He also tells them that his grandma has never met "Adam" before and they both tell him that he shouldn't worry about it and that she'll accept him in time. In Can't Stop This Thing We Started, Clare tells Alli that Eli is sending her a surprise for getting into Columbia. He crumples up a paper napkin that he was about to hand her. Eli's first line was spoken to Clare. Eli says she can't keep running away, but she says she's not running away for the first time in months, she's running towards her future. and Clare says she is there to pick up Eli's English homework. Eli reads, "a lock of hair. Even though Clare says it's over and she can't come back from cheating, Alli tells her she need to talk to Eli. He says "I want him to have it or her." Eli and Clare were trying to get things back on track but Eli couldn't deal with the fact the baby wasn't his or so they thought, Clare later found out the baby was his and planned to tell him before Eli blew up at her and Clare decided not to tell him. Eli says he loves her but if she doesn't want to be with him then maybe she doesn't want to be with him. Alli says that's sweet of him, then asks Clare if she told him about her surprise yet. It saves lives, manipulates lives, and prioritizes some lives over others. Clare says she doesn't want Eli to see her like this. He says he wouldn't want things to be awkward and Clare figures out he did read her journal. Clare then grabs Eli's hand on the door of his hearse, and says, "you can interfere every once and a while, but I'm still going to do whatever I want." Eli moves to face Clare, takes her hands in his, looks in her eyes and tenderly says, "Clare Edwards you are the most incredible person I've ever met, and I know this isn't how you planned for things to go and I know it's scary, but I feel really lucky to be apart of this training with you and I love you and I will always be here for you no matter what." Clare asks Eli what is wrong with him but Drew tells her he deserved it. She cries and says that she shouldn't go to the bonfire because she feels it's unfair that Adam died and she got to live. Eli says "Surprise!" When he didn't pick up, she leaves to go talk to him. Clare goes to find Eli, planning to tell him Fitz has a knife. Eli says he'll text Clare later about this afternoon but Clare reminds him the school has a no cellphones policy now. Clare tells him she doesn't feel she can believe him, but Eli insists it meant nothing. In Drop the World (1), Eli sprints to the school to find Clare, who is shocked to find that her name is listed as one of the authors in his new story, Stalker Angel. She clarifies that she said "'I think I'm in love with Jake.'" Clare says she's fine and Eli asks where she is. Clare asks if "he" would have liked beef jerky too. In Finally (1), outside the school, Clare is sitting on a bench when Eli arrives with coffee and he sits down next to her. Eli and Clare kiss while they clean up Eli's room. At Clare's house, Clare and Eli take a group selfie with Jenna, Connor, Alli and Dallas. "Clare Edwards, you are the most incredible person I've ever met. In Purple Pills (2), Eli and Clare try to convince Adam to not fight Fitz to solve his problems. Eli asks what she'll do instead and Clare says she doesn't know. They have separate beds, even separate bedrooms, for any number of reasons, like differing sleep times and condition preferences, snoring or restless leg syndrome, among others. Eli and Clare start their video chat and Clare begins to take off her cardigan and asks if she should take her pants off too. Clare says okay, takes Eli's hand, and kisses it. She then tells him she finished it and asks him to read it out loud. Clare takes this in for a moment, relating it back to their earlier conversation and grows tense. She adds that Clare and Eli should just get married and move to some deserted island where they could read each other pretentious poetry. He says, "Are you going to raise a family together? Clare then asks him a few questions about why he's been acting differently towards her. He frantically asks where she was and tells her how dangerous it was. Drew later finds Clare crying in the student council room. Eli yells out that he knocked up his soulmate, ruined his life, and asks if that's all he has to say. Eli says he's the father, Clare adds "who has a history of lashing out when any little thing goes wrong." In Finally (2), they said that they will continue a long distance relationship for the next year. In Extraordinary Machine (2), after Imogen plants pills in Clare's bag, Eli devises a plan to get Clare off the hook, by telling Mr. Simpson that the pills were his, and that Clare was just holding them for him. While at least a third of Americans are not getting the recommended amount of at least seven hours of sleep a night,. When he lifts his head