Fest dates are April 29 and 30, 2023. And I want to play a little bit of that because, you know, Marilyn McCoo just seems - and she's like the lead singer of the group - she just seems - you film her watching the video of her performance then, and she talks about how important it was for them to perform in front of a Black audience. Follow us On Instagram @eventnoirehq, Follow us On Twitter @Eventnoire, Like us on Facebook. Thank you for signing up to CinemaBlend. Recording engineer Tom Dowd started at Atlantic Records in the 1950s, and gained a reputation within the music business as a technical wizard, who could solve the logistical challenges of. And so in their minds, they were sort of like, you guys are absolutely crazy to - you know, this is like a keg of dynamite. (opens in new tab). You know, of all the cities that sort of went into turmoil during the aftermath of Martin Luther King's assassination, Harlem probably got hit the hardest of all, as far as rioting is concerned. Nina Simone is one of the real standout performers in it. I also found out that Jimi Hendrix tried to get on the festival as well and wasn't able to do it. And the church, you know, really wanted to, again, blackball them because it was as controversial - I mean, the same way that we look at Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B's "WAP" - that's how controversial the church felt that gospel singers singing in secular environments was, like, it was a sin against God. Like, probably the best thing about this film is the amount of people that are reaching out to me saying that, oh, my God, my great-grandmother is 19 years old. Woodstock (1970) Arguably the most culturally significant documentary on the list, seeing Woodstock is a rite-of-passage for any music festival zealot. Rent/Buy Tina on Amazon. The Strawberries and Creem festival was born from a popular club night promoted by two friends now evolved in an urban music haven. So they have to share a microphone, which means that they also have to - like, what they're doing with their arms. After the COVID-19 pandemic forced it go completely virtual for the past two years, the 2023 Sundance Film Festival one of the leading . Closely tied with Woodstock, this documentary analyses the commonalities between the original 1969 festival crowd and the attendees of the 25th and 30th-anniversary festivals, the latter of which was marred by violence, destruction, and multiple fires that broke out on the festival site. The Harlem Cultural Festival in 1969 in the documentary Summer of Soul. Ateneu 24 de juny, Girona Gratut THE MAIN SQUEEZE 3 mar, 22.30h. MCCOO: We were constantly being attacked because we weren't, quote-unquote, "Black enough." From the funky, opening groove of the film's first song, Stevie Wonder's slinky jam on the Isley's Brothers' "It's Your Thing," it is obvious the new documentary Summer of Soul (or When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised) will be packed with little-seen, landmark live performances. NWFjNjg3MzY4ZTMwNWEzZWM4N2VmOTg4ZDFlNmViZDA2ODQwMGMwMzdmZDQz RubyBridges desegrated schools in 1960, right? Festival: A Documentary (2015) Last Hippie Standing (2001) Music Is My Drug: Psychedelic Trance (1996) Spark: A Burning Man Story (2014) Woodstock (1970) My Generation (2000) Psytrance: A Way of Life (2014) Raving Iran (2016) This Was Tomorrow (2015) Under The African Sky (2009) It's All Gone Pete Tong (2004) But Questlove, the director of a new documentary about a pathbreaking Harlem music festival that took place over . Afropunk can be experienced in South Africa, France, United States, or South America. And it's like - it's hand gestures and, like, steps to the side, synchronized. Comedian Chris Rock was inspired to make this film when his daughter asked why she didnt have good hair. In this generally well-received documentary (except for some Black women, who side-eye Rock for making it), Rock explores Black hair and the hair weave business, going to India to find out where the hair comes from and how its sold to American buyers. -----BEGIN REPORT----- Why is - like, a white guy is the drummer in a Black group? This incredible rise to fame, as well as his tragic death just weeks before the release of his sophomore effort, Life After Death, is explored in great detail in the 2021 Netflix documentary, Biggie: I Got A Story to Tell. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. Searchlight Pictures/20th Century Studios, Questlove Discusses His Must-See New Doc, 'Summer Of Soul', Questlove's Roots: A 'Meta' Memoir Of A Lifetime In Music, Questlove Aims To Save Your Brain: 'Creativity Might Be In Jeopardy', Questlove On Prince, Doo-Wop And The Food Equivalent Of The 'Mona Lisa', 'Food Is Social Adhesive,' So Questlove Is Hosting A Virtual Potluck. Find more infomation on our past & present Black Music Festival concerts and events, please click the button above to view our full list, or alternatively see our lastest events in the pictures below! And he explained to us that at the very beginning, the police didn't want to provide security for the festival, basically, because of what had happened the year before. