?Above is a general description , but are there rules for the 4-1 like there is for the 5-0?Possible sequences?? Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aacd20725968da453b001ba8c605b10f" );document.getElementById("i4773677fc").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); FBC: A Philosophy of Creating Best Practice Driven by Results. To begin, lets say that the opposing team misses a shot and that leads to a defensive rebound gathered by 4. A big key to this is the fact that Jay Wright and his staff coach their players to always play off two feet in traffic, whether it be with a jump stop or stride stop. The Dribble Drive Motion Offense starts in a 4-out 1-in setup. Afterwards, the non-screening post player could either pop to the corner (preferably the opposite corner) or replace at the top if the screener rolls to the basket, which is also known as roll and replace. In terms of the setup, offensive players in the line near the right slot should be perimeter players while players in the left slot should be post players. But if your goal is take high-percentage shots and you have players who can finish strong inside and shoot from long distance, then this will give your team a high scoring offense. The 4-Out 1-In motion offense (also known as 41 offense) is one of the most popular basketball offenses in today's game. Three (3) moves into low post. As that occurs, 5 rolls to the right side low post block while 4 replaces at the left slot. Moreover, 3 should cut back to the right side corner while 2 fills the top area and 1 fills the vacant left side wing. As shown in the video breakdown above, Villanova loves to slip their split action, especially if the defense overplays the screen. Kelly - Each motion has different rules. It's important to note that all of these positions are interchangeable. In this offense, they must learn to move to open space on dribble penetration. All perimeter spots are the same. Jay Wrights Villanova Wildcats consistently have one of the most efficient and effective offenses in all of college basketballas shown by their top ten ranking in offensive efficiency this past season. Post player stays on weak-side and looks to post when balls comes back to him. 4-Out Motion You will also see a secondary motion offense that emphasizes attacking the rim with drives. 479715209 Sample Motion to Quash Information pdf - REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Fourth Judicial - Studocu This a sample of a Motion to Quash Information. 1 Basketball Offense 4 Out 1 In Motion Offense . When one pass away and overplayed, backdoor cut. Also, at the same time, the post player that did not grab the defensive rebound or inbound the ball runs to the rim. This can lead to more turnovers than a more 'perimeter passing' offense like the 5-out motion. Also, if a slot player is a guard, then that same slot player should typically avoid setting screens for post players. On this pass, 1 will clear out to the weak-side corner as 3 moves up to the slot position. I'm not going to go into that many set plays of the 4-out/1-in set, but will try to give a few to get. Five (5) lifts to weak side high post. Also, as another scoring option, 1 could cut to the basket after setting the screen, receive the ball from 5, and score at the rim. Regardless of whether you're a beginner The 1-4 high offense is a basketball offensive strategy that primarily utilizes the high post as well as the wing areas to create scoring opportunities near the basket or near the perimeter areas of the court, typically with a variety of basketball cuts and/or basketball screens. Anticipate the shot. 4-Out Motion also gives the perimeter players a chance to attack their defender due to the spacing of the offense. A straight cut will involve the player filling the spot that was occupied by the player setting the screen. These are general rules for the players, primarily derived from insights within The 4 Out 1 In Motion Offense by Jay Wright. This is an example of a basketball drill for the 4 out 1 in motion offense that seeks to develop screening, shooting, and cutting. The ball handlers (3) first option is to attack downhill off of the ball screen. Also, 3 drifts to the left side corner while 5 pops out to the right side short corner. The 4-1 Offense High On-ball Screen provides a number of positives for a team. If they have a mismatch, take advantage of it and get to the hoop. basic movements ofthe five player open post motion offense, offense beforecuts begin, cut-to-the-baBasketball options, cut-to-the-ball options, cut-away-from-the-ball options, offensefrom . Your email address will not be published. Instead of the lob pass, pass to the corner. These a great to call out of timeouts after you've identified a mismatch. Patience. 12 gauge 3 inch hulls.Gauge. Villanovas split action is initiated by the the post entry passer screening for the next closest player, immediately after entering the ball to the post. As theyre going to set the screen, the player should call out their teammates name and the player with the ball must wait until the screen is set before they try to use it. HoopsKing.com Instructional Basketball Company. It is based on insights from Man-to-Man Side Ball Screen Offense with Quick Hitting Plays by Billy Donovan. To start, X1 pressures the ball handler near the top and that triggers 5 to execute a flat ball screen near the mid-line of the court. As another scoring option, 3 could receive the ball from 1 and take the three-point shot if open. Notice that O4 back-screens for O2 to occupy the weak-side, helpside defenders. The strong side wing (1) will also shake or lift to fill behind 3 as he attacks off the ball screen. Furthermore, 2 and 3 drift down to the corners. Laker cut and fill opposite. Two things to focus on during this progression: 1) every pass is followed with a basket cut and 2) on each cut, players fill towards the basketball. Jesse Shaw: The Jet 4-Out High Post Offense Item Number: BD-05015 Currently 3.60/5 Stars. Its up to the player coming off the screen on what to do but be sure to remember that one player must fill the