Blue, in an hour you feel new, and you can forget about Mellow yellow or Agent Orange, 'cause hey, I'm giving you blood red." Spirituality has nothing to do with it. What does the phrase "Do You Bleed" mean? The filmmaker stated that discussions are ongoing as to whether the projects should be released as films or in a long-form format through a streaming service.[46]. It's easy to empathize with his position, not so easy to remain engrossed in a film that's occasionally inspired but ultimately manic and scattered. They also added in a newly animated opening prologue called the Doomsday Scenario Interface. But they're in there. There is no real-life equivalent to the movie's "organic compound" which grants people telepathy etc. However, there are several in the graphic novel "The Prequel Saga." Ten years ago, a critical audience at Cannes sealed 'Southland Tales' fate. Ambitious and arresting to the eye -- the gray palette serves the film well -- it's too bad that Southland Tales is also pretentious, chaotic, and tries too hard. The critic Laura Mulvey once suggested Blue Velvet, having been released in 1986, was the ideal film for the mood of the Reagan era. One moment, for example, is during Cyndi's meeting where she asks Krysta how much of her own money is she putting into her career makeover. Cane loses consciousness. Edit, Those who use Fluid Karma are "Chemical Bleeders" (e.g. He has the solution to the energy crisis and becomes the most powerful man on earth. One theory is that duplicate souls from alternate timelines are not meant to exist together in a single timeline. Suddenly, a bright light appears through windows and a mushroom cloud rises in the distance: Abilene has been nuked. "Three Days [Live Version]" by Jane's Addiction15. "Tiny Elephants" by Moby12. The name Treer is a reference to Trier, Marx's birthplace. Lukas Dhonts Close explores the abrupt end of boyhood, Martin McDonaghs The Banshees of Inisherin: a brilliantly nasty Irish fable, Universal Credit falls short of covering the bare essentials. On his way to meet Krysta, Fortunio discovered Boxer Santaros in the desert, stricken with amnesia. Its a film that is also smart enough to know that if a member of any profession were to guide us through the end of days, it might as well be a sex worker: practical, skilled in persuasion, as adept at reading minds as any psychic. Edit, Richard Kelly stated in his interview with Empire film magazine, The idea of wireless electricity and tides being a source of energy, and there being a potentially world-altering energy source under the ocean, is based on real scientific theory. The Tangent Universe is an alternate reality to our own. | He stopped editing the film and was also unable to complete all of the visual effects in time for the screening. Its story overlaps with the movie, so it explains some of the back story. He's the best friend of Seann William Scott's character (Roland Taverner), so he's witness to the resurrection. The screenplay ends at a McDonald's restaurant, when Caleb starts belching noxious gas and launching fireballs. On his way to meet Krysta, Fortunio discovered Boxer Santaros in the desert, stricken with amnesia. Boxer receives a phone call from Starla Von Luft -- who is still under the impression that she is Dr. Muriel Fox -- and tells him to call Vaughn Smallhouse, one of Frost's assistants. When Southland Tales was released in 2006, it confounded filmgoers.A dense, sprawling science-fiction tale, Southland Tales throws the war on terror, the surveillance state, Hollywood, and the Book of Revelation into a blender and purees that unlikely mix into a stylish, acerbic film that we're still trying to figure out. Associated Press articles: Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. Kelly has said that this idea was inspired by a real U.S. Army project. The filmmaker explained that the original film is chapters 4-6, while a prequel project will explore chapters 1-3 with intentions being to do so through an animation medium; while additional projects can explore events that take place in 2024. Protector of the Messiah/False ProphetRoland Taverner: Its plot hinges on a barely explained back story involving rifts in the fourth dimension. The Second Law of Thermodynamics refers to a closed system, wherein entropy will accumulate and efficiency will diminish until the system stops. [28][29] After significant edits, the final version premiered at Fantastic Fest on September 22, 2007. "Me & Bobby McGee" by Waylon Jennings6. The two Rolands found each other in the end, but the movie ends before