That would be mundane. Only He knows all of the facts. Thatll move things along instead of trying to tie me and get me out of the discussion. The next Catholic who calls for the beheading of James White will see me join you in denunciation. Emmanuel, Lets be honest, if it were anyone other than him posting pictures like that people wouldnt be reacting in such a manner. Im expecting the entire fanbase of Jimmy Akin to act accordingly and immediatly chastize Edward for likening all Roman Catholics to a freakshow. You accuse Catholic Answers for the url Lets put up a few more posts to get the porn sites off the Recent Comments column. That is, why would Catholic anybody (e.g., Catholic Answers, Jimmy Akin, or especially the Catholic Church) actually engage in such an act? Considering his peers here though he is heads and shoulders above them. The Acts of Paul Or is it only acceptable for James White to do that??? Its hilarious that you feel that facts from the debate is irrelevant when, actually, it is the very heart of the matter! Where? And to the extent forgiveness isnt shown, I agree. White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a presuppositional apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. Now, I realize somethimes the internet is different, in the sense people come across as arrogant. If Evangelicals can shift between these points of view while reading the same Biblesola Scripturawhy is it such a shock that one can shift ones opinion about the meaning of Trent? It was SDG who said its gnostic. If he did, does that make it ok? He was a murderer from the beginning: and he stood not in the truth, because truth is not in him. Godwins Law is limited to comparisons with Nazis and Hitler. He also leads Apologias ministry, End Abortion Now, whose goal is to criminalize and end abortion through the work of the local church and state legislation. Have you stopped beating your wife? Theres no answer that will satisfy the situation. Your problem is with the historical record, not us. Carebear, comments like: Funny. That would be me calling you a liar, yes? He is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics. Yet, where is the logic in his argument: LOL. But I didnt ignore the thrust of the argument. I would hope that even those who agree with White philosophically and even were previously fans of his based on the similarity of his ideas to theirs, and also for the sake of fairness also we who disagree with him on these larger issues, will be able to separate the sin from the sinner and from the message, not lumping all automatically as bad or good. Do you have any clue how petty this makes you sound? there before you're corrupted!!! Its unworthy of Christian discipleship. Name Server: Is the Roman Mass a Propitiatory Sacrifice? So Dennis been living under a rock for the past week? He purposely used these terms to refer to those who share Akins opinion IN SPITE OF the fact that there are actually PROTESTANTS who have voiced similar opinions about James White and share the same disgust over Whites behaviour. But that hardly makes an interesting novel or movie for those such as Dan Brown and his enthralled fans. If you wish to follow Christ, yes, you must. I would simply point out that the changes to the pictures maintain the theme of attempting to bring death. As I pointed out above, and you reitterated, we must be prepared to forgive at all times. Esau, It doesnt matter, because the consequences of losing the argument are disaster. Thomas, Im being sarcastic to make a point. I didnt say youre right oe that anyone is right when a person decides for himself, but you might think your personal gnosis is accurate. Didnt you just point the finger at Catholic Answers that theyre the ones responsible for that and, in fact, you even maliciously charcterized it by your own words! The Law of Have-Your-Cake-And-Eat-It-Too will cover any eventuality. It not only refers to a learners ability to apply and use grammatical rules, but also to form correct utterances, and know how to use these utterances appropriately. White got frustrated with me because I didnt give the answer he wanted in response to a cheap debaters trick. But he cannot hide his many falsehoods. I think Jimmy is right to leave the debate at this point. That illustration forsakes the context of the present situation. I come before You, in humble adoration and awe of Your power, might and majesty. that should read White antagonistic to Catholics although in an autoimmune sort of way, I suppose you could say hes antagonistic to himself. That authority has been passed down through Apostolic succession. Some other event has no relevance to this discussion. The exchange Esau and I are in is outlined in James R. Whites book Scripture Alone. Esau should have pages more written about him because he has intentionally argued fallaciously, i.e. In short, right here is where it is clearly established that canon is not a product of tradition, but a product of divine revelation. And then, when he was called on it, he behaved poorly again by posting the pictures. I dont know the history between the two of them, but it does seem as if White has some obsession about Jimmy. Christians are called to charity, above all else. I accept that the photos and captions were jokes. Your suggestion of Whites book, btw, is I think more profitable to getting across your view than anything else. I tried to summarize the arguments that you posted. Seems like thats the tone of the day at though. Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. . I dont care enough to count. Beyond that, its a game. The guys at Doctrine & Life are great. Hes not doing it to win, because that is contrary to an essential element of Calvinist theology. It forces the respondent to think critically on the merits. When the counterpart is finished, he expected a quick rebuttal, but doesnt get one. Perhaps I was too subtle. Vile is a name a label. For one thing Im sure we Catholics agree with a whole lot of his beliefs on basic Christian truths and on many social issues. Personally, I cant think of anything scarier than a J.A dolly. To the extent that I have been overbearing, I apologize. White chooses Nicea as some type of magical benchmark, because certain beliefs werent formally defined then, even though the belief existed (i.e., transubstantiation). Glorious Lord. If the RCC and its apologists are so concerned with charity, why do they not seriously deal with the issues that are presented by Protestant apologists such as James White instead of just insisting that everyone blindly follow the church without any kind of examination of the facts so that people will not be confused and misinformed by any lies? Boor. Cross-post. Rephrase. Furthermore, for somebody who professes to be on the side of fairness and a supposed sense of justice, your initial comments on this thread reveals that you carried with you such prejudice to begin with (as even brought attention to by Sifu earlier with regards to certain pejorative terms you used in reference to Catholics) and had already made your judgment against Jimmy Akin and those here. Esau/Churchcat, Are. StubbleSpark, I get your point, but I would disagree with the word deserve. White posting those pictures is clearly negative attention seeking, this one similar to a temper tantrum. I will not claim that Ill stick with Satan is laughing is tail off watching Christians fight each other over a domain name.. Luke 10:25- He has a gift, really. We are now praying for your conversion to the fullness of the faith. Admin Phone Ext. We deserve the constant belittling by the Secularists, Protestants, and Muslims. By that logic, I have a relationship of some form with Mr. Spock Ive been a fan for years, and have put up posts about him. There is substantial history to back that up. Good question, Esau. James White is an unstable individual. The Final Act was just amazing! White wants the freedom to throw out whatever he feels like without any accountability to the community of his readers in the court of public opinion. Fascinating. That is, why would Catholic anybody (e.g., Catholic Answers, Jimmy Akin, or especially the Catholic Church) actually engage in such an act? Yes, that too is a type of relationship. You might want to look at Mr. Whites recent post, where he says, Akin has been avoiding doing a real debate since he lost the only one we have done (on KIXL). You havent read enough historyand by that I mean history uninfluenced by denominational precommitments (Foxes? degrees from Columbia Evangelical Seminary (formerly Faraston Theological Seminary), an unaccredited online school. Remember, the body has many members, many gifts. All I see is Esau flinging accusations at the disciples of White and ChurchMouse providing an avenue for him to substantiate his ad hominem claims, ergo your stattement doesnt make alot of sense, and just looks like random finger pointing in order to discredit ChurchMouse without ever having to deal with any of the issues. I am certain I have confused you with my hopelessly mixed metaphors but that really is the best I could do at this hour. No, I dont think I would use the exact same approach, and I have no illusion that he or any other human being is perfect. God knows the true Canon (he knows what he wrote). That some people behave badly is not a reflection on Christianity or Catholicism itself. They were still hellbound in their sins, Thats painfully difficult to square with a heretofore-unrevealed admiration for any aspect of the mans argument. Those Jedi mind tricks dont work on me. *wonders how long it will take before the latter part of the charity sign is exercised on himself*. Your opinions dont matter. I mean he basically says that the only reason the Church doesnt kill their opponents today is because it doesnt have a strong political stronghold, implying that the church would murder if it did. Would the Bishops at Nicea recognize and accept sola scriptura? Could pro-lifers feel outrage if their call to charity to the unborn was portrayed as murderous invective? Huh. Like the time you found out at the last minute you would have to deploy to Iraq for a year or the time someone told you the towers were gone and you did not believe them. Oh dear. Muslims or Christians? It also doesnt say we have to forgive one who does not repent. What? James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. Jimmys analysis of Dr. The intertwined alpha omega along with the quote flanking its two sides is definitely a work of art to fall in love with. And why am I not surprised?? Roman Catholic fanbois When you gulp down the unexamined assertions of any one-true-agent-of-God-on-earth organization, you will begin to stumble down a very dark and threatening path. My Reply Or still more, Calvins Geneva? I sorry that you are offended but its too funny; really. Yes, we must forgive people for calling James White an ignorant moronic idiot, deceiver, liar, fool, troll, stupid, just a general loser. 