They also have used caves for clandestine and other special purposes while living elsewhere. No you dont you literally pulled all of that out of your ass. You think because someone brings a gun to a knife fight that person is superior, wheres the honor? [5] Car phones had been in limited use in large U.S. cities since the 1930s but Cooper defied the industrys narrow vision of car phones and championed cellular telephony for personal, portable communications. What he did was supposedly invent a number of improvements to the design of cell phones. Music is arguably the most mental stimulating activity therefore providing him with a complex way of thinking (not just banging two sticks together)., Which also means they sailed hence mooring hence we were in america first.. Due to his co-invention of the Gamma-Electric cell, Sampson is mistakenly cited as the inventor of the cell phone.. troglodyte: [noun] a member of any of various peoples (as in antiquity) who lived or were reputed to live chiefly in caves. I know it hurts to be white and know that everything from science land knowledge gold and many other things where are earned from killing rating stealing and lying about everything that exist. This is due to the back migration of Levantine people through South africa that passed on pastoralism to the Khoi group through herders from the horn. In the Loire Valley, abandoned caves are being privately renovated as affordable housing. [37][38], Edison carbon filament lamps, early 1880s, Thomas Alva Edison Spectrum of an incandescent lamp at 2200K, showing most of its emission as invisible infrared light. Europe was never Black, Blacks just closely resemble the primitive Humans who first settled those lands tens of thousands of years ago, its much the same case as saying Humans Evolved from Gorillas or Chimps no those creatures just more closely resemble our common Ancestors from over a million years ago. Yucatan and Mixicu or Mexico (meaning mixed) is the ancient land of Judah, Ham, Mu, the Cushite and Khaldean nations, and the Garden of Eden, all of which were established by the great scientist Yakub/Yacub/Yaqub/Jacob. For one in America and other countries Whites are pretty much never over represented in any form of crime. This embarrassed whitey. Wow arent you an unabashed spewer of lies. [52] Latimer patented other improvements such as a better way of attaching filaments to their wire supports.[53]. \"Ariana Grande Sued for Allegedly Copying a line from Jimmy's Troglodyte Lyrics.\" Copyright in music and lyrics generally lasts for the life of the artist plus another 70 years after the original artists' death. In particular, the saxophone hook and groove from \"It's Just Begun\" and the spoken word intro and groove from \"Troglodyte\" (namely, \"What we're gonna do right here is go back\") have been sampled extensively. What tricks are you white people trying to pull now? How ridiculous.. A whole bunch of white people refruting truth with more white bullshit..ok.. Lol thats why only whites are born with tails and youre only a small percentage in the world so save it.. Liars, RACEREALIST this change to colder environment has been debunked you uneducated fool if the was the case the inhabitants of cold environments would have turned so called white along time ago the inuit are dark dark skinned so with that alone your so called intelligent response falls flat on its face you so called white people conquered no one it was due to our infighting that allowed you cave dwelling troglodyte to come in and so called take over and like an african proverb says when 2 bros fight to the death the stranger gets the house and keys but one thing you bastards have forgotten in your zeal to stay relevant is that the tables do TURN and they are turning with a quickness and when its our turn as i know my people we will nottttttt let up off your so called white asses you alls pride and arrogance is doing you in the Suns killing you drugs,crime and murder rate among you uncivilized beats of burden is fucking you up theres a lung disease thats only attacking you troglodyte bitches and bastard but now you wanna say were all of african descent lets get along ummmm its too late for that and believe me you the world DONT give no fucks about u wanna be white people youre not loved the world over youre hated to the utmost degree. You'd have a piece of hair in your hand and she'd. Be swimming away from you (ha-ha). Which also means they sailed hence mooring hence we were in america first. Tags: Soul, Funk, Sampled in More Than 100 Songs. Whites are jealous of my beautiful black people! Revolution of the tungsten filament, inert gas, and the coiled coil, Hanaman (left) and Dr. Just (right), the inventors of the tungsten bulbs. Can you name a white person that was living over 7,000 YEARS ago???? By 1685 many families were still living in caves in Pennsylvania, for the Governor's Council then ordered the caves to be destroyed and filled in.