we can see what actually happens to them. One copy of Boxer traveled 69 minutes back in time, while the other copy was killed by an explosive charge in the car. "[12] He described the film as a "tapestry of ideas all related to some of the biggest issues that I think we're facing right now . Nana Mae Frost is also monitoring the entire situation from USIDent. It turns out that Fortunio has been on the Baron's payroll all along. Why is the film listed as 2006 instead of 2007? Ronald persuades him not to commit suicide, and the two decide to go to Mexico. Messiah ( forgives sins)"I forgive you. Ronald agrees to take Boxer for a ride-along so he can research his role. As in "Southland Tales," a character in "Kiss Me Deadly" picks up a stranger in the desert, and one of the main characters in the film is named after a poet. It's too bad, because "Southland Tales" is one of the more interesting and ambitious American films in recent memory. Back when the film was released in Cannes, three scenes were released on YouTube (which have long since been rendered unavailable): Boxer and Krysta talking with Roland about their film, Fortunio watching Krysta's show "Now", and Krysta's meeting with Cyndi Pinziki. [19] Kelly describes the negative reaction at Cannes as a "very painful experience on a lot of levels" but ultimately felt that the film "was better off because of it". Many people think wireless electricity is the thing that could rescue us from our dilemma as we reach the end of the petroleum era. A website was also developed to intertwine with the graphic novels and the film itself. These are all references to the seven plagues that precede the destruction of Babylon. Their hands begin to glow. In fact, Marx was indirectly influenced by the Book of Revelation in his writing. It's also symbolism for the above quote: almost a foreboding for the ending of the film where Roland turns out to be the Messiah. "[37] On Metacritic, the film has a score of 44 out of 100, based on 26 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews". When they join hands, a bond is formed and the rule of singular existence is completely broken. It stinks and we have to accept it. Edit, No. It foretells the end of the world and the Second Coming of Christ (Pilot Abilene keeps reading it on the soundtrack). "Southland Tales" also borrows from "Repo Man," which ends with a flying car (and which also referenced "Kiss Me Deadly"). Cindy meets Vaughn Smallhouse at a restaurant and gives him a copy of the sex tape. [18] Kelly's film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2006 with a length of 160 minutes. "ZORA: "A modified organic diet and transcendental meditation. The Treer company is a German defense contractor that employs Dr. Inga Von Westphalen, a zeppelin designer and the Baron's mother. As the movie suggests, the Baron conducted secret experiments, headed by Simon Theory, with soldiers in Iraq. Boxer appears at the Santa Monica pier to meet Starla Von Luft. Southland Tales is dizzyingly maximalist, never happy with one set-piece if it can introduce five. "Teen Horniness is Not a Crime" by Sarah Michelle Gellar, Abbey McBride, ClarKent11. The Taverner twins are revealed to be the same person by the engineers of Treer, duplicated when Roland traveled through a rift in space-time, while Boxer has become the most wanted man in the world despite his political ties and his having the fate of the future, in the form of a prophetic screenplay foretelling the end of the world, in his hands. [23], Southland Tales: Music from the Motion Picture is the original soundtrack of Richard Kelly's 2007 film Southland Tales. The idea with the severed thumbs is that the Neo-Marxists have figured out a way to create a free-floating voter. Then she pulls out her gun and threatens to kill herself unless she can give Boxer a blowjob. As part of his job, Jericho must tattoo a symbol from every world religion onto his body and, when the Messiah reaches maturity, the "winning" religion's symbol will bleed snake blood. For . The first three chapters of the story are told in a graphic novel called Southland Tales: The Prequel Saga, which among other things explains Roland Traveler's back story, Boxer's journey from the desert back to Los Angeles, and the true origin of Krysta and Boxer's screenplay. Serpentine explains that the world is coming to an end; the rotation of the Earth is slowing at a rate of .000000006 mile per hour every day. The name of Dr. Severin Exx is a reference to the name of an evil doctor in the movie "Kiss Me Deadly," and Boxer Santaros' convertible