Remember Core Value #1 Deliver WOW through Service. It is your responsibility to protect as best you can Zappos assets and ensure their efficient use. Especially and including roles that are closest to our customers and/or issues. In the words of the CEO: The matters covered in this Code of Conduct are of the utmost importance to Zappos, Amazon and Zappos business partners, and are essential to our ability to conduct its business in accordance with our stated values. How do you get the company as a whole to grow? At Zappos, anything worth doing is worth doing with WOW. Soon after, the company faced some of its biggest challenges involving technical difficulties and the theft of customer information. Do you view new challenges optimistically? Zappos has addressed some critical challenges, handling them with agility, strength, and precision. Lets not tarnish that reputation by dealing unfairly with anyone. Book an office hour. It is critical for relationship-building to have effective, open, and honest communication. Our bonds go far beyond the typical "co-worker" relationships found at most other companies. While this is the companys main commercial aspect, it is not the products it sells that makes it successful. In addition, you must remain alert to the many other ways in which outside business relationships, other professional or consulting activities for compensation, including directorships, and other activities might give rise to other conflicts of interest. Zappos Insights offers a range of services that can suit your business needs. Our ten core values are: Deliver WOW Through Service Embrace and Drive Change Whats the ROI on hugging your mom?". It is now an online store generating $1 billion per year in the retailing of shoes, clothing, handbags, at-home products, beauty products, and accessories for women, men, and kids. By having the freedom to be creative in our solutions, we end up making our own luck. We know that companies with a strong culture and a higher purpose perform better in the long run. Here are the 12 fundamental principles of ethics: 1. Zappos public communications should contain full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure. We'd love to learn more about your shopping experiences on and how we can improve! Ethical principles are different from values in that the former are considered as rules that are more permanent, universal, and unchanging, whereas values are subjective, even personal, and can change with time. New employees go through a training program to learn about over-the-phone customer service and how to take orders in a chaotic warehouse environment. Reprisals, threats, retribution, or retaliation against any person who has in good faith reported a violation or a suspected violation of law, this Code of Conduct, or other Company policy, or any person who is assisting in good faith in any investigation or process with respect to such a violation, is prohibited. The ethics website is (user name: Zappos, password: Zappos). Subscribe to our newsletter. It shouldn't be a struggle to find a balance between life and work where you are truly fulfilled and happy. It is Zappos policy not to allow retaliation for good faith reports of misconduct by others. You must not reveal any information to Zappos or Amazon that would reasonably be considered confidential information or a trade secret of a former employer, unless that information is available in the public domain or you have written permission to use it. Each has had its own twists and tricks to surprise and delight partygoers. For some people, especially those that come from bigger companies, the constant change can be somewhat unsettling at first. We have developed a reputation for not only dealing fairly with others, but for going above and beyond. Besides being distinctive, these beliefs create a framework for Zappos actions. This proves the companies dedication not only to the employees work life, but to their personal well-being. In these times of change, ethical considerations taking a backseat to a lean business model is not a sustainable approach. 2. Examples of such behavior include derogatory comments based on racial or ethnic characteristics and unwelcome sexual advances. Ask yourself: How can you do what you're doing more efficiently? Confidential information may include, for example, information about Zappos strategy, plans, customers, suppliers, financial statements, credit card information, contracts, capitalization, proposed acquisitions or divestitures, as well as confidential information about other companies with which we do business. These stories range from a six-hour phone conversation with a customer having trouble with their transaction, informing customers of where the best pizza parlor is in their location, to just being a friend to talk to. We watch out for each other, care for each other, and go above and beyond for each other because we believe in each other and we trust each other. Other Zappos employees are not allowed to communicate with the press on Zappos behalf or provide any information about us off the record, for background, confidentially or secretly. We are all protectors and cultivators of the Zappos culture; it's what makes it unique and something that grows every day. Lets be friends! Embrace and drive change. At Zappos, we think it's important for people and the company as a whole to be bold and daring (but not reckless). Zappos was able to keep its unique culture and core values., Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded, Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication. Since our humble beginnings, Zappos has been a customer-obsessed company that focuses on delivering a WOW experience. Its what makes us successful. Please do not do it. While we celebrate our individual and team successes, we are not arrogant nor do we treat others differently from how we would want to be treated. Fundamentally, we believe that openness and honesty make for the best relationships because that leads to trust and faith. In the end, both Zappos and its customers benefitted from the merger. How can you improve those relationships? Zappos ten core values are Deliver WOW Through Service, Embrace and Drive Change, Create Fun and A Little Weirdness, Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded, Pursue Growth and Learning, Build Open . You must WOW (go above and beyond what's expected) in