Tonight she wanted to make a special meal, their first as a mated couple. "We'll pack up and be gone in the morning. Cambarre was the first to pull his tunic off and hang it up. I have some dried deer jerky seasoned with linden, anyone want some?" He would be at the center of it all. It seemed like each member knew instinctively what the other was thinking. It was impossible for people of the Clan to lie or for that matter for her to lie to them. They were willing to use something they considered precious so that Jondalar would live. I understand that these Chimudonii are causing trouble for the Nineteenth Cave and that we must help them, but to come into another people's land and force them to do things that we want, well, it hasn't ever been done before." Ayla wasn't taking any chances after her experience with Brukeval on her last visit to the Nineteenth Cave. Ayla was looking around at the campsite and noticed their tent had been set up and their travel gear had been arranged the way she liked it. And when we have heard what there is to hear, send them out to look, but send two of the most experienced men to the two caves nearest us and repeat the story and ask that their hunters search their surroundings for the female Mog-ur's daughter and if her man is with her they both need to be brought here.". She stepped forward and reverently placed the last remains of The One Who Was First Zelandoni squarely in the center of the stone pillar, then stood back and bowed her head in sad reflection as the Spirit Drum continued its slow somber beat in the background. She knew they could communicate over vast areas, but her Clan had been nearly a year's travel away by horse. Willamar named the boy after Melodene's father, Shankar - whom she had loved - in the spirit of the family's new tradition, begun by Jonayla. He stopped at the cave opening and peered into the dark interior, not wanting to enter. After hours of lying in one spot, unmoving, his body was screaming for action. They simply ignored the fact she was only eleven summers old and subjected to repeated rapes. I insist that you give her the fever fungus!" "Ayla!" The southerner looked at the Donier of the Third Cave and asked, "Would you see to the making of a couple of pole-carriers? You have brought more to the Zelandonii people than anyone I can think of in my sixty summers on this earth. What was happening to her mother? The first time she had met Joplaya it was obvious she was in love with Jondalar. "Jondalar, go to her. That's why, after Jondalar's mother had shown it to the other women, I put it away and never brought it out again. Even the four Zelandoni from the Twenty-Ninth Cave felt that with a little persuasion they would be able to convince their holding leaders to support an expedition to the north. Then, with mock surprise, said, "Oh my Jondalar, you have sand on your chest! When we came back to retrieve our belongings we found that everything had been piled together and burned.". There are always people who like to put down those who have attained a higher status in the order of things. Mystified, Jonayla watched her childhood friend leave. I know of at least one who shares pleasures with him and I'm getting old and he may not want me." The mind numbing fright she had experienced at the first sight of the fake monster had turned to anger. She reasoned that if everyone knew, Brukeval would know too and might warn the Chimu when they arrived at the meadow. '', She also found an expert on flint tools. "It's only that when I heard you had returned and before I knew you were injured, I had sent out a call to all the Zelandoni as you requested, to arrange a meeting for all the chosen. Seeing them so comfortable together made her realize that they would mate. Chapter 37 I'm lucky that he loves me.". Ayla wanted to find out more about this woman. In the meantime, Willamar and Melodene had built a third pole-drag to haul the cave lion's body. Dula signed to Mog-ur that she would speak if he would allow it and he nodded his consent. "It is said that her trouble in birthing their boy, Bokovan, has made it unlikely they will have more children. She hurriedly tied the rope to a shady tree. "She's no better than a flathead, that one!" They always stayed north of the river and everything was peaceful. Before he left for the south his Mog-ur had told him that since his spirt was a mixture between the Clan and the Others he should be able to make himself understood better than anyone else in the Clan. When it was obvious that Brukeval's outburst was over, the Doniers continued to talk to Melodene about the Chimu and what might be done to help them. Ayla wanted to bind the caves together, something that hadn't really been done before. Eventually he had to leave their community and live rough with his few followers. She would ask him what he knew about Zelandoni's daughter. When the last of the nine Insights is revealed to you, you will have an exciting new image of human life, and a positive vision of how we will save this planet, its creatures and its beauty. People were stopping in midstride as they saw the pair ride in. Cambarre nodded in agreement and understanding. His close relatives and then his friends from his home cave would be first in line. Ayla stopped washing and looked at her daughter, "White symbolizes the purity of the Spirit World to the Zelandonii and the red ocher lines were those that the Mog-ur of the Clan painted on their faces during their most sacred ceremonies. He was a handsome specimen, that was for sure and very well endowed, she saw. After leaving the inner chamber, most of the Zelandonia gathered in groups outside, each talking in quiet conversations. For a few minutes there was joyous hugging and kissing as parents gathered their sun-browned, young son into their arms and voiced their joy at finding him there. Groog leaned over the little pile and blew on it and a tiny flame sprang to life. "He's a