spot on the perimeter and the other has to cut. Stuart Manwaring - players without the ball work together, e.g. Kleber's 3-point shooting also proved crucial to the Mavericks' success in the first two rounds of the playoffs last year and should now help space the offense with Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving. We want to keep the defense moving so that holes open up and the defense is forced into closeouts. Next, 2 dribbles towards the middle of the floor near the free throw line via a side ball screen set by 5. For this option, your post player no longer has the freedom to flash to the basketball but spends the entirety of the possession on the weak side. This triggers 4 to cut down towards the left side low post. Read the defense on the back side. The next progression of the offense is to give players another option after passing the basketball in addition to basket cutting which is the option to screen away. Alternatively, 4 could receive the ball instead and take the jump shot if open. On this dribble penetration, the same rotations apply as in option A. If the corner defender starts anticipating the fill and cheats up, back cut behind the defender and seal. It is derived from insights within Offensive System by Nathan Davis and the main objective is to score quickly during the primary or secondary break before the defense is fully prepared to stop the potential offensive attack. For A Breakdown of Post & Perimeter Player Rules click here. The final point of note about the 4-1 Offense High On-ball Screen is the ability for miss-matches to occur. With all the movements going on within this offense, the defense will constantly be trying to recover to close out on their player. If theyre inside the 3-point line, fill to the open corner. One of the reasons for its popularity is the versatility it gives any team at all levels. Also, if the post player is not open to score, then the post player could pass to the teammate cutting to the basket or possibly to another teammate on the perimeter, particularly near the same side wing or perhaps on the opposite wing via a skip pass, in some instances. The four positions around the perimeter can be filled by any player (1-4). Playing off two feet allows Villanovas guards to attack under control, pivot out of trouble, kick to shooters, etc. Weighted vests and sh Lack of Offensive Guidelines - The dribble drive offense can be difficult for players who are used to being told exactly what to do and exactly when to do it (set plays do this). After that happens, 5 could cut across to the left side low post area. 2 and 3 should generally sprint to the corners. Either 4 or 5 can grab defensive rebounds if the opposing team misses the shot or execute the inbound pass if the opposing team makes the shot. For example, if a player is one of the teams best perimeter shooters, then that same player should always look to take perimeter jump shots when open. To start, 4 receives the ball from 1 and after that, 2 receives the ball from 4. The now popular "dribble-drive motion offense" uses a 4-out set and very little screening. Pin defenders on ball reversal (as the ball come back to you). Tendency to Over Dribble - Since the dribble drive motion offense relies on dribble penetration, it's possible that some players will elect to dribble immediately when there are better options like passing to a teammate. , Basketball drills for guards are essential to help them become successful on the court. Keep great spacing - To run the 3-out 2-in motion offense at a high level, there should be approximately 12-15 feet of space between players at all times. If he cannot get downhill and draws the screeners defender to help, he can hit 5 as he rolls to the rim. The 4-1 Offense High On-ball Screen includes tactical elements like on-ball screening, shuffle cuts, staggered screens, and continuity on both sides of the floor, which means the defensive players, must constantly be in motion and be technically perfect in their rotations. A player in each slot (top of key), a player on each wing, and a player on the low block. Three (3) down screens for Two (2). Next, 5 could cut across the lane to the left side low post, receive the ball from 3 if possible, and then score via a low post move. The 4-Out 1-In motion offense (also known as 41 offense)is one of the most popular basketball offenses in todays game. The 4-out 1-in motion offense consists of 4 players on the perimeter, and 1 player inside. Next, 4 could possibly score via a mid-range jump shot or layup at the rim. Two players in the slots at the top of the key (1 and 4). Straight line drive with purpose of GETTING TO THE RIM! While this offense definitely develops it, players must be able to make smart decisions on whether to shoot or pass. If Villanova doesnt have an advantage in transition, they typically start their half court possessions with a pass from the slot to the wing. The player in the ball-side slot passes the basketball to the wing and then cuts through to the strongside corner. This ball screen action is typically triggered by a ball reversal. Preferably, wing players should consider cutting through to the basket to potentially receive the ball again for a scoring opportunity at the rim or if that is not available, then wing players should continue to cut through to the opposite corner. Should always be high/lo and opposite one another. When ball is reversed, move to the back side or post up for 3 seconds (max). A team successful with the motion offense must be able to read the defense and make offense moves accordingly. Generally we run the 4-out motion offense against man-to-man defenses. Next, 2 cuts to the basket while 3 cuts to the right side wing via the screen set away from the ball by 1. In this breakdown, we will take an in-depth look at Villanovas spacing, the motion within their offense, and their go-to concepts they flow into in the half court. From there, 1 could receive the ball and take the three-point jump shot if open. Additionally, while all of that happens, 4 trails the play and eventually settles near a slot that is opposite of 1. Generally, we