Calcium will be pulled out of our bones when our pH is to acidic to help restore pH levels to a more alkaline state. Hi Audrey, We look forward to hearing from you! The CountryLife calcium I was taking, was NOT doing it for me. We have received a response from Lara and are copying it below for you: Sounds like you are really diving into the research on strontium! Thank you so much for all the information and support you have given us! Pubisher is a non-profit and they have done their best to make the book affordable. If you can . This medical group utilizes integrative medicine to support health while treating cancer. She does the bio-est, but is expensive and scary. Many thanks once again for all your answers to the questions on this blog and also for the, wealth of information in your books. I have asked questions on a number of different blogs or emails to companies and it seems like my posts/emails usually get rejected/or no response, probably because I asked questions that couldnt be accurately answered and thus demonstrated the fallaciousness of the product/marketing claims. Really when I dropped this message at your blog I did not even have 1% hope that someone would reply me in reality, since morning I am smiling feeling good about my health and sharing this fantastic story of a long distance medical help to everyone at office and family. Would very much appreciate any references you have on this issue and will follow up and get back to you. Osteo-cise: Strong Bones for Life: Protocol for a Community-based Randomised Controlled Trial of a Multi-modal Exercise and Osteoporosis Education Program for Older Adults at Risk of Falls and Fractures.BMC Musculoskelet Disord. What amount would you suggest? I am under a functional medical doctor and nutritionist, but wanted to tap into your expertise as well. That goes for both the density and the tensile quality of your bones. D3 and K2 must be in balance. Delighted you are working with a receptive physician! J Bone Miner Res 2000;15:1526-36.) (So it could have been di-Sr, a mixture or something else.) Blake and GM, Fogelman I. I hope my full review of strontium will put to rest any concerns you might have regarding the potential for any adverse effects from the natural form of strontium, strontium citrate, which is what is present in Strontium Boost. I hope you will give AlgaeCal a try when you need to reorder you calcium supps. Here is a link to their main website: AND another link to their contact page: Within 3 hours, you will have digested the yogurt and absorbed the calcium in it. What is the answer to Goutermans question? Hi Robert, In fact, 99% of the total amount of strontium in the body is found in bone, a trait it shares with calcium. If you find that your diet is supplying you with a fair amount of calcium, I would still consider taking at least some AlgaeCal as it will provide you with insurance that you are receiving these trace minerals in amounts in which they work together naturally. Re exercise it should be weight bearing or resistance exercise and daily if possible. I also take 4 capsules of the Algaecal Plus daily(lunch/dinner). Ive now heard from a number of women who find it simplest to take their strontium supplement right before going to bed so around 4 hours after their evening meal. You may need to take iron with a small amount of food to avoid this problem. It would be nice to just swallow one pill that would help bones and all else! Thanks Lara. If high blood calcium levels are present, there are a number of tests she should consider and discuss with her endocrinologist these can all be found in 2nd edition of Your Bones in the 30 page long Lab Tests appendix. I have read your posts to know you are much more aggressive than this. I must be honest with you, I have done a lot of research with strontium and when I read Lis thesis paper I was surprised that he was suggesting 170 mg to be more effective. Because strontium is almost twice as large as calcium, even this tiny number of strontium-for-calcium ions exchanged in your bones can impact DXA readings. Could you please tell me how to read these DXA results when on strontium. Are you familiar with this brand? That being said, your note suggests to me that if you have not already had your vitamin D levels checked, you should do so! Dont know what that is from. Experts now believe strontium is, " an essential trace mineral necessary for the optimal normal development and accretion of peak bone mass, and the sustained health of our bones." Each capsule provides: Great questions! Im sorry, but I do not know the details about the Save our Bones program, so I wont comment on that. My last density, 2019, for the worse area was -.6 so depending on whose figures I use for strontium over showing on the DEXA I am in normal range or osteopenia. Now this really bothers me I am 47 and cant think of not taking any calcium supplement. The bottom line here: To err on the side of safety, I would not recommend the use of strontium citrate in young, premenopausal women. Beth, Thank you for your kind words, Beth! Joe took a look to see who is in Arizona near Phoenix, and discovered that one of the contributors to the Textbook of Natural Medicine, Dr. Tom Kruzell, ND, is in Scottsdale! I am turning 68 on July 1st and just started taking AlgaeCalPlus with the StrontiumBoost about a week ago. Let me know how your personal clinical trial turns out, and Be well! (Strontium may remain in the bones for as long as 7-10 years after the last dose.) Hi Debra, I searched the literature again for equivalent doses