mixture, not only a man of the Clan, but part of us too. Ayla untied her tunic fastenings and pulled it over her head. He had much to do, he must call the other Mog-urs together, what he held in his hand must be made known to the other caves. It had been done this way for as long as anyone could remember. Jonayla moved close to Cambarre and put her arm around his waist and pulled him close. It depicts the life of the main character, a girl named Ayla. And then Ayla came along with her new ways. By now she had become a curiosity to the Clan children. "Be silent!" Jondalar opened his eyes. She healed my broken leg and I've seen her heal others. Leadership is an art, it isn't happenstance; it isn't luck that makes a great leader. The night before their departure, Ayla had taken time to meet with the other Doniers and assure them that she would meet with them again soon after her return from the north. It had been an eventful summer as most summers were when the people gathered after a harsh winter to trade and find mates and to greet friends and family. Durcan knew that there were some adults still talking about the fitness of his mother to be The First Zelandoni because she'd had a child with a flathead man. "I will inform the others of your wish to meet at Sacred Mountain. From the beginning, whenever he asked for something, it appeared and they never lacked for anything. You're a pretty valuable hostage when I think about it. Jondalar pulled on the reins to halt the horse and slid off its back. They seemed to have become close very quickly. When there was water available it never hurt to take advantage of it to freshen one's body. He was quiet but she even startled him sometimes when she came up next to him to whisper something about game movement. The images indicated that if nothing was done, more lives would be lost and the violence would escalate. The whole experience had been jarring and stressful, so Ayla was grateful when they were finally riding south and away from the Nineteenth Cave. Use some valerian or some lemon balm. No one said anything. "In one of the villages along the edge of the sea there lived two fishermen brothers. ", Ayla listened to the hurt in the other woman's voice, she looked down at Jondalar and thought, 'He lies here because of this conflict that I decided to become involved with. But he wasn't willing to accept everything that was said about her. She leaned down and tousled his ears and then turned to go, looking back to see if he would follow. She quickly noticed what the people were looking at and without a word mounted Summer Child and rode out to meet them. Both questions were immediately answered when he reached the mouth of the home cave. Ayla's heart increased its pace at her man's unmistakable signal, she had wondered in the back of her mind when they might pick up their lives as they had been before Jondalar had been wounded. They provide for their needs and care about each other. She could imagine how she would feel at the potential loss of a lover such as him and she again felt sorrow for the blonde healer beside her. "This woman would ask the Clan hunter to help us find our way west. I am just as amazed at how well you are doing," the Fifth said. After a few minutes he stumbled upon the blonde Donier from the Ninth Cave sitting cross-legged at the north end of a meadow. "I was attacked by a Cave Lion when I was very small. Ayla took this opportunity to stand and ask for their attention. ", Ayla noticed that the Third used the term Clan, rather than the more derogatory "flathead" when describing the people in the north. What Ayla didn't want to accept was that in cases like this a wounded man could easily lose the use of his arm, that was what usually happened, or worse, the loss of their life from suppurating corruption of the flesh. One Clan meeting was held when Iza was too ill to attend and her true daughter was too young to make the memories drink. "I'll get a fire going and make an infusion of goatweed and comfrey for your wound and the boy's too," Jonayla said, rising to fetch some wood for a fire. Jonayla asked. As they reached the mammoth hide drape that covered the opening to the Zelandoni lodge, her mother turned to her and said, "Daughter, why don't you go and talk to your friends and see what they are saying. The Doniers are there in the main camp and he is doing much better. "Yes, yes. Her daughter nodded her understanding of the request and pulled Gray around to trot to their area of the campsite. The pain of losing her friend came rushing back as a physical thing. ', "'Well,' explained Havoe resignedly, 'this is a magic bowl. "The older brother was delighted. To think when I first met you, I thought of you as a friend. My mother had died two years before the big wave, in child birth. A circle around each eye, then a crow's foot at the outside of each circle, represented by three splayed lines, then a final line from the center of her forehead down over her nose, across her closed lips and down the chin. I smell an ambush. To make her family whole again, she must find a way. The moment we arrived, we fell in love with the mountain." They didn't want to speculate about what might have happened at Sacred Mountain and the Zelandonia gathering place. Her woodcraft skills were superior to most Zelandonii who had been brought up in a group dependent culture. When they were asked by their First Zelandoni to dig a single grave-pit for the remains, everyone put their backs into the work and soon had a respectable grave-pit dug. ", "See, that's why I'm behind you," said the Zelandoni of the Third Cave. Ayla shivered slightly in secret delight as his brilliant blue eyes looked into hers. She pointed at the inert body of a man a few horse lengths away, but Cambarre was already there kneeling over the man. She had gathered the women who had been training with their weapons and had them arm themselves. While daylight prevailed, he would identify