like to run the 4-out motion offense against man-to-man defenses. If none of these options are open, 1 can reverse pivot and pass out to 4 who has filled cut across to fill their original slot position as a pressure release. Conversely, if a player is not necessarily one of the teams best shooters, but that player is great at cutting to the basket or driving to the lane, then that player should try to execute those particular actions if the opportunity presents itself to do so. Starting off similar to the previous diagram, 1 dribbles toward the left side wing. Cutters 5-out motion (see Youth offence)- pass to the corner to avoid a 5-second call, then basket cut, the corner player can immediately dribble out to the wing and be replaced by the cutter. This is a simple example of the 4 out 1 in motion offense that demonstrates a slot to slot pass, which leads to pick and roll action. Four times four is equal to? What is an example of the initial formation for the 4 out 1 in motion offense Afterwards, once the slot player drives into the lane, that player should look to shoot if open or execute a kick pass to another teammate on the perimeter, who could also shoot if open. Once the guards have gone through, the high post sets a diagonal cross-screen for the low post. If 1 does not receive the ball from 5, then 1 could cut through to the left side corner. If the on-ball defender executes pressure defense against the player with the ball at the top or near the slot several feet away from the three-point arc, then one of the post players could set an on-ball screen such as a flat screen or angled ball screen near the mid-line at the top to act as a pressure release. Two (2) will read the movement of the defence an either flare or roll to the basket. The post player with a mismatch (5 in this scenario) will cut across to the ball-side and battle for front position on the low block. At the same time, 3 could cut to the right slot area via the wide pin down screen set by 4. Now its time to add dribble penetration to the offense. However, this time, the screening action comes from the low post player. If none of those options are open, the perimeter players must be moving around the three-point line to create passing lanes. If a post entry is made, Villanova likes to flow into Split Action to create a scoring opportunity or occupy the help or choke defenders so the post player has room to freely operate. . From there, 2 and 5 could execute the drill again. As a starting point for teams to implement as part of their initial playbook the continuity of the offense makes it very easy to learn and perform. , Injuries are an unfortunate reality of basketball, but that doesn't mean injured players h One of the reasons for its popularity is the versatility it gives any team at all levels. All of the perimeter spots should be a step outside the 3-point line to make sure the floor stays spaced. This is an example of the 4 out 1 in motion offense that demonstrates another flat ball screen. Post player stays on weak side the entire possession. The play starts with 4 players on the perimeter and 1 player at or near the low block on the ball side. Again Five (5) has the option of setting a screen for Two (2) on shuffle cut to basket. If the ball handler (3) has no other options off the ball screen, he can always kick it to the weak side for a shot or drive. This ebook explains all the details of running a motion and gives you lots of ideas for rules to make your own: http://www.breakthroughbasketball.com/pr/motionoffense.htmlI suggest checking out the ebook because that will clear everything up and there's just too much to write here to do a good job of explaining how it works. Additionally, 4 could execute a self replace cut back to the right side slot area. This offense utilizes four perimeter players to create great spacing. If Villanova cannot attack in transition or get to an early post entry, they like to flow into their go-to action, a slot ball screen. From there, 3 could receive the ball from 1 and score at the rim. Also, after making the slot to slot pass, 2 cuts away to the left side corner. The 4-1 Offense High On-ball Screen includes tactical elements like on-ball screening, shuffle cuts, staggered screens, and continuity on both sides of the floor, which means the defensive players, must constantly be in motion and be technically perfect in their rotations. Having the 5-man initially occupy the weak side dunker spot creates space and driving lanes for the ball handler to attack downhill. Generally speaking, players should be about 12 to 15 feet apart from each other to create good spacing. Post Space - If you do choose to take advantage of a mismatch inside, there is a lot of space inside the key with the other four players spread out around the three-point line. Once they have a solid understanding of the progression and are able to complete it with little to no mistakes then you can advance to the next progression. 1 will slide in behind the space left of the wing while the players in the 3 and 4 positions look to create space for a kick out. Additionally, 5 could receive the ball from 1 and score near the rim. Four Out, One In Motion Offense Sloman Basketball 1.25K subscribers 117K views 3 years ago In the Read and React 5-Out offense (50) we see the floor spaced at the point, wings, and corners.. Set up the screen by getting slightly below the screener. The base of this offense comes with so many different scoring options that all can be adjusted depending on the skills level and strength/weaknesses of your players. Not only do Villanovas guards do an excellent job of getting downhill, but they are always under control while doing so. Jay Wright, like most coaches, coaches his big man to look to score on a post up before anything else. Bobby Knight's motion had it's own rules. Steps can be added in any order, they do not conflict with other steps, and there are progressions within steps. When this happens, 2 cuts from the corner to the weakside slot position to create space in the corner for 1 to fill. 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