1-877-753-3341 (Toll Free) In truth the Church is too unique to prove herself unique. If youll send me your address, I can mail you a book that explains all of this. Box 5121 How about you summarize it for me, so I at least have something to work with, instead of just rewriting what I said and ignoring the willingness to hear the arguments, if not through reading the actual book in the next 5 minutes. Its not as if His (infallible) knowledge can simply *pop* into existence. He also loses any debate on this point via special application of Godwins Law. Even sinful man has movements of the spirit that require our respect. There can be no excuse for this. Whats happenin? Youre acting like Muslims! has become the house retort. Thats an act of charity if ever there was one. Salesman: Mr White would you like to buy this webAddress off us for $95 if you get it now? Call him again Johnathan. Think of it as a healthy kind of check-and-balance system. The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not the sharing of the blood of Christ? Anon and Carebear, It is the wrong time, the wrong audience, and the wrong sentiment to be re-using these pictures. Alternatively, depending on your preferences, you can also choose a design like this. Given the evidence I see, so far, and without assuming a lack of charity on anyones part, this is how I would analyze Dr. Whites his attempt at humor: It is a classic example of a joke which is cognitively dissonant to a Catholic readership it has the form of a joke, but not its manner, for that audience. Trying to help, Bill. Tech Phone:+1.9512424988 And You must neccessarily ASSUME the following to draw that conclusion: 3.therefore the Bible is God? When I first saw them on James White web site I did not think it was funny at all and was shock that he used those images to make a point. There is nothing wrong with Whites assertion that God would know what he wrote (or inspired to be written), and that if he chose to he could name them all. Since when is it anyones duty to prove innocence? I dunno if this is all about James white for you, or displaying the bias you have towards all Muslims. Domain Name:JAMESRWHITE.ORG The Book of the Annals of the Kings of Israel Ray, theres tension between the folks here and Mr. White because he accused a good man of lying on very slim grounds, then equated those who object to a murderous mob. White rips Beckwith, ignoring the likelihood that someones thoughts on a topic may change over time. NEVER!!!! If this were 500 years ago, Id be getting tied to the stake right about now I bet, and thats part of the hilarity of those pictures. a critical similarity between Catholic authoritarianism and Islamic authoritarianism During the time that Ive read this blog, the only times Jimmy posts on White is when hes been provoked by White. To Mr James White, you seem to have missed the point. James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. Apologetics, Faraston Seminary, 1995, M.A. Esau attempts to keep up with me point for point for simply not agreeing with him, but he wont apply the same category error he does to James White to this fellow here, Edward. Essentially they are contending about something that shouldnt even be an issue. Read your post and Im not sure you make any point at all. As far as we know, it could have been nothing but grannies and babies calling him to charity. Would the Bishops at Nicea recognize and accept sola scriptura? I pointed out that sola scriptura is not in the scriptures. ( I was slow ) To those who think that the actions here are proving Whites point with the images, you need to look at recent events. Does it convey the information that you claim that he wants to convey, namely If you believe that, go re-read this thread. Jimbo, Islam is theocratic. Excerpt from Whites blog article: How is God glorified when you and Mother Church want the glory for yourselves? 16:18) Please Lord God, heal the wounds he once received by the wrongful acts of someone else. As a former catholic, Evangelical, and a devoted follower of White- though we strongly disagree on the Calvinism vs. Arminianism issue.I wish to support his use of gallows humor to make a point. Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved. . Do this and you will live. If were going to play that game though, please prove to me James White was aware that the pictures would yield said results and that he didnt post them in jest, as on that premise rests all the argument of your wolf criers and alarm monkies. We deserve the Klan. what can you add? foxfier, This fellow painted Dr. White an islamic fundamentalist before Dr. White ever made the pictures in question. I really am asking, seriously, how do Protestants make these determinations. Are you considering the original context, author, audience, and the genre of what you are reading (didactic, poetry, etc.)? Finally, these photos seem to me to be on the level of what you see on supermarket tabloid covers funny despite their offensiveness, but in a way that does not reflect particularly well on their creators and sponsors. I have a great deal of sympathy for the notion that Guardian feels that he needs months to give any sort of response that isnt going to be called an unsubstantiated attack on Whites character. I think that has us beat. Reasoned dialogue and brotherhood? bill912, Anymore ad hominem onel iners or are you actually going to deal with the picture issue and refute me? Only in this self emptying is an abundant harvest. Papal Infallibility? That cost a good deal more than this little stunt. In the interview Beckwith never indicated that he had ever read trent, he assumed that everyone knew he did but what he said would easily give you the impression that he hadnt read it. In order to refute a lie, you have to do so with the truth. Contact. Westcott and You probably think this post is about you Actually, the fellow may have been right, I mean not in the actual analogy but i did notice that Dr. White said he has been studying Islam and arabic maybe he really is an islamic fundementalist! In a pigs eye. Or James White who was born several centuries later? The Lord turned his life upside down at that time and filled his heart with a passion to end abortion and rescue preborn babies headed to death at abortion mills in the Valley. The Question is, can they do anything about it? Anymore ad hominem onel iners or are you actually going to deal with the picture issue and refute me? with Shabir Ally at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia 11/13/2019, Response to Dr. Shabir Ally, Part IV (Conclusion), Debate: Did the Earliest Followers of Jesus Believe in His Deity? Did SDG actually say its gnostic or is it only what you say he said? I cut and pasted the info here so you wont have the excuse of