of 170 mg elemental strontium, in every case the higher dose was shown to be more efficacious. Please take a look at my post titled Commonly Prescribed Drugs Cause Bone Loss and check any drugs you regularly take to see if they have this adverse side effect ( So, now I will take it on an empty stomach. Pantoprazole should be taken on an empty stomach, so it is recommended that it be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Do you take a multivitamin as well? We use Key Pharmacy here in Washington state, and we have ordered nebulized NAC for patients with COPD as far away as FLA. When I tried both Algae Cal and Strontium as suggested I developed Gi loose bowels and discomfort. I want to underscore here that this is a competition that calcium always wins, which explains why: Ok, now that you see the differences in the 3 main types of strontium, lets dig into the common misconceptions surrounding this valuable mineral. Sorry, do not mean to hammer on you with questions. For protein, I add in a hard boiled omega-3-rich egg or 1/2 cup of beans (black beans, garbanzos, lentils, pinto beans, etc), or a couple of ounces of omega-3 rich fish (canned sardines, salmon, mackerel all are extremely low in mercury, quick and easy to fix). Even at the highest dose of 255 mg Sr21/kg per day, the apatite crystals in the treated animals were intermediates between a physiologic calcium hydroxyapatite and an apatite where one calcium atom out of ten was substituted by a strontium atom. Thanks! Hope this helps and feel free to let us know if you have any other questions! This has caused me to seriously wonder if Im trading one problem for a more serious one down the road. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Conversely, some supplements, and many foods . After two years of excellent DEXA results, I thought I no longer needed extra help and stopped taking Strontium Boost. Venous thromboembolism (VTE) refers to life-threatening blood clots in deep veins. The latest research, which I am just now writing up for medical journal articles for docs after hearing about all this at the Institute for Functional Medicines 2013 symposium, clearly shows that humans are unable to fully digest gluten; we can only break it down into indigestible peptide fragments, one of which, called gliaden, will cause not just diarrhea, but is now being shown to promote all kinds of autoimmune diseases not just celiac disease, but Hashimotos thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, even cancer. If you dont have the book, your library should have it, so you can check it out without having to buy it although it costs less than $10 on Amazon these days. Also I find the lower dosage of calcium in AlgaeCal Plus to be more appealing than the plain (360 mg compared to 750 mg); however, I do wonder why does it contain so little calcium relative to the given dosage of strontium; it appears, from the studies and recommendations given on this website, that calcium intake should be greater than that of strontium intake? One other supplement that may help is Ultimate Glucosamine (N-acetyl-D-Glucosamine) this is the form in which glucosamine is used inside our joints. For the same reason. The study found that caries followed a quadratic curve with strontium concentrations on the X-axis; the lowest prevalence of caries was seen with strontium concentrations of approximately 5-6 mg/L. This test was measured against a Dexa Scan from 2011 when I had also been taking strontium citrate. I hope to be taking 340 mg/d of Strontium Boost for the next ~50 years. If you are taking an aromatase inhibitor, you can safely take Strontium Boost alongside this type of medication. I urge anyone taking ANY type of prescription medication to check on the adverse effects of the drug and the symptoms it produces. Hello! The most recent study showed higher levels of DHEA were associated with 0.49% less bone loss at the neck of the femur (Ghebre MA, Hart DJ, Hakim AJ, et al. For those of us taking strontium citrate I personally find this article to be somewhat disturbing. People with bleeding disorders: NAC can slow blood clotting.Don't take it if you have a bleeding disorder such as hemophilia or Von Willebrand disease. Strontium was dose-dependently incorporated into bone mineral of both trabecular and compact bone, mainly into new bone, and mainly into trabecular boneNo changes in the crystal lattice, in crystallinity, or crystal structure were observed. Some researcher believe that calcium and magnesium, being 2 cation molecules, should be taken separately for optimal absorption of both minerals. I have a smoothie for breakfast that contains a bunch of kale. Are you perimenopausal? Strontium can be taken with or without food. Moderate correlation (with r(2) > 0.56) was also found for the expression levels of transporters in the duodenum of human and rat, which provides the molecular mechanisms for the similarity and correlation of drug absorption between two species. I discuss this on the AlgaeCal Community in an #AskLara on testing that identifies C.diff and other pathogens. A special form of strontium called strontium ranelate can increase bone formation and prevent bone loss when used in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. She is 2, so her day is about 13 hours long (awake around 7, asleep around 8 - and she has a bit of a nap after lunch). My doctor is trying to lessen my intake of sodium chloride. Interesting that my calcium was high and I have never taken calcium supplements until quite recently. But, once again, I have no idea of the amount of additional calcium that is entering my body. I just found this forum thanks for all of the very interesting replies you have so kindly written. Best Strontium Citrate. 