up it shows that he is crying. The doctor says they should also also consider how to commemorate their child and gives them an info sheet before leaving the room. Alli asks if that means not obsessed with her and if that is what she wants. Eli arrives at the party angry after what he just found out and Clare arrives moments later and is happy about the party. He explains the fight and Fitz's arrest. She looks at him sadly and shakes her head, as if she's saying she knows he doesn't mean that. When she turns around, Eli immediately tells her to listen to what hehas to say. He is romance! Meanwhile, Eli is still waiting for Clare to show up at their special bench. At the spring formal, Alli tries to convince Clare to break up with Eli, but Clare is hesitant do so. Clare tells her it was Jake's fault and that he gave it to Eli. Clare tells Eli she has to know the truth. After he leaves to answer his call, Clare finds a pack of cigarettes in his coat pocket. Clare and Eli re-enter the party and Eli tells her that everyone will get over her leaving her own party/ Dallas approaches them and insults them, leading to an all out brawl which only stops when Imogen gets the confetti canon to work. Eli admits it was hard enough the first time. Eli is waiting for Clare outside the school doors when Clare appears and they both nervously say hi to each other. Eli then asks Clare if she was really worried about him and Clare said it wasn't him. Clare suggests they do something sexy in order for her not to miss him so much. In some cases, changing sleep positions or various anti-snoring products can . He says it's okay and continues reading his edited story. He refuses to give up on their relationship and leaves to toss his cap, taking Clare with him on stage refusing to let her go for even a moment. Eli isn't comfortable with talking and thinks about seeing Cam's body. Eli and Clare both get into their dream schools and it's a bonus that they'd get to be together living out those dreams together ---- they both worked incredibly hard to get into their school of choice. The next day Clare and Eli are sitting on a picnic bench talking about why Adam had tampons and what he needed them for. And while the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended in 2016 that parents and babies sleep in the same room together for at least the first six months of life, and preferably for the first year, they stopped short of recommending that parents and babies share the same bed. Eli, Clare, and Adam start to film. Clare says that he's right, he (their son) should know his dad and that she could use his help. He asks her to tell him it's not true, but they are interrupted by Dallas and the hockey team's arrival. Clare sighs and takes a beat. He then asks why she's treating him like he's fragile and she says he has a lot going on and didn't want to upset him. Drew says she obviously doesn't care enough to show her support. Clare says she hasn't told him yet and that she needs the perfect words. Adam suggests the date of Julias death and it works. Eli is surprised and asks "really?" Imogen then walks over where Clare and Jake are. Adam asks Fiona to go on a walk and she resists, saying she just got there and that she and Clare are really hitting it off as she puts her hand on Clare's. Eli is angered further when Fitz pushes Adam against the lockers. In In The Cold, Cold Night (2)they rekindled their romance when they kissed at the Frostival. He begs her to talk with him so they could settle things out, but she refuses by saying "Just GO!" Alli says she could've told him in a worse way before he finds out in another way before Drew yells at Clare upon knowing that Eli was the father of her baby, she says it was a mistake before Drew says he sacrificed everything in his life for her. If I _____ (go) out tonight, I _____ (go) to the cinema. Clare gets a call from Drew but lies to Eli, saying it's telemarketers. Did you flip a switch and erase me from your memory? When he arrives, he is shocked to see Fitz standing with Clare in her living room. At school, Clare asks Jake to invite Eli over to their house so her mom won't be able to kick him out since he is Jake's guest and not hers. In Ray of Light (1), Clare asks Fiona to ask Eli to do the video yearbook to help get him of his slump. Eli tells her he knows what he is going to have to go through. Clare says she thinks they can make long distance work and Eli gives Clare the key to his apartment and tells her he knows that they can. Then, Clare kisses Eli and tells him to hold on to what he's thinking and they'll talk after break. When he doesn't respond, she says, "For once you have no sneaky plans up your sleeve?" Clare comments that it's beautiful and Eli says that she is. She smiles and says no. Clare and Eli look on as K.C. Spinner is interviewing Eli for a job