every interaction with co-workers, vendors, customers, the community, investors with everyone. For all our emphasis on customer service, our #1 priority is company culture. Each one we pass means we've gotten better. To quote Tony Hsieh, "Just because you cant measure the ROI of something doesnt mean you shouldnt do it. More information is available in the Zappos Whistleblower Policy. Your culture doesn't stay the same, it will continue to evolve. And that's where we're breaking new ground. The brand is just a lagging indicator of the culture. And it's true: we don't. Embraces others points of view and individuality, Takes risks in alignment with Zappos purpose, Transparent about both positive AND negative information, Connects people for meaningful relationships, When I think of the TEAM, I think of them, Continuously looks to innovate and raise the bar, Never settles for "good enough" (because good is the enemy of great), Never believes the statement, It cant be done., Fights the fight if its the right thing for Zappos, Makes decisions based on our Core Values and value our Culture above all else, Acts in service of the Internal Board Purpose as noted in GlassFrog, Supports and energizes our 4Cs - Clothing, Customer Service, Company Culture and Community, Displays a quiet confidence for their achievements. Zappos committed to their employees. It does not matter whether the person works for the US government, a foreign government or is in the private sector. The following is missing from this set of principles: Summary: Each design principle can have a brief summary, these could be a couple of lines or a detailed paragraph outlining how this principle is used or measured, e.g. Although the data of credit card numbers were not stolen, information regarding full names, addresses, phone numbers, and the last 4 digits of credit cards were compromised. Subscribe to the Zappos Insights Newsletter! Our company culture is what makes us successful, and in our culture we celebrate and embrace our diversity and each person's individuality. Are you empowering your fellow circle members to process their tensions, improve the structure of their circles by bringing issues to governance meetings, and to drive change? They're a way of life. Backtrack to 2013: Tony Hsieh, Zappos's CEO, started promoting a new management structure called holacracy. Having a defined set of values will serve as your guide to continue your culture's growth and evolution in a positive direction. This means the best leaders are servant-leaders. This vision led Zappos to deliver happiness through the four Cs: Commerce, Customer Service, Company Culture, Community. How can you personally help the company become more efficient? Practical insights for compliance and ethics professionals and commentary on the intersection of compliance and culture. Ask yourself: Are you humble when talking about your accomplishments? Past epic party themes have ranged from Mardi Gras and old-school hip-hop to a Hawaiian luau at a waterpark. How can the company as a whole become more efficient? Are you learning something every day? It combines two ethical convictions: respect for the dignity of the person and recognition of the diminished autonomy of others. A key ingredient in strong relationships is to develop emotional connections. Ask yourself: What are things you can improve upon in your work or attitude to WOW more people? Principles help inform and influence values. Each supervisor is responsible for controlling the disclosure and use of confidential information by employees under his or her direction. Instead, the best team members are those that strive to create harmony with each other and whoever else they interact with. WOW is such a short, simple word, but it really encompasses a lot of things. You may not like it. If you find or suspect an error in any financial records you come across, you should notify your supervisor or director or Vice President of your department or business division or the Zappos Legal Department. Ask yourself: Are you passionate about the company? The current board of directors did not want the company to focus on their clients but to shift focus exclusively to product sales. Zappos equipment should not be used for non-company business, though incidental personal use may be permitted on a case-by-case basis in accordance with our other policies and procedures. You must maintain the confidentiality of information Zappos, Amazon, and our business partners (e.g., vendors, customers, service providers) entrust to you, except where disclosure is clearly authorized or legally mandated. Open, honest communication is the best foundation for any relationship, but remember that at the end of the day it's not what you say or what you do, but how you make people feel that matters the most. The best team members take initiative when they notice issues so that the team and the company can succeed. Zappo's Design Principles In one way or another, the concepts of integrity, honesty and commitment contained in this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the "Code of Conduct") are already touched on in our Core Values and currently exist in our company culture. In one way or another, the concepts of integrity, honesty and commitment contained in this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the Code of Conduct) are already touched on in our Core Values and currently exist in our company culture. Zappos also respects the intellectual property of third parties. Please bear in mind that each of us has a personal responsibility to incorporate, and to encourage our colleagues to incorporate, these principles into our work. Over time, we want everyone to develop his/her gut about business decisions. Zappos has addressed some critical challenges, handling them with agility, strength, and precision. They are the foundation of your company culture. In January 2005, Zappos polled employees on what they thought the companys core values should be. Zappos is an online shoe and clothing store. We know that companies with a strong culture and a higher purpose perform better in the long run. What new relationships can you build throughout your company beyond just the co-workers that you work with on a daily basis? We had never heard of employees going out of their way to do perform sincere and heartfelt actions that show the customer how much they mean to the company. Accordingly, you