the layout of their campsite and try to formulate a rescue plan. ", "I am a female Jondalar. Changing the subject, Ayla asked, "How is Melodene doing? He became nervous as it became apparent that they were outnumbered, as one after another of the Zelandonii travelers came into view after negotiating the last bend in the trail. Yes indeed, supervision is my purpose in life these days." They stopped briefly at the planned campsite, leaving the pack horses and two guards. "Groog is from the Clan across the river to the north of Hilltop Rock and he was heading south to find our leaders to lodge a complaint about some of our people and the Chimudonii. After trying several false trails, father and son gave up and retraced their path, riding back to Reflection Rock then up the slope to the ridge trail. It was obvious to Ayla that the men with the instruments could see what had happened. How should he respond to this? Ayla was happy to see that her daughter and Lorala were so close. I felt after my blunder when I first came here that I should remind the Zelandonii just who you and Jondalar are how unusual you both are and also remind the people, through stories, of the gifts of knowledge both spiritual and practical that you have both given to them," Ralev replied unabashed. Much of the walls were still only sketched in with charcoal outlines, but where they were completed, the paintings were breathtaking. Above the cave mouth, stretching the full length of the opening was the perfect image of a wolf, it was actually carved into the living rock. Ayla had been very distraught the last time she'd been in this place. In a very short time most of the herds would migrate south for winter's moon cycles. He looked up into gray-blue eyes, and then noticed the Donier mark on the left side of her forehead. But he would reserve his judgment until the beast was a little older and would show its true colors. "What are you doing in this place?" What more could he ask for? "So much for preparing my first meal for you, I wanted this to be a delicious meal and look at it," Jonayla lamented, pushing one of the now filthy trodden Elk steaks with her foot. Almost from the very beginning of her illness she had tried to convince the younger Donier that the important issue at hand, wasn't her health, but that Ayla should be ready for the challenges that would face the people after she was gone. Proleva had always impressed her with her organizational skills and her talent for inventing new and tasty dishes. Have you seen my Acolyte? The hide door drape dropped closed and Ayla was gone. Ayla smiled and replied, "It was an accident, like many things. To Jonayla's chagrin, the small wolf stopped in the main gallery and sniffed at the wall, lifting his leg and peeing against the white gypsum. The name Skytalker has been part of our legends for generations, ever since the first big wave long ago. He then stood to don the travel clothing that Ayla had laid out for him the night before. "'How have you become rich in goods so quickly? Ayla asked as she turned to the task at hand. He saw a woman he could love and wanted to mate with her. "I speak for the Zelandonii when I say that we appreciate your hospitality and as far as gratitude is concerned, you owe us no thanks. If that's what you want, we'll stay outside," Jonayla replied, surprised at the intensity of the older man's voice. I've sent runners to the Eleventh and Fourteenth Caves asking their leaders and Doniers to attend as well. It marked her, but it did not kill her Then another thought burst through and a chill of recognition crept up his spine. She would have been killed by that cave lion." The urn goes there," he gestured to a flat topped stone pillar about 3 feet tall. Ayla's tears flowed freely. It had been almost a full a moon since Jondalar and Matagan had been attacked. Did your journey go well? "These two were brought in by Brukeval and some of his hunters. "Once I knew I was with child I no longer cared what that man did to me. Then, as Ayla watched, the great birds tumbled earthward again, screaming in anger. It would be so fine to have someone to share everything with, including pleasures, she thought. I just finished The Earths Children series. They know the area much better than we do and the more people looking, the better chance we'll have of finding them.". It was late afternoon before Crazy Eyes was seen making his way through the thick surrounding pine trees at the far side of the clearing. Brukeval barked. "Desperately older brother yelled, 'Stop, Snake Bowl! Durcan was above the Summer Meeting, up on the slope that everyone called Sacred Mountain. I still don't remember doing it. He was sure that his Mog-ur would agree with his assessment if he had the opportunity to meet her and see for himself what she could do. All of the usable hides, thongs and poles were stacked in separate piles. She dipped her hands into the water and splashed it on her face, soothing her reddened eyes as she tried to forget what had transpired only moments before. "To the Zelandonii they were just ordinary people and they couldn't really hurt anyone. The younger woman, who looked so much like her mother, had nodded her acceptance of some command. This is important. You don't know how much work it is to train wolf pups. She wondered if the truth about conception had reached Lion Camp by now. I don't mean that I resented a woman's place, but I didn't feel an equal for some reason. Keep in mind this may not work, it doesn't every time. The man jumped to his feet and threw his arms wide, rushing around the torches to embrace first Ayla and then Jondalar. Finally Ayla spoke to her colleague, the first Zelandoni from the southern caves and asked her to use some of the precious fever fungus for the child. "The younger brother thanked Havoe and wrapped the magic bowl in his tattered carry bag and began walking back to his home at the edge of the western sea. Now she needed to