at The Dot and is asking him what his availability is over the next few months, Eli tells Spinner he has to take care of something right now after seeing Drew in The Dot. In Sparks Will Fly (1), Clare broke up with Eli because she said he was never there for her and she had feelings for Drew. All Falls Down (1) (1023) (First Time) Come As You Are (1) (1201) (Second Time) The Time of My Life (1239-1240) (Third Time) Ready or Not (1414) (Fourth Time) However, Clare is still upset at Eli for leaving her prior to prom and runs off, leaving Eli on stage by himself. After she wheels her bike away, stares angrily at him, and leaves, Eli shakes his head to himself and gets back to work. Conditional Sentences 1. However, Eli tells him he already has plans with Clare but promises to call him after. In (You Drive Me) Crazy, Eli tells Imogen about his situation with Clare and asks her to join him in his "wallowing.". When Eli first proposed this, I thought it would be incredibly awkward, but the night isn't awkward at all. Clare kisses him and says, "Eli, I am all in." They both agree it was a "great" night. They begin to make out again but stop when they hear crying. Imogen then asks if she has to talk to Jack now and both Clare and Eli smile in response. Clare slowly says she'll tell her she will live with her boyfriend. Clare smiles and seems really happy about this but says she has to catch her flight in response. Drew makes a snarky comment that she's probably off somewhere making out with her baby daddy. In Umbrella (2), Clare finds Eli waiting by her locker, and she wants to know the reason why he rejected her, and he says it's because of her faith. It provides comfort, makes profits, justifies violence, and promises resolution to body-mind loss. Adam disagrees but Eli asks why she would agree to do their play if she didn't. A guy, just walking out of the store tells Clare he agrees. Eli and I settle into a comfortable place as friends. Eli has told Clare "you have pretty eyes" twice: in their first scene together in. The first relationship was with, Both Eli and Clare have been published: Eli with Stalker Angel and Clare with her article about. 2 Older couples (aged 55 and up) are most likely to have this sleeping arrangement, with 16% reporting that they have separate bedrooms. Clare assures him she knows they won't forget him and explains that she wants those memories to stay between with them. Adam bitterly tells Eli that he doesn't want to ruin their little date. Clare tries hard not to smile at his words. Clare and Alli find him there and Clare asks him why he's in the girl's locker room taking a shower with his clothes on. That makes for a gap between what most parents are doing and what they are officially "allowed" to do. So major Spoilers for Better off alone part2,,,, i love Eclare. Hint - School : During what play did Eclare have their first kiss? Eli tells her she can't hitchhike to New York and Clare says she can if she can find someone to take her. Later Clare, Eli and Adam are seen in Ms. Dawes classroom turning in the final project (with the kissing scene). He says he has nowhere else to go. He smirks as he pushes ahead of her and she watches him leave, angrily. They discuss Cliff and Eli. Eli comes back and smiles, saying they get to delve into Romeo and Juliet. He smirks and says, "Especially you." They walk off to lunch as Eli explains his play idea, which is Death of a Salesman, though later he is told Becky has already chosen Romeo and Juliet: The Musical. The two make up and dance together. He wants for them to spend the rest of their lives together. Clare leaves a message for Eli and tells him that she knows she told him not to come back home, but asks him to return anyway and that she's scared. She refuses but Eli already did and Ms.Oh is waiting to talk to her. After speaking with Paula, Clare begins to worry that Eli may leave her. Eli says he owes her a driving lesson and gestures toward the exit. It's always a yes with you Eli," Eli smiles after hearing this. In Gives You Hell (2), Eli is seen in the hallway going over list of students that auditioned for the role of Juliet. Eli says he can't wait. Eli then drives up to the dot to see them talking. At the Dot, Alli finds Dallas with his celebration cake since he has got a job playing hockey for the Nippon Paper Cranes in Japan. With the drama club creating its newest play at Degrassi, Clare has her hands full and her schedule filled up for months. She smiles and wiggles her eyebrows. She asks how he's doing and he answers with a blank expression. She picks it up and it's revealed that it is the ultrasound picture of their son. Clare asks if he's okay and Eli said he talked to his therapist and isn't freaking out or seeing dead bodies. In Tonight, Tonight,While Eli and Clare are studying on Clare's bed she brings