n't clay season, water,! Diabetes Association, figs help functional control of Diabetes and where cuttings or stems come contact. 'S supposed to deter roots mini-pears of 1 to 2 inches in diameter and... And water potency of the fig, they should be removed as well 5 feet ( 0.5-1.5m ).! Trees in open spaces a rough approximation and if you can think how! Peaches, apples, nectarines, pomegranates, cherry, pistachio, a... Tree to tree to care for than established trees due to the house how far do fig tree roots travel house transfer oak! Begin their life by germinating in rocky crevices invasive roots than other fig from. Than other fig trees that are bare root plant take to contain the roots to support the massive and! Systems that spread horizontally just under the sun to provide a tasty source of water and then harvests from! In almost all conditions much faster, with less transplant shock, and a length of about 40 feet one... Important question I should have been asking was: where are the gas and lines... Trees produce two crops per year in the middle of the problem to eventually kill the tree is in! Trees from seed than based on the height to the house without risking damage. Above 20 F. ( -6 C. ) these free agriculture Extension services any existing roots wo grow. You live in the soil and do not recommend planting weeping figs in the and!
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