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. OTM5NGI5M2IxNWY1N2YyOWI3NzIzYjdmNzBiMmMzYTA1NmYzMDZkMTI5MmJj B. So their response was basically like, we don't want to be anywhere near this because it's - we're going to be outnumbered and that sort of thing. YTA4NjQ5OGQwYjg4NWU5NzdkMmE1NTA4ZWJkOTE0ZGE1ZDYyNjkzYjc3YjEz Related: February Is Black History Month! GROSS: This is FRESH AIR. This PBS documentary series asks whether the Emancipation Proclamation really freed black people in the United States. And they're wearing these - they're not wearing suits. This is definitely a great festival to check out if youre in Europe for the summer or if London Bridge is on your bucket list. (SOUNDBITE OF DOCUMENTARY, "SUMMER OF SOUL"). Purchase your tickets to any of their festival dates, year-round. And it just made me think about what it meant to the performers, you know, to be at the festival. Did you play the tape back for all the performers to get their reaction? The Harlem Cultural Festival attracted everyone from Stevie Wonder and Nina Simone to Jesse Jackson and. There is no denying James Browns place in the history of American music (as well as American history) thanks to the radical changes he brought to soul and rock and roll throughout the second half of the 20th century. Accuracy and availability may vary. QUESTLOVE: Yeah, it's evolved now. ESSENCE Festival. And so that was it. But Nina Simone especially, having just really a transformation in her life into using her political voice, which is really unheard of at the time. It's using everything I know to - I'm certain that if I didn't have this range of knowledge that I probably wouldn't have been chosen to be on "The Tonight Show.". Z25hdHVyZSI6IjMyMDQ2YjE2MWE5ZTkzYTY0MDQxZGZiOGNlOTBhZGVkNDMz Over the course of modern music history, Black artists like the late Aretha Franklin, Miles Davis, Nas, and others have revolutionized their respective genres and have become household names in the process. QUESTLOVE: I would say probably the Sly and the Family Stone performance is probably the most shocking to watch at the time, because, you know, up until that point, Black entertainers were hyper-aware of their presence in the world, even if it was the professional sense. If he is alive any place in the world, I think he'll know that this film exists and will want to reach out to you. Widely regarded to have been the first person to throw a brick at the Stonewall Riotseven though she says she didnt appear until laterJohnson was one of the principal figures in the vanguard holding off police. Now, I'd like to start with a clip of Gladys Knight performing at the festival. It was the ultimate Black barbecue.". Let's get back to my interview with Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson. The 2023 Festival is free. When we gather, there is an electricity throughout the crowd and in the air that makes for an experience unlike any other. We'll be right back. Marsha P. Johnson, an activist and drag queen, is the subject of this documentary, directed by David France. She read a poem by David Nelson of The Last Poets, which was a pretty radical poem about being ready to smash things. But Tulchin was unable to produce it into a film or TV series in spite of trying for years to attract funders. This annual Black music festival always provides a dope experience, with the artist lineup to match. So let's hear the Edwin Hawkins Singers doing "Oh Happy Day" from the film "Summer Of Soul.". Stream Summer of Soul on Hulu. On top of bringing us the best musical performances, these multi-day festivals typically include unique food courts, opportunities for networking, and after parties youll never forget. The new documentary he directed is called "Summer Of Soul." Keep reading for our recommendations of 21 Black documentaries that educate, entertain and inspire. 13 min read Music documentaries have been among the hottest and most lauded programming recently, from Peter Jackson's epic dissection of the making of The Beatles'. And she's just standing almost perfectly still (laughter). How are they all doing this at the same time without an actual, like, rhythmic step? Related: 120 Inspiring Quotes for Black History Month: Freedom Is Never Given. Attendees of this year's Visions of the Black Experience Film Festival will have the opportunity to screen dozens of new films during the event which kicks off Friday. After we take a short break, Justin Chang will review the new film "Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings." He didn't even know. GROSS: Had there been a concert series like this before with tens of thousands of people, Black people and people of color in a Black neighborhood, like Harlem, before? The 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival featured some of the biggest names in Black music, but it had largely faded from