up universityand then looks sad because she knows Eli is leaving so soon. He apologizes for Fiona about the lunch incident, which Clare tells him not to be sorry for. Clare learns she has cancer and returns to her bedroom and is shocked to see Eli completely naked and under his covers. Eli sadly walks off. This upsets Clare and Eli comes into the room with a healthy smoothie for Clare and isn't sure what he did wrong. Eli tells Clare she cares too much about what people think. Alli and Jenna giggle to each other and Clare looks up and rolls her eyes. Eli smiles in response, considering, and they say goodbye. Clare is able to catch Asher in the parking lot and convince him to let her write the article. Eli enters the restaurant thinking Imogen invited him to talk about "Clara." Infatuation? She shares that boys are three times more likely to end up in the ER than girls. Eli and Clare then cuddle on a hammock. She tells him anyone with a heart would care about someone in trouble. Eli says he's into it and asks where his crystals are, sharing another smile with Clare. Main Plot Imogen and Eli are rushing to meet Fiona, who has asked them for some last minute additions to prom. She clarifies that she was, she definitely was. She asks him how he is at jumping out windows, he gets out of her bed shirtless and replies by telling her, "That's high, I'm highsorry I'm such a bad boyfriend.". They go inside the room to find candles he set up. Clare doesn't tell him that they already went and Drew acts excited for them to go. to be the best term ever, Clare asks why And Eli tells her that the NYU Grad Brett Barnet will beguest starringin his class this week so he can get him to write him a reference for NYU, Eli puts his arm around Clare as they walk off. Adam still isn't convinced that he is truly sorry and tells him he has new friends, and doesn't need them anymore. Eli opens his locker and finds out Clare cleaned out his locker. Mr. Goldsworthy tells them nobody is allowed in Eli's room, but Clare says she knows Eli's combination, and he lets them in. He drum roles while Clare opens up the newspaper; she finds the article is not in it and tells Eli she'll get to the bottom of it. In class, Clare is grabbing a book from a bookshelf when Alli walks up to discuss prom planning. During school, he and Fiona practice for his interview for NYU. L-O-V-E! Eli then replies that "Women are trouble." Take for example, this all too common scenario. She tells them that Clare's MRI scan came back clear and smiles through her tears. Eli invites Clare to a mysterious party but she declines and tells him to focus on the video yearbook. Eli and Clare cuddle in a hammock at Adam's party. Imogen says she's glad he has something to keep his mind off of things to which he agrees. Eli replies half-joking with "Edwards? Clare says they were having too much fun. Eli says he wouldn't have done that if she just told him. The Heavenly Fire is gone from Jace. She forbids him from ever stepping foot in their household again. In Still Fighting It (2), Clare is seen fixing the English assignment so there's no kissing scene but Ms. Dawes is unhappy with it. Eli and Clare are seen walking into Clare's house together as she tells him she's so happy he's home. Clare calls Eli later and asks him if it's bad time to be calling and he says it's never a bad time for her. Later that night, Eli and Clare chat on IM. Once he sees she only wrote that he was brilliant, he asks why she didn't say handsome too. In Dirt Off Your Shoulder (1), due to his medication, Eli is able to talk to Clare without losing it. Eli asks how Drew is, assuming Clare and Drew are dating now. After their kiss, Clare goes and jumps in the conga line by Alli while Eli watches her. Eli cries listening to voicemails Clare has left him. Sleeping apart (or in sufficiently soundproofed rooms) can eliminate the disturbances caused by a partner's snoring. Clare tells him to go and have fun. Clare and Eli support Adam at the hospital. Clare asks if she looks different and Eli assures her they're going to know they had sex right when they see her. Clare tells Eli about her plan with the naked photos not working out and that Jennifer another intern is going to the police with her to tell them what happened with Asher sexually assaulting them both. In Come As You Are (1) they officially got back together after returning to Degrassi following winter break. I don't feel like I can trust you." Clare mirrors Alli's surprise. Afterwards, he hesitates and then calmly says "not anymore" before raising the gun and shooting the picture of the two of them. Getting the recommended amount of at least a third of Americans are not the! To stay between with them try to convince Adam to not fight Fitz to solve his problems someone take... 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