may not take for yourself opportunities in Zappos area of business that you discover through the use of Zappos property, information or position. The principles of accountability and improvement underlying the company's supplier responsibility are major objectives because of the need to ensure safe and ethical working conditions as well as compliance with various regulations in the global business environment. Ask yourself: How do you encourage more teamwork? One of the things that makes Zappos different from a lot of other companies is that we value being fun and being a little weird. We believe in hard work and putting in the extra effort to get things done. While we've built a good foundation, this is yet another stepping stone in our journey for ultimate self-organization and long-term sustainability. To this day, Zappos is still trying to recover from these ethical challenges. We should always be seeking adventure and having fun exploring new possibilities. Ask yourself: How do you grow personally? We believe in having a positive and optimistic (but realistic) attitude about everything we do, because we realize that this inspires others to have the same attitude. The first was the 2008 Layoff. At Zappos, we embrace diversity in thoughts, opinions, and backgrounds., Inc. Code of Business Conduct and Ethics As Revised May 1, 2010 Living Our Core Values In one way or another, the concepts of integrity, honesty and commitment contained in this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the " Code of Conduct ") are already touched on in our Core Values and currently exist in our company culture. We don't want to become one of those big companies that feels corporate and boring. The best team members take ownership of issues and collaborate with other team members whenever challenges arise. Ben Brignell maintains as an open source resource. Subscribe to our newsletter. D. This policy does not prohibit lawful contributions to political candidates, parties, action committees, sponsors of initiatives and for other lawful purposes, so long as such contributions are made in compliance with all applicable laws and Section I that follows. Learn how we deliver happiness daily. The first was the 2008 Layoff. Change management is a delicate process which must be grounded in a sensitivity for the humans experiencing the change and concretely connected to real considerations like individual development, pay, and productivity. And for anyone we bring on board, the best expertise they can bring is expertise at learning and adapting and figuring new things out -- helping the company grow, and in the process they will also be growing themselves. You may also raise your concern through one of the options set out in the Zappos Whistleblower Policy. Experiments with new ideas before going all in. Zappos is not an average company. So there are no experts in what we're doing. Deliver WOW Through Service 2. That may seem negative, but it's not: we'll do our best to "get it right," and then do it again when we find out that things have changed. But it can also at times feel risky, stressful, and confusing. What can you do with your team members so that you feel both like a family and a team? Sure, people have done parts of what we do before, but what we've learned over the years at Zappos is that the devil is in the details. This was a hard decision as the company cherished every employee. Bullets vs. cannonballs. The 2008 financial crisis has seemingly convinced an entire generation of leaders that business has entered new, uncharted territory and leaders must continually attempt novel structural disruptions to their organizations as a response. The proper use of Zappos property calls to mind Core Value #8 Do More With Less. This means that many things we do might be a little unconventional -- or else it wouldn't be a little weird. Your company has a culture. You must not, without proper authority, give or release to anyone not employed by Zappos or Amazon, or to another employee who does not need to know, data or information of a confidential nature. Up to 60% off select boots, sneakers & outerwear. Zappos' leadership has succeeded in developing a culture characterized by ethicalness by identifying and integrating core values into the organization, which place great emphasis on the employees' and customers' happiness. The hard part, is committing to the values once they are set. Zappos is an effective learning organization because they establish from the first day a commitment to learning. Check out our Oath of Employment, which we use to not only highlight our values, but commit to them both as Zappos employees and as a business. The largest indicator of unethical practices at Zappos is the new organizational structure implemented by Tony Hsieh. Employees performing services in the United States or other countries governed by at will employment rules should be aware that this Code of Conduct does not alter an employees at-will relationship with Zappos. Stakeholders stay happy due to Zappos's success. At their worst, they can lead to employee disengagement and a company that proceeds rudderless, having been stripped of its long-tenured employees via voluntary leave packages and its conventions through generic, buzzword-driven processes that have no intrinsic meaning or applicability to the specific needs of that business. In January of 2012, Zappos database was hacked and millions of customers personal information was taken. You must not create any false, incomplete or misleading entry or record. We must always plan for and be prepared for constant change. Are you passionate about your work? But it has to be a joint effort: You have to want to challenge and stretch yourself in order for it to happen. While we may be casual in our interactions with each other, we are focused and serious about the operations of our business. Sometimes our sense of adventure and creativity causes us to be unconventional in our solutions (because we have the freedom to think outside the box), but that's what allows us to rise above and stay ahead of the competition. By reading, studying, and understanding this Oath of Employment, you agree to enact each item and agree to embrace each item in energizing your roles and in your decision making.. At Zappos, we encourage every employee to bring their whole self to work. 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