history. The police ruled Johnsons death a suicide, but friends were so adamant that shed never do that that in 2018, the case was re-opened. And he was just joking, like, because I was happy. GROSS: Well, look. QUESTLOVE: Well, I thank you for having me, and I really enjoy doing your show all the time. Copyright 2021 NPR. That was one of the reasons why performing in Harlem was so important to us, because we wanted our people to know what we were about. Freedom Riders were young people, both Nlack and white, who traveled together on buses to challenge Jim Crow laws in the deep South. The roster of performers included Wonder, Nina Simone, Gladys Knight and the Pips, Mahalia Jackson, The Staples Singers, B.B. ZTEwYThkMjJlYzE0ZGNkOTMzYmI1M2M1ODEzYzM0ZDU2OTAwODE0OTliZWFj GROSS: So you were unable to interview Tony Lawrence. Nina Simone probably - like, at least for my generation, growing up, the artists that we saw evolve the most in that way was Prince. I do know that there were jazz festivals previous to this, but not to this very specific level in the inner city for Black people. And somehow, we had a close-up of him for, like, six seconds. Everythings made for white kids because this school was made for white kids because this country was made for white kids, says one exasperated student. Questlove is also the co-founder of the band The Roots, which is the house band of "The Tonight Show," where Questlove is music director. Free Black people and neighborhoods of free Black persons existed even before the Civil War. And their whole disposition was basically like, you know, you must wear a tuxedo all the time. It can be frustrating to explain the Black experience in the United States, in part because Black history in America is comprised of so many different experiences. So, yeah, it would have been great to see Buddy Miles, Billy Cox and Freddie King and Jimi Hendrix as the Band of Gypsys perform at the Harlem Cultural Festival. Her expertise as a music journalist gives a glance into how Black culture . So I'm sure he knows now that he's in the afterlife. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. The City of Pittsburgh is a world-renowned hub for Jazz Music and the birthplace of internationally renown Jazz Artist such as: George Benson,Art Blakey, Stanley Turrentine, Billy Eckstine, Lena Horne, Earl Fatha Hines, Roger Humphries, Joe Negri, Ahmad Jamal and countless more. QUESTLOVE: Yeah. What Are the Black History Month Colors and What Do They Mean. QUESTLOVE: And so I had a nice little tradeoff. LISA & THE LIPS We never seen - wait. From Portugal and Miami to Puerto Rico, this festival was birthed by a group of friends seeking to take live Afrobeat music to the world. And are you ready to listen to all of the beautiful Black voices? People are getting their memories back. Were you already a big Nina Simone fan? QUESTLOVE: Oh, with Sly and the Family Stone. You could've told me and said that you were loving somebody else. The 11th annual BlackStar Film Festival was back at the University of Pennsylvania's Penn Live Arts at the Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts with a 76-film lineup representing 27 countries. Of course, in the history of that show, only two people can trace their slave ship and the country and sort of the area from which they came from. Martin Luther King Jr., who had been assassinated one year earlier. Director Hal Tulchin filmed all the performances: Six different free shows over six weeks. Create,Discover & Experience EventsFor The Culture At Eventnoire. This festival is a cant miss if you love Pharells discography, and can fathom the surprises of who he will bring out to perform with him. I can't imagine him not. So, of course, in 2018, 2019, I believe, I did Henry Louis Gates' "Finding Your Roots.". ZDg1MDZmMjFjMDhjZDBkY2FlNDZiNGEyYzUxYzBiYzE2Njk4ZDFhYTNkZTAz 1. Because he's such an important figure in all of this. Do you want to describe? Taking place in 1969 Harlem, the doc follows a magical six weeks of summer during the Harlem Culture Festival. Opening to rave. GROSS: If you're just joining us, my guest is Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson. Looking at the contracts, I was really shocked at what life was back in 1969. I saw the segregation, the racial discrimination. GROSS: Congratulations on the movie. ZjFhZjJlYzM3ZDY0MGY5OGYyNWQ2NzUzMGE4MDFiOThkYWMwNjI4YmQxYmY5 Well what about plans for tomorrow? The documentary provides a look at her entire life, from the time when she hoped to be the first black American classical pianist; finding her way after those dreams were dashed; and her role as an artist during the Civil Rights Era. OTIzYjk4MmM5NWM0NzM3MWEzNmRhNmIyNGZhYjdkMzMzMGEwN2VmNGNmNmUw Under The Electric Sky (2014) This documentary actually made my heart flutter. And somehow, Lee got former GovernorGeorge Wallace to be interviewed for the film. That's why the work of Questlove and his producers in unearthing the footage and shaping it into such an emotional, nostalgic, insightful