2014 Apr;61:48-54. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2014.01.002. Normal range per her information is 10.0 to 45.0 ng/ml. Lara, where can I order this book Your Bones. The most recently published human study that discusses strontiums incorporation into trabecular versus cortical bone is Moise H, Chettle DR, Pejovi-Mili A. So, they were looking at short term (in comparison to the rest of a postmenopausal womans life span) outcomes. Probably a bit more expensive but worth it. Or, not? Humans absorb about 25-30% of the elemental strontium consumed when it is administered alone. Although you can still reap some of . Check your diet to see how much magnesium it provides, again, you can use the Foods Rich in Magnesium table to do so quickly if you have Your Bones. I realize keeping the food diary is a bit of a nuisance, but this is the only way to see what YOU actually need, so it truly is well worth the effort and you only have to do it once unless your eating habits change dramatically. PMID: 20232111. So, how can we put the data into USEFUL perspective? Read more about Removing These Toxins Can Improve Your Bone Health, According to Dr. Trubow. But remember, YOUR body may prefer a lesser dose, period. I took a look at the study this is one short term (90 day) rat study done back in 1977. What else can be done so I can still take the s booster? We have a printable information sheet summarizing our products & the human clinical studies if you would like to share it with your doctor here. Human beings cannot properly fully digest gluten even if no apparent digestive upset occurs, it still is provoking at least 5 different and very nasty immune system reactions, plus causing a leaky gut. M.E.J. Here is a link to a review of the research I very recently wrote for Longevity Medicine Review (its written for physicians, but you will get the gist of it and you may wish to suggest your doctor read it, so she or he will be aware of the latest findings in the peer-reviewed medical literature If you have a copy of Your Bones (which you can get via Amazonthey sell a Kindle version for about $7.00, so wireless delivery might be easiest for you), look at the section on Calcium and you will see a list of all the commonly eaten foods (at least in the US, Europe and other coutries with so-called western cultures, like New Zealand, Australia) that contain calcium, the typical serving size for each food and how much calcium it provides. Be well, Ranelic acid was created to make it patentable. Lara, Keep working ,impressive job! Now Im reading that I might need more magnesium with so much calcium and wonder if you figure-in the strontium AND calcium to balance the magnesium. Your email address will not be published. If you dont have a copy, please check it out from your library if you dont wish to buy it. Hi Tyler, Thank Dr. Joe also for his recommendation. The degree of bone mineralization was not significantly different in the various groups of monkeys. It would be very helpful if you could send me the lab data specifics here 1.03 what? Because doctors do not tell you the truth when it comes to improving your bone density. My concern is that if Strontium Citrate is a salt will it raise my blood pressure? Are you ApoE4? I hope this information is helpful, Nancy! With no negative side effects. Thanks, Laura, for your prompt and very detailed reply. Your English is very good! My question is in regards to the safety of taking Strontium with a GFR of 63 (tested 3 weeks ago). Youll find the expiration date for Strontium Boost clearly printed on the bottom of each bottle. 841579, What are your thoughts about the following quotation mentioned earlier from Lis thesis paper? I hope that it would come to my email account listed. shown in the research to be helpful. I took the strontium citrate via a supplement through Orth Molecular called 0ro Bono. So, I have finally read the paper but I found no mention of a 170 mg dose of strontium being used. I use AlgaeCal Plus for my supplemental calcium and vitamin K, and part of my vitamin D (I need additional vitamin D because of my genetic inheritance my vitamin D receptors dont work very well, so I need more vit D than most people), and I take Strontium Boost for my strontium. I do much better with starchy whole vegetables like potatoes, yams, corn, beets, winter squash. I have been taking Pure Encapsulations Strontium as per doctors suggestion, but have run out of it. Hi Tyler, So you take half the dosage of strontium (1 capsule) Do you still take the full dosage of algae cal plus (4 capsules)? Hi Carol, Recently I developed chronic diarrhea. Hello, I am 69 years old and my dexa scan says I have osteoporosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The intestinal permeabilities of 14 drugs and three drug-like compounds with different absorption mechanisms in rat and human jejunum were determined by in situ intestinal perfusion. We dont have it yet though. Medical research is VERY expensive, so the drug companies are not going to spend the money on something they cannot patent and make a big profit on. Originally, the labels were made just as you suggested, but for some legal reason, they were told 100% is maximum that should be stated for vitamin D. Also as I am sure you know, some experts are still saying 600-800 IU of vitamin D is the recommended amount despite years of research and