not having the number. The Chris Pinto vs. James White debate on whether Codex Sinaiticus is a modern forgery can be boiled down to a few considerations. Maybe, if you want to get to the bottom of things, considering you indulge conspiracy theories, its a start. Lynch, there are several holes in your post. Esau, While you believe that they would have taken to transubstantiation, I believe that they would have believed in Sola Scriptura. Such words are comforting both to us and to our opponents, for they convince us of our rightness and our opponents of our wrongness. There are actually folks who judge a person innocent merely based on an assumption. Once Gods spirit moved upon the very first author of Scripture, cannon (infallible) came into existence. I know when I first found this site, I read through a lot of the older posts, if I was interested in the topic. That is precisely the genius of the faith instituted by Jesus, that it would not rely on such chicanery, but would instead be truly a work of the Spirit, such that no one man or group could subvert it to human ends, thus leaving no one but God Himself to receive the glory when the full story is finally told. Charitably, please. honestly, if your going to be consistant, you need to consistently apply that category error to Edward too, lest your obsession for White be found out. All the faith in the world is utterly meaningless without charity, as Paul writes. etc. Additionally, in the Bible, Jesus Christ refers to himself as the alpha and the omega, to signify His eternal nature, as He is the beginning and the end. I wont let the people in this com box color my judgments on the catholic faith because I still have respect for itbut i wonder when i see so called catholics acting so uuncharitable and rude . But youd come up with something, Im sure. This is one reason why I do not post in comboxes: its too much of an occasion of sin for me. Well reasoned criticism soberly offered is a blessing. Clear that up and you might score one on me. Isnt that a littleobsessive? Seeing entire languages disappear. Except White did not call all Roman Catholics Islamic Terrorists so yes, Akin jumped the gun and acted irresponsibly. Example: Our Priest today gave a sermon where he was talking about the Protestants and how only through the Catholic church can one be saved, by no other means, and how the Protestants each stand up there each sunday and one man who was in many instances either elected or installed as a pastor by a community interprets for all what God thinks and what scripture says which is heresy. What about Anglicanism? For one thing, it was the first time that the various powers of Europe had a different religion altogether, and so therefore had the temptation to shed blood on a massive scale. People did this to James White. Labrialumn, The egos are getting out in force, mine included. and, here, accuse Jimmy Akin and Crew that were the ones responsible for this act. Without it, theres no ad hominem. The nature of canon (mediated) in regard to inspiration is vital to properly understanding the historic canon process. Jesus himself existed outside of timethe Holy Trinity was not established 2000 years ago after all Jesus himself said that before Abraham I am. Considerable time and work are required to get such a tattoo, but it is completely worth the hassle! He takes things that are not and uses them to put to nothing the things that think themselves to be something. of customer 3 Alpha & Omega 115 Trucker Hat. Thats a great question! Think fanatically murderous. He has been married for more than thirty-six years and has two children and four grandchildren. Im just amused, no end, that what I suspected about that teeny particular piece of this entire mess was true. In response to the unbeliever I would say it was all God, through man. Isnt it terrible that people would search for you and instead endanger their souls by encountering the evil Romanists? issue! Feb 24. BRAIN IMPLODING. Godwins law is subject to numerous corollaries, extensions and codicils. Mary Kay, Could Mary/Foxfire actually be right all along??? Last week I received the following e-mail, and I felt it would be best to share my response here on the blog. The Acts of Solomon[3] He would have been better off to have admitted, some time ago, that he had made a grave error. Usually disputes involving his writings or actions turn on minutiae about who said what, where and how== as the underlying controversy in this case also seems to so Ive honestly never had the patience to sit down and figure out whether he was really as wrong as everyone was making him out to be (although I obviously could see that the tone of his writing was rather brash). To this end, and if the above premise is true, then the question How do we know this to be Authoritatively True? must be answered: What makes you think I am refering specifically to Catholics. It is true that there are alternative means of expressing frustration. Posted by: CareBear | Aug 13, 2007 4:28:08 PM White characterizes them as representative of all Catholics while failing to live up to the same standards of decency for what are undoubtedly his own actions. Barry- No, it doesnt. Im assuming that Catholic Answers is a little obsessive, as I already stated. IMHO. He allows those who do not repent to choose freely to go to hell. As Ive stated previously: Not always edifying, but it sure had its moments. Dave Armstrong wasnt stoned to death for doing that. [5][6][7][8] The legitimacy of White's academic credentials has been questioned. Someone even went so far as to register his name and then point the site to Catholic Answers. Dr. White does not look at debates as something won or lost Your impression of latent threats comes from an inculcated hermeneutic of suspicion. Armstrong wasnt stoned to death for doing that element of Calvinist Theology true, the! 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