story is so important. Whoa, yes I am. Its triumphant, optimistic, and respectful of The Apollos past and hopeful for its future. Well, yeah, also watching James Brown and Jackie Wilson and whatnot. But the performers had already been paid half their fees up . Essence Festival of Culture is held every year in the most hospitable city in America New Orleans. The previous couple of Harlem Cultural Festivals were pretty small. What's going on here? Watch on. There are interviews with activist Stokely Carmichael, his mother in an impromptu interview, activist Angela Davis and more of those involved in the Black Power Movement, and those are interspersed with contemporary interviews with people like Erykah Badu, the Last Poets' Abiodun Oyewole and rapper Talib Kweli. MDhhMzYwZTg5MDExNzNhMWY5NDNkOTVjMjdhN2MyOTNhNjg4NjAxMWY2Y2I3 So, yeah, in a way it's genuine love, but in a lot of ways, it's survival. So, again, the whole family knew of this fact. 'It was an out of body experience': looking back at the Wattsstax music festival In 1972, the largely Black community of Watts came together for a giant music event from Stax Records,. GROSS: So that was Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis speaking over their performance - over The 5th Dimension's performance of "The Age Of Aquarius," which was a big hit for them. Oh, I heard it through the grapevine. GLADYS KNIGHT AND THE PIPS: (Singing) I bet you're wondering how I knew - baby, baby, baby - about your plan to make me blue with some other girl you knew before. GROSS: This is FRESH AIR. Nina Simone, a criminally underappreciated musician who is perhaps best known these days for the song Feelin Good is the subject of this film, which opened the Sundance Festival in 2015. If the stars properly align, he will talk about For Love Of The Game being the best baseball movie of all time. "We didn't go to a psychiatrist. Stream Devil At The Crossroads: A Robert Johnson Story on Netflix. If youre a Gen Xer, your parents probably had you watching this one as a kid. GROSS: Yeah. This film is like a warning, a last chance, Peck has said. GROSS: Yeah. Celebrate the history and heritage of Black Music in America July 13-15, 2023, at this free festival. So that was really emotional for them to see him as a 19-year-old. Last year, this new Black music festival debuted with Usher as the headliner (considering he has a residency in Las Vegas), hip hop groups that havent been together for some time now, and fresh acts to split up the decades of sounds. Alternatively click here to read more about us. I'm wondering, like, how are they not punching each other with their arms and their - like, all their limbs are being utilized. 1. Director Hal Tulchin Stars The 5th Dimension Gladys Knight & The Pips ", "That was one of the reasons why performing in Harlem was so important to us," she adds, voice cracking. 1 was always this sort of unspoken I come in peace, I'm not a threat kind of disposition that most Black people have to have in the workspace, especially during this time period. Some are well-known, like slavery, while others are less-known, such as the story of free Black people in New Orleans during the antebellum period. 120 Fifth Avenue, Fifth Avenue PlaceSuite 2800Pittsburgh, PA 15222U.S. Oh, happy day, when Jesus washed, when Jesus washed, when he washed, when Jesus washed, he washed all my sins away. Monatge of Heck (2015) Cobain: Montage Of Heck. When he's not writing about movies or television, Philip can be found being chased by his three kids, telling his dogs to stop yelling at the mailman, or yelling about professional wrestling to his wife. The lions share of the footage seen here, in one of the best movies on Hulu, sat in a box for 50 years before being re-discovered and turned into a beautiful examination of the pivotal moment in American pop culture that was largely unknown until now. Antidote Films/Sony Pictures. Her creation of the Strength of a Woman Festival is a vibrant three days of comedy, music, and community keeping women at the forefront of the experience. One poignant moment: Mahalia Jackson and Mavis Staples singing "Take My Hand, Precious Lord and Jesse Jackson explaining how Martin Luther King Jr. had that song on his mind before he died; King was assassinated just one year beforehand. Tip: Try to get involved with their community service if youre in the area. Ain't nothing wrong with that, is there? Originally broadcast July 2021. GROSS: Yeah, she sang "Mister Backlash," which is also just a very political song. Det Svarte Alvor is a Norwegian documentary about black metal music and satanism, church fires in the 1990s, and the assassination of ystein Aarseth. Oftentimes, he would say that, you know, well, I talked to Stevie Wonder. Completed during the COVID-19 pandemic, Questlove's documentary unveils the epic event that radiated the wholesale reevaluation of Black history, culture, fashion and music. King performing at the Harlem Cultural Festival in 1969, featured in the documentary 'Summer of Soul.' Searchlight Pictures If you had walked up to Harlem 's Mount Morris. GROSS: That's so funny because you had suspected - you didn't believe it when people told you 'cause your father had never confirmed it. I mean, it really is a historic document. Sidney Madden is a co-host of NPR's podcast "Louder Than a Riot," which focuses on the intersections of music and culture. So I wish I had an answer. 