is the same car driven by Ralph Meeker in the 1955 film. Boxer's original self was incinerated in a car bomb triggered by Serpentine, while the duplicate Boxer is still roaming. The White Horseman, with his rifle post being his horse and his rifle his bow. The police break into Neo-Marxist headquarters and kill Kenny Chan. The film follows the criss-crossed destinies of Boxer Santaros, an action film actor stricken with amnesia; Krysta Now, a psychic exporn star in the midst of creating a reality TV show; and twin brothers Roland and Ronald Taverner, whose destinies become intertwined with that of all mankind. They will reign forever and ever"Revelation 12 and 13: Edit, It is implied that they are either divorced or brother and sister. Although it's part of a different section in the book, Revelation also refers to the Whore of Babylon -- dressed in scarlet and covered in gold -- as a symbol of Babylon's corruption. Everything and everyone is bedazzled in red, white, and blue; burgers and Buds are happily consumed on the lawn of every McMansion. Two witnesses appear in Jerusalem to speak out against the sins of mankind. Edit, Fred Zinnemann, the well-known movie director of the 1950s and 60s, maybe? Tab wanted Ronald to help the Neo-Marxists destroy US-IDent, so he entrusted Roland and Ronald to Zora Carmichaels, who then drove them to Venice Beach. Kelly has said that this idea was inspired by a real U.S. Army project. When Boxer and Fortunio met up with Krysta, she recognized Boxer and managed to convince him that she was an actress researching a role in his new movie, "The Power." A weekly round-up of some of the best articles featured in the most recent issue of the New Statesman, sent each Saturday. What's the deal with the Treer company, and why are there all these references to Karl Marx? Violence has erupted throughout the city. The screenplay ends at a McDonald's restaurant, when Caleb starts belching noxious gas and launching fireballs. alternative fuel or the increasing obsession with celebrity and how celebrity now intertwines with politics". Muriel and Jericho take the child after its parents are killed, and, under Muriel's guidance, drive to a farmhouse, where they are met by Serpentine, the Baron's mistress. Edit, It is a proposition on the ballot to restict US-IDent's powers. All three graphic novels were written by Richard Kelly, with artwork by Brett Weldele. The feature film comprises the final three parts of the experience. The other main reference points are T.S. Boxer Santaros (Dwayne "The Rock". Southland Tales had a rough go of it. Ronald Taverner, meanwhile, has picked up Zora and Bing Zinneman, a new member of the Neo-Marxists. Where does that qualifying characteristic for a messiah come from? Edit, In the 1980s British TV comedy 'Allo 'Allo!, the right-hand man of Herr Flick of the Gestapo is called "von Smallhausen", so maybe that's where Kelly drew his inspiration from. | Singer Rebekah Del Rio, who (as herself) performs the "Star Spangled Banner" onboard the mega-zeppelin, is also featured in David Lynch's "Mulholland Drive." Edit, It is a mechanical ball (built by Treer) which acts as remote antennas for the wireless electricity energy fields powered by Fluid Karma. [14] With the film's premise of a nuclear attack on Texas, Kelly wanted to take a look at how the United States would respond and survive while constructing a "great black comedy. He climbs out and walks up to the nearby ice cream truck. Singer Rebekah Del Rio, who (as herself) performs the "Star Spangled Banner" onboard the mega-zeppelin, is also featured in David Lynch's "Mulholland Drive." While Roeper called the film "Two hours and twenty-four minutes of abstract crap," Phillips felt that "the film has a head on its shoulders despite the fact that it can't find any direction" but nevertheless gave the film a thumbs down. It's just more physical. Neo-Marxist cells have begun to converge on central Los Angeles. Southland Tales begins on Independence Day 2005 in an eminently recognizable Bush-era Texas. Edit, After Roland Taverner came back from Iraq, he got a job as a police officer in Hermosa Beach, thanks to his father. Original music was provided by Moby. Donnie Darko had just debuted there in January of 2001 and as soon as he got back, Richard. This has opened up a rift in the space-time continuum on the outskirts of Lake Mead. Edit, Moments before the whole Fallujah incident, when Pilot and Roland were roping down their helicopter, Pilot is nervous so Roland gives him his iPod to listen to. The first time Fortunio appears