literally hundreds of studies now showing this is not the case. Im now 64 and hope to be taking AlgaeCal Plus for many years to come shooting for staying here with healthy bones until Im at least 100. Osteoblasts: Strontium increases the rate at which these bone-building cells are produced and increases their lifespan Strontium does not cause hair loss, so we need to look elsewhere to determine why that is occurring. Be well! Within a year after I began supplementing with AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost (680 mg strontium citrate daily), my bones were completely healthy. trial. Hi Lara, Thanks so much for your fantastic reply. Do not take AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost at the same time. Certainly worth bookmarking for revisiting. I then decided to e-mail the authors; I asked Li, Doctors Mumby and Colbert, about the discrepancy. Most importantly, vitamin K2 was not used in Plan 2, but was included in Plan 3 as MK-7 (100 mcg). . So the desired ratio of 2:1 calcium to strontium becomes harder to maintain. Since you are getting 100 mcg from your other supplements, if you just took the full dose of AlgaeCal Plus, you would be getting 190 mcg/day., Same rationale: BMD is considered by some to be a marker for lifetime estrogen exposure [3]. Hello There are quite a few other delicious grains we can have including quinoa, millet, brown rice if we want the extra carbs. So its important that you take the two minerals at least 2 hours apart. Please just try these suggestions for 1 week you are very likely to not only see your skin issues resolve but to feel more vital overall. the only Ca complex to increase bone density in adults! Gail, Hi Gail, Bone. Epub 2012 Apr 23. It is possible, by the way, to check strontium levels in bone heres a recent paper in which they did just that (abstract below) but I dont think this new X-ray fluorescence 1-125 based system is yet available to us normal folk outside the rarefied realm of research studies. How old are you? The likelihood of HCl insufficiency, which can also cause nausea, increases with age, and also occurs due to the use of acid-blocking drugs or overgrowth of a bacterium called H. pylori, which is surprisingly common. Its way too much to try to share with you in a response here and I dont know what, in particular, will be most important for YOU, only you can determine this by reading the material yourself and thinking about it in relation to YOU. Lara. And we can check, in terms of our bones, whats happening with NTx and DXA tests, also our vitamin D levels, and Im hoping soon the test for vitamin K levels (its called unOC, which stands for uncarboxylated osteocalin) will be widely available. Since osteoblasts rebuilding of bone takes much longer than osteoclasts removal of bone, the end result is loss of bone mass. Also, 3 hours should be enough time to wait after dinner to take your strontium. In the past two years I have been measured to be one inch shorter. In fact, 99% of the total amount of strontium in the body is found in bone, a trait it shares with calcium. I backed off and started with just Algae Cal 2 capsules at breakfast and things went back to normal. It must have been something else that upset my stomach and I am now taking all the pills with no side effects. femoral neck] last July, I have been following the Save our Bones programme, taking Raw Calcium, a special over 50 muli- vitamin and other supplements. Here are links to this research (I see only one of the papers I cited is now provided as a link in the post on Pregnancy or breastfeeding: Don't take without approval from your healthcare provider. Im very glad you wrote in as I am concerned about the amount of strontium you are taking. All 3 forms of vitamin K are beneficial K1, which you can get in abundance from green leafy vegetables, is highly anti-inflammatory as well as being required for normal blood clotting, so you dont bleed to death from even a tiny cut. Also still taking the Metagenics Ostera, as it is supposed to help if you take steroids. If you tolerate 1 capsule, after several days of taking just 1, take 2, and see how you do. PSif you are eating gluten-containing grains, I urge you to consider eliminating them (wheat, barley, rye). Will Algaecal help fight the Osteasarcoom and keep the bones strong. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. While a bone density scan will typically measure critical fracture sites such as the spine and hip, you can be assured that benefits are being seen elsewhere in the skeletal system. Most importantly, I want to encourage you NOT to put up with bone loss and twice hourly hot flushes both are completely fixable! I have been taking strontium citrate for 10 years. None of the articles however, showed 170 mg to be more effective than 680 mg. Uusi-Rasi K, Kannus P, Karinkanta S, et al. Strontium, like calcium, incorporates into both trabecular and cortical bone, but strontium deposits almost entirely into newly forming trabecular bone, with one strontium ion substituting for less than one calcium ion out of 10 in the bone matrix. Safety does come first for me, and if at 41 mg/day they saw changes in thyroid I would like to take less. We use Key Pharmacy here in Washington state, and we have ordered nebulized NAC for with!, as it is recommended that it would come to my email account listed hammer! Algaecal Plus daily ( lunch/dinner ) and be well, Ranelic acid created! Of both minerals the bones for as long as 7-10 years after the dose. 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