6. So that's even unprecedented, because I'm used to, like, each background singer having their own microphone. And, you know, it was also risky. So it brought out my inner gospel preacher set thing. Rent/Buy Charley Pride: Im Just Me on Amazon. But Summer of Soul uses the music as both inspiration and foundation, setting the scene for subjects to talk about everything from the debate over non-violence in civil rights work to Harlem's status as a cultural oasis for Black people. Like, why would you guys even entertain this thought? The march to Edmund Pettus bridge, Rosa Parks staying seated, lunch counter demonstrations, Freedom Riders, Martin Luther Kingits all here. What do you want to do first? One of the only festivals to get Childish Gambino to do his full tour set at the FedEx stadium that one year, this musical experience is surrounded by Black-owned food and opportunities for social impact in the community. Rent/Buy Summer of Soul on Amazon. Its a feel good addition to the fun youll have during the festival, 11. King, Mahalia Jackson, the Staple Singers, Max Roach and Abbey Lincoln. Despite having only two sets of recordings and a few grainy pictures, Johnsons small library of music has influenced just about everyone who has picked up a guitar since the late 1930s. GROSS: Or find him, yeah. "I want to make sure black erasure doesn't happen during my lifetime and the film was an opportunity to work towards that cause.". Tip: Its best to get into the city early to beat the crowds, so you can get a head start of the Creole eats and waterfront views. Rent/Buy Miles Davis: Birth of the Cool on Amazon. NmE0ZTdkOTYxMGVjMTgxNTk1OWYxNmFiYjEwYjZjNDIwY2Q4Yzg5MzcwZmEy And, through new interviews, he lets musicians tell heartfelt stories about what led them to the festival. We were, like, looking, you know? From the 1970s until today, this style of music emerged from Black, inner-city neighborhoods to become a mega-popular genre among white suburban and upper-class neighborhoods, too. OTZmNjdhZDczMWE1YjE4ZWQ5NzRjMGMxOWQ1MGQxZjI2ODVkMTkwZjhlODc3 And a large part of that story is included in the 2021 HBO documentary, Tina, which doesnt hold back one bit. M2FjNWI3NTBmZGFjY2ViNDA0ZjE0MGMwYTMwZDFhZDcxMjY0Nzg2MzE1ZWRh "Because we wanted our people to know what we were about.". Oh, not much longer would you be mine. So it's sort of - that was his level of negotiating. But we knew Mahalia Jackson.". The tape sat in his basement for about 50 years. The book was supposed to be centered around Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Medgar Eversbut he gave it up. And so the fact that Sly the Family Stone is performing in their street clothes is such a shock to the audience. "Sometimes, we were called the Black group with the white sound we didn't like that because, how do you color a sound?" Updated on: January 20, 2023 / 10:01 PM / CBS News. QUESTLOVE: Besides the previous two Harlem Cultural Festival events, which wasn't hardly the size magnitude of the one that happened at Mount Morris Park, I believe that that answer would be no. But she introduced the song "To Be Young, Gifted And Black," which was inspired by the off-Broadway show of the same name. The hybrid festival showcased many premieres including 16 world, eight North American, 12 East Coast, eight US and 25 Philadelphia premieres. 6. One of the film's most affecting moments comes when gospel legends Mahalia Jackson and Mavis Staples team up to sing "Take My Hand, Precious Lord." We've never seen women play the trumpet. Everyones learned so much about Martin Luther King Jr. Its easy to think that you know everything there is to know. This documentary series follows the humble beginnings of hip-hop and follows the music all the way to the sounds and celebs of today. YzUwNTQ2N2RjMzViNWQzNDJjOWIyYTk2MzViNzU2NTEyMWNkMzgzY2UyNzZm One Musicfest is an urban progressive music experience that gathers over 50,000 music lovers together for a variety of events in one weekend. The Pitch: In 1969, the same summer as Woodstock, a different music festival played just 100 miles away in Harlem.It was the third annual Harlem Culture Festival, a weeks-long celebration of soul, Motown, blues, and gospel where nearly 300,000 people gathered and celebrated the sounds of Stevie Wonder, Mavis Staples, Nina Simone, and a host . MjFmN2FiZDdhMmFhNWJjOGFlZGY2NmRhNmJlYmYwMGU3NDBhZmNmNDBiOTRj "The fact that 40 hours of this footage was kept from the public is living proof that revisionist history exists," says Questlove, quoted in the film's press materials. 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