in the film, he quotes Karl Marx ("Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval"), and several characters quote the song "Three Days" by Jane's Addiction ("We saw the shadows of the morning light/ The shadows of the evening sun/ Until the shadows and the light were one"). Or, maybe it's just an hallucination from Fluid Karma that only the two of them can see (since Martin doesn't actually notice the light from his hands in the Hummer). He says, "It all ends tonight.". The final chapter of the film ("VI: Wave of Mutilation") begins. Kelly said: "[Southland Tales] will only be a musical in a post-modern sense of the word in that it is a hybrid of several genres. Edit, Much of Pilot Abilene's voiceover consists of direct quotations from the Book of Revelation. [24][25], The soundtrack for Southland Tales was released in stores and online on November 6, 2007. But if "Southland Tales" follows the same logic as "Donnie Darko," as laid out in that film's DVD extras, when the fourth dimension is corrupted, it causes the creation of two parallel universes: the Tangent Universe and the Primary Universe. Zora Carmichaels and Bart Buchman return to the Neo-Marxist headquarters, where we learn that the two are lovers and have planned the murder of Dion and Dream. Ronald Taverner and Baby Caleb in "The Power") not have a bowel movement? Several days before the movie starts, on the same houseboat on Lake Mead, Tab Taverner, Ronald/Roland's father, told Ronald -- who has amnesia -- that he must kidnap his brother in order to protect him. The film features an ensemble cast including Dwayne Johnson, Seann William Scott, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Mandy Moore, and Justin Timberlake. Feb. 7, 2021. Kelly sought more financing to finish visual effects for the film, and he negotiated a deal with Sony to cut down on the film's length in exchange for funds to complete the visual effects. This is because, at the end of the day, Southland Tales is a very indulgent, very silly and weirdly endearing film that all manages to come together in a near indescribable sweet spot. [26], Southland Tales was initially planned to be a nine-part "interactive experience", with the first six parts published in six 100-page graphic novels that would be released in a six-month period up to the film's release. What If He Is Dead, But He Is Not? "Very soon now, I shall be with you again, bringing the reward to be given to every man according to what he deserves"Revelation 21? Back in Venice Beach, Boxer and Roland pull up in front of a house while Dion and Dream pretend to fight inside. Musician Moby was approached on composing and performing the film's score. The name may also reference the actor Fortunio Bonanova who starred as Carmen Trivago in the film Kiss Me Deadly, itself a considerable influence on Southland Tales. And, of course, gets corrupted and goes mad. We may have to wait for the DVD commentary to figure that one out. A conversation between Zora and Ronald in "Fingerprints" (Book 2 of the graphic novels) sheds some light on this: Eliot's "Hollow Man" ("This is the way the world ends/ Not with a bang but with a whimper") and Robert Frost's "The Two Roads" ("Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-/ I took the one less traveled by"). It tells the story of Jericho Cane, a renegade Los Angeles police officer (and Boxer Santaros doppelgnger), who teams up with Dr. Muriel Fox, a psychic stripper (and Krysta Now doppelgnger), to protect a baby named Caleb. Edit, Operation Dream Theory was an experiment created by Treer. Many of his answers are contained in this FAQ. || Southland Tales Movie Ending Explained in English#endingexplained endingexplained Copyright Disclaimer: No Copyright in. All of these references to Marxism aren't entirely unconnected to the film's biblical references. Edit, Revelation 6:8: Despite being critically and commercially unsuccessful, the film has developed a cult following in later years. If Proposition 69 passes, US-IDent will essentially be shut down or have its powers severely restricted. Richard Kellys Southland Tales, a science-fiction comedy about the aftermath of the Third World War, is set in Los Angeles circa 2008, roughly three years after a sudden nuclear attack on Texas. September 22, 2007 Dwayne & quot ; it on the Baron 's mother the well-known movie director the! Electricity is the film ( `` VI: Wave of Mutilation '' begins. '' ( e.g After significant edits, the soundtrack for Southland Tales was released in stores and on. 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