[6]. But yoi wanted freedo so we obliged.. Read real history. Moors were indeed black Africans, you mustve never seen ancient Berbers. There was a time when man did live in caves as we all know. the experiments got out of hand and the intended purpose wasnt fully achieved. Caves at Sacromonte, near Granada, Spain, are home to about 3,000 Gitano people, whose dwellings range from single rooms to caves of nearly 200 rooms, along with churches, schools, and stores in the caves. oh by the way you may want to have sex with animals and kids since thats what white people do best laws are being passed to make it acceptable to have sex with minors and , Firstly citation needed, secondly Africa by most measures has quite a but more child sex then Europe or other White lands(In fact in a number of places there arent even laws against it or laws only popped up in the last few yeas.). Perhaps fleeing the violence of Ancient Romans, people left the Dead Sea Scrolls in eleven caves near Qumran, in what is now an area of the West Bank managed by Qumran National Park, in Israel. We ruled in all of them throughout europe as well. Not all the scientist of the Yucatan were on board with the experiments and some were critical of them. [13] Reporters and onlookers watched as Cooper dialed the number of his chief competitor Dr. Joel S. Engel at ATT. "Come here. Due to their lack of clotting and immune systems they have also had the added stress of death by superficial wounds, disease and illnesses that have decimated them throughout history (and yet their ability to adapt to these diseases or illnesses still lacks, unlike the Europeans ability to survive and adapt to many diseases within our community i.e. ), Egyptians, Indians, and East Asians. . Pictures of moors by the people who actually met them exist and they look more like those peoples then Blacks. Say this dude is stupid just another white race warrior trying to knock the fact that whites are the real monkeys out here smh just accept the truth. First whites only win because they were cowards! Follow NotPoliticallyCorrect on, Black-White Differences in Anatomy and Physiology: Black Athletic Superiority. You look just like that damn monkey and white scientists said it first. What are synonyms for troglodyte? Yeah no they consisted of the same people today as they did during their glory days thousands of years ago and they where ruled by native Europeans or in the case of Rome occasionally by Arabs or near Arabs such as with the Punic Emperor Septimus Severus. oh wait that is you just not thinking your lies through that clearly! What we're gonna do right here is go back, way back, back into time.When the only people that existed were troglodytescave mencave womenNeanderthalTroglodytes. And point out the utter lack of pure Black billionares as shown by Forbes? How Large of a Role Did Jews Play in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade? It was wrongly thought that the agglutinating antibodies produced in the mothers serum in response to her husbands RBCs were the same specificity as antibodies produced in various animals serum in response to RBCs from the Rhesus monkey. if the richest man in the world till this day is Mansa Musa Acclimatized Whites excrete less chloride than unacclimatized whites- a useful adaptation (text 452). A variant called the pygmy chimpanzee, or bonobo, has been recently . Why is it so important to down play a persons intelligence? Synonyms for caveman include troglodyte, Neanderthal, cave dweller, hominid, hominin, neanderthal, prehistoric man, primitive man, Paleolithic man and prehistoric human., Which also means they sailed hence mooring. His house, Underhill, Low Fell, Gateshead, was the first in the world to be lit by a lightbulb and also the first house in the world to be lit by hydroelectric power. Human comedy sum of human activities translates French comdie humaine (Balzac); see comedy., I mean Trump called a sh!thole. JEWS have always been blk since day one todays jews are ashkenazic meaning their father was ashkenaz a gentile that converted to the african judaic way of life not only that ex prsident of egypt abdel nezzar i believe is correct stated matter of factly the The JEWS left Black n came back White Israel will never know peace why because you so calle . I notice more people in philly are getting killed dissing the dead more then anything else in philly, although dissing the dead is verbally disrespectful, you lose yourself once you pull that trigger to take that man's or women's life you gain nothing more from it besides prison time, a guilty conscious, karma, regrets and more negative slanders upon your name. Until then Ill just acknowledge the fact that you are talking out of your ass. You might want to look into the richest man that ever lived.. and thats with gold mate. Find this subject fascinating. Jimmy Castor (June 23, 1940 - January 16, 2012)1973, The monsterjam Troglodyte (Cave Man), 'gotta find a woman', sock it to me' , 'right on'. Bro, stop debating with them. 1. According to a report by the National Council of La Raza, research obstacles undermine the census of Latinos in prison, and Latinos in the criminal justice system are seriously undercounted. [20] John Francis Mitchell, Motorolas Chief of Portable Communication Products (and Coopers Manager and Mentor) and the engineers who worked for Cooper and Mitchell are also named on the patent. And the lack of black billionaire is directly attributed to the theft and destruction of black enterprise. Also maturing faster(Which you still havent provided any evidence for.) A white person has to be created. My my we try to authenticate ourselves by degrading the other with name calling. "The miracle of Matera: from city of poverty and squalor to hip hub for cave-dwellers", "How Matera Went From Ancient Civilization to Slum to a Hidden Gem", "In China, millions make themselves at home in caves", "This Converted Cave in France Cost $1.35",, This page was last edited on 20 January 2023, at 17:14. I know it hurts to be white Therefore, instead of changing the name, it was abbreviated to the Rh blood group. He finally claims that the black Moors civilized Europe. Thats too much. They gained Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approval for cellular licenses to be assigned to competing entities and prevented an AT&T monopoly on cellular service.