look to the future. It won't help you to show your true feelings to the people you're about to meet. The ritual cleansing after a grave interment completed, they all walked naked to the ground cloth shelter to dry off and dress in their travel clothing again. "Greetings Kimadar, First Acolyte of the Nineteenth Cave," she called. Madroman was sitting on the ground with his hands tied together, with another tied rope around his neck, fastened to a stake driven deep into the earth. Why should he, hadn't he served longer than anyone else? "No, no," Proleva smiled. "Lorala." He would be content to stay behind and enjoy a quiet summer with the newborns. Ayla was led to the visitor's cave at the base of the cliff. "That's why we must always be friends, your lan and mine are now entwined," Ayla said. Now that he knew her better, more intimately, his pride in her accomplishments and abilities even outweighed his pride in her beauty. Were sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. In the future I hope I won't be speaking with the same regret in my voice that Camma is speaking with now.'. The silence was drawn out as more and more of the Doniers arrived and were arrayed around the hearth. ", Ayla looked into the eyes of the man sitting next to her, "Why are you supporting me?" Jonayla bedded down next to her mother, fervently wishing that she could do more to help, but as a new Acolyte, all she really could do was to offer loving support to her mother. The Mother will speak and the earth will tremble." I'm so happy that you're back. They were all small, single wicked stone lamps, but the bases were tall, in order to hold a good supply of oil. "Creb did end up adopting me. Looking down at the disturbed grave Ayla said, "Jondalar, he never had anyone who really loved him. They were worse than animals, only wanting to kill us. He smiled and Durcan smiled back nodding. "Would it be alright if we waited for her?" "That's the price one pays when mating the First Zelandoni's daughter, who is also an Acolyte," Cambarre joked. After all, we were the ones who convinced our people to get involved in the first place." Sometimes Ayla wished it would all just go away. She looked at the southern Zelandoni and smiled, thinking back to only a few full moons ago when they had been strangers and rivals. He leaned over and kissed her on the lips. Ayla looked at the man and signed, "I will be talking with our leaders soon and we will do something about this. She hoped she'd done enough for his spirit and wished she could have done more for the man when he was alive. She mounted Summer Child and Jonayla followed her, mounting Gray. She rode directly at those sounds and urged her nervous horse around an outcropping of rock with bushes and scrubby little trees growing between cracks in the stone. He of course was in the best position to make that possible. Cambarre took Jonayla's hand in his to show everyone that they were together as a couple and they walked on. Everybody knew that there were troubles in the north and that conflict was on the rise. Pulling the Mammoth hide flap aside, Ayla stepped into the dim interior of the Zelandoni lodge. And since this is First Wolf Cave, dedicated to the Mother it just seemed like the right thing to do" her voice trailed off into a hesitant silence. He needed to lie down. Now visions of fire in a hearth and people gathered around singing the Mother's Song. The frown of concentration left her forehead for a moment and she smiled, "Yes daughter, that's right. It seemed strange to Durg that a female would tell a man what to do, even a man of the Others. She was quite beautiful too, in a magnificent sort of way, full bodied and lush curves to show that even though she was strong and muscled, she was a woman. Shura decided to try lighting a fire before talking to Brog, to see if she too could perform the miracle. Ayla moved over to kneel beside her daughter who was still lying on the ground, stunned from the rough treatment she'd received. He threw a large fish at his younger brother. I have even had a little upset stomach in the mornings for the past moon cycle and that is also a good sign," she said, returning to the preparation of their meal. He began to babble in fear, begging whoever was holding him so roughly, not to hurt him, that he would do whatever they wanted but to please not to hurt him. I had finally decided to share a hearth with him and then to have him die while seeking a fight was what finally opened my eyes to what was happening. Look down there, he isn't moving." The simple touching of hands made Jonayla's heart soar. "She's got pups," he said. "You would take this woman in?". It was finally decided that she would travel north in the summer, only by then she was too weak to make the journey. Would she have been able to stand up to him? He could see that her horse was standing near a group of his hunters, but she was no longer on it, she was down beside one of his men, it was old Bagba. She hadn't looked at anyone as she moved through the cave toward the opening, yet she could hear the early sounds of the Clan women beginning their morning tasks. "Having proved her meekness and subservience to Atta, Armuna was soon trusted enough to prepare Atta's food and even the food of the other men when they feasted with him in his lodge. They could see a flame burning from three torches in their upright holders that had been placed in the center of the first and largest room that made up the cave complex. She had hoped the uproar about her past might have let up while she'd been away. The men waiting around the fireplace for their turn laughed again, thinking that Crazy-Eyes was moaning in pleasure as he violated the young woman at his mercy, not that his life was ebbing away. I would have lost you to the Spirit World if it hadn't been for Dula's fever fungus. Ayla wasn't going to argue with her at this stage. 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