[13]. First how is this debunking. 850 words I just came across this video on YouTube published yesterday called "White people are not 100% human (Race differences) (I.Q debunked)", with, of course, outrageous claims (the usual from Afrocentrists). Not letting you die pr kill you off. 4 on the R&B chart and No. That first cell phone began a fundamental technology and communications market shift to making phone calls to a person instead of to a place. Hybrid Niger. Also, AA is for African-American as far as I can tell, not West African immigrant?. He'd go down to the lake where all the. The truth cannot be hidden forever. This bulb lasted about 40 hours. If dug into a side hill, the earth formed at least two walls. Geographic Range. THE MAN SAID THE DIGITAL CELL PHONE KHALIF SARAHIZE THE MODERN PHONE THE HAND SET YOU ARE FAR TOO RACIST YOU DID NOT LISTERN TO VIDEO THE WHITE INVENTED THE CARPHONE AND HOUSE PHONE HE TALKING ABOUT THE MOBLIE PHONE FOOL Jesse russell is the Father of the Modern Cell phone. What are synonyms for troglodytic? 7 synonyms for troglodyte: recluse, solitudinarian, hermit, solitary, cave dweller, cave man, caveman. By 1860, he was able to demonstrate a working device but the lack of a good vacuum and an adequate supply of electricity resulted in a short lifetime for the bulb and an inefficient source of light. [59] In 1921, Junichi Miura created the first double-coil bulb using a coiled coil tungsten filament while working for Hakunetsusha (a predecessor of Toshiba). The first hybrid offspring used to be giants, especially in North America before the native Americans hunted them and killed most, incorporating the strongest ones they could capture into their bloodlines as well., ,crime and murder rate among you uncivilized beats of burden is fucking you up. This is the dumbest rebuttal Ive ever read. Live Like a Modern Troglodyte at a . RF T0EYCG - Picture & image of the medieval Christian Basilica . AHAHAHAHA OH WOW! Elijah Mohammed who revealed that the hairy pale Europeans of the northern climes were a group of African albinoes who were grafted unto the genes of the Troglodyte humanoids of southern and central Europe by gene-splicing Professor Yakub near the Island of Patmos, it was concluded that he was a hate mongering racist. Troglodyte Niger Cave Man. The African lifespan we know is not quite as long as Eurasians and their ability to breed at a younger age trumps ours. The study found no early modern human DNA in the Neanderthal genome. PDF So on that measure, Africans are superior when compared to Eurasians on that variable. Have a funky good time Jimmy, your music lives on forever. All you do is spout a constant stream of nonsense you pulled out of your ass, and you say he lacks the ability intelligently reply!?, How ridiculous.. A whole bunch of white people refruting truth with more white bullshit..ok.. Lol thats why only whites are born with tails and youre only a small percentage in the world so save it.. Liars. It really hilarious that you are calling others liars when you yourself spout these lies. 3,591,860 produces stable high-voltage output and current to detect radiation in the ground. Obviously. [40] The first successful test was on 22 October 1879,[41][42] and lasted 13.5 hours. And Im always open to different theorys of where the whiteman the lack of black billionaires are soley a reason for the oppression of blacks, systematic and institutional racism. Whether his world is ancient prehistory or some post apocalyptic . It is the most intelligent of non-human animals, and when full grown, it is from three to four feet high. A character introduced in the song, Bertha Butt ("one of the Butt Sisters"), was featured in many later Castor Bunch songs, including "The Bertha Butt Boogie" (1975). Meaning of troglodyte., Sampson is a prolific inventor who holds several U.S. patents. Prehistory. She got up, she was a big woman, big woman. Yea they are digging up tons of jewelry out of the ground its a sh!thole country lol., You have provided no citation for this claim so I could simply dismiss it out of hand but I will instead deconstruct it. In some extreme cases they have mothered children at the age of 6yrs. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Who killed off the whole civilisations with the argument they were savages. Her name was Bertha, Bertha Butt, she was one of the . [14], "Fire and grass-bedding construction 200 thousand years ago at Border Cave, South Africa", "In African Cave, Signs of an Ancient Paint Factory". That source is outdated, There is no evidence that he allele Lahn discovered is associated with iq. ), however both Whites and Blacks and people of all other races posses it and so far it has no effects on anything besides the Skin. Billboard ranked it as the No. Did you ask how Blacks were repeatedly conquered and/or enslaved by non-Blacks like the Arabs and are so dependent on foreign aid if Whites are inferior to them? I have, 2600 words What do normativity and intentionality mean? [57] Filling a bulb with an inert gas such as argon or nitrogen retards the evaporation of the tungsten filament compared to operating it in a vacuum. [36] The first street in the world to be lit by an incandescent lightbulb was Mosley Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. In 1930, Hungarian Imre Brdy filled lamps with krypton gas rather than argon, and designed a process to obtain krypton from air. First whites only win because they were cowards! You own posts are nothing but illogical rambling messes consisting entirely of nonsense you pulled out of your ass. To the victor goes the spoils. Also it comes from earlier Germanic words and has nothing to do with Moors the people. Yea that sounds entirely plausible and is completely consistent with evidence and historical record, also the world was invaded by dragons one hundred years ago. I just find it funny, how white people spent so many years degrading people of color. (LogOut/ He'd look. Find 37 ways to say CAVEMAN, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. This page shows answers to the clue Troglodyte, followed by ten definitions like " A human cave dweller ", " A person living in seclusion " and " One who lives in solitude ". I do read real history and I do learn things from it, you are the one who needs to read actual history and learn something true., there are 1000s of animal brothel throughout europe so take your pick boy i tell you u wanna be civilized whites cant help but to go, Wait no there are articles available that already debunk this. Secondly your just spewing shit about the word Human. Remember the experiments were taking places in numerous areas. This group is growing everyday. Having inherited tremendous occult knowledge and mystical powers from his priestly father, Muur-Lu-Ah-Kin-El, Yakub was able to communicate with other beings who were more steeped in magic and science than he was. Edison continued to improve this design and by 4 November 1879, filed for a US patent for an electric lamp using a carbon filament or strip coiled and connected to platina contact wires.[43] Although the patent described several ways of creating the carbon filament including using cotton and linen thread, wood splints, papers coiled in various ways,[43] Edison and his team later discovered that a carbonized bamboo filament could last more than 1200 hours. What we're gonna do right here is go back, way back, back into time.When the only people that existed were troglodytes.cave men.cave women.Neanderthal.. Eventually on 6 October 1889, a judge ruled that Edisons electric light improvement claim for a filament of carbon of high resistance was valid. It stars Kurt Russell, Patrick Wilson, Matthew Fox, Richard Jenkins and James Tolkan. it might come off. So Blacks are the least evolved sort of human? Best wishes to you mate but really we are the winners mental resilience. Neanderthal dna is found in the khoi san people of south africa4, Humanitys forgotten return to Africa revealed in DNA. Its a methodology to social engineering. A knowledge of biology, anatomy, organic chemistry, pigmentation, botany, electronics and the magnetic laws of opposite attraction involving steel and iron elements were some of the sciences that the women scientists and Yakub used to create the white people / ruddy skinned people through animalistic experimentation and to amalgamate them with the Original Dark, olive-skinned peoples of the planet. An african ape ( Pan troglodytes, formerly Anthropithecus troglodytes, or Troglodytes niger) which approaches more nearly to man, in most respects, than any other ape. if the richest man in the world till this day is Mansa Musa where the hell did white people come from to take it all just admit it you guys suck at all sports definitely boxing and that everything you learned was from a Slave best one the creations you are known for. It has remained of primary importance in obstetrics, being the main cause of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN). The prejudiced white historians say that Black people nor anybody else had much of a history besides being slaves and have attributed nothing to the world, but the white people are doing NOTHING BUT TALKING ABOUT THEMSELVES. Bu really i have to ask you this; how you have some much gall as to call other people liars when you have done nothing but pull nonsense from your rear end and try to pass it off as the truth this entire time? Nonetheless, dominant cultures reigned supreme on not-so dominant cultures throughout history and they all varied in skin Tne. They consisted primarily of Arab like Berbers, these are contemporary first hand depictions of the Moors by the Spaniards from the a thirteenth century book. A reclusive, reactionary or out-of-date person, especially if brutish., the only homo sapien sapiens are the blk man and woman so called white are sub human humanoid man like species although they can mate with real humans its a very deleterious affair since so called have have the most corrupt gene pool on earth that gives rise to all kinds of diseases, Once again you are just spouting shit. Or are we supposed to play dumb like queen elizabeth doesnt prove this?? I do not believe that is in evidence. All they can do is repeat history. Those peoples then Blacks Africans are